Monday, April 30, 2007

[TIPS] Attention tech directors

I've been sitting here thinking about some of the sites I've posted or read about lately, and then contrasting that feeling of excitement with the realization that in order for this stuff to have ANY impact in the classroom some MAJOR changes must occur. And, I'm not talking about the age-old discussion about what gets blocked and what doesn't. In this case, I'm talking about BANDWIDTH!

I think that Tech Directors all across the country are going to HAVE to find a way to get it across to their school boards that they MUST purchase more bandwidth. I know a school that has but one t1 line for the whole district! I'm sure that's nothing new to lots of folks. The tech directors in those districts are going to have to study up on this wave of applications that are is hitting the web and SOMEHOW find a way to make the point clear to those that control the purse strings.

If I was a tech director and curriculum director (combined position, I guess) I would immediately STOP paying for Microsoft licenses for my students. Not another penny. Instead, I'd get them up on Google Docs or Zoho Office of ThinkFree Office. Online storage of documents PLUS the ability to collaborate. (Remember the new NETS standards?) And, they'd use the online versions of excel, as well. No more Powerpoint. They'd use the Open Office version to make the presentations, then post them using slideshare or Spresents. They'd have 24/7 access to their files from any browser. They would use the online tools to, as the NETS puts it, "Create Knowledge." They would be using Skype (perhaps only on the teacher's machine) to connect with classrooms across the world. They'd be using Moodle for their classroom gathering point where they'd be building wikis and blogging and commenting on RSS feeds gathered by the teacher. They'd maybe have a Joomla or Drupal site in the English or Journalism classes in which they'd build out their student newspapers or blog about the books they're reading. They'd be ONLINE!

They'd be watching streaming video from their local IU's (A Pennsylvania thing), and they'd be creating their own videos and posting them on TeacherTube or other such sites. They'd be podcasting regularly. Their entire year would be eyeball deep with technology, and all of it focused on classroom CONTENT.

But, what will allow that to happen is enough bandwidth that students can access the sites or watch the videos etc without having to wait for it. It HAS to be fast. Districts HAVE to have the bandwidth! Get 100 megs (minimum) to the Internet. Get 100 megs (minimum) to your local WAN. Get a GIG! In my opinion, this is no longer an option.

[TIPS] video editing on the web!

Mac users will "ho-hum" this, but windows users will shout for joy. VERY rich video editing online. From Microsoft. But get this - it works in Firefox, too! And on the Macs!!

I learned about it here: - a techcrunch article. That artice does a VERY nice job explaining the site, so stop there first.

Then RUSH over to and click the Watch It button on the right side to watch movie that demonstrtes some of the power of this tool.

Make special note of his statements at the end f that video. You can get the code to embed this into a blog! Talk about power!!

Now, hurry on over there to see this stuff before it gets blocked!


Bruce Sterling on Earth-Friendly Pervasive Computing

Noting that the word "computer" is disappearing from technologists' vocabularies, science fiction author and futurist Bruce Sterling believes that as the Internet subsumes computing, we are truly on the path toward a highly embedded wireless network in which nearly everything is a node:

In 2007 the computer gave up taking over the world. Instead the world took over the computer. The Internet became a wholly owned subset of Reality 2.0. When the actual world invades the virtual world, it scatters the computer into tiny physical pieces, some no bigger than dust. “Intelligent printing,” another modern darling, is semiconductor ink sprayed on cardboard. There’s never been a humbler, cheaper “computer.”

Sterling envisions a world in which the chips that drive it are powered by tiny amounts of ambient energy -- nearly any form of heat or light will do. Such chips would have such low power requirements that they wouldn't need a dedicated power source, and would use up hardly any natural resources.

Source: Futurismic

[TIPS] New Horizon Project report

A couple of years ago I gave our Tech folks the latest Horizon Report. I think it was either '04 or '05. Since then I'd forgotten about it until reading a post by Vicki Davis in her blog that mentioned it. She's now a part of the project. (Congratulations, vicki!)
But, this time I'm going to send it out for you to read. What I like about it is they suggest what what technology you should be adopting NOW, then in the two to three year range, and again in the four to five year range, based on their analysis of the trends. Previous reports can be found here: Remember, these reports are based on current trends and technology, so they're shooting at a moving target that moves faster every day. But, last year they said that you should be doing blogging and podcasting in a year or less - aka NOW! They were right on that one, yes? And they give the relevance for education for using those technologies.
But, this is an excellent report that discusses trends, challenges, and more. If you're in a position to be making policy decisions, you owe it to yourself (and your students) to take a look at this. You may not agree with everything, but it's a great place to start the dialog.

Should IT Specialists Focus on Non-Profits?

Non-profits are fair game for IT specialists, but there are much more rewarding areas of focus.

The Pros of Non-Profit Organizations for IT Specialists:

1. Reaching non-profits is easy because they are a part of trade groups that have public directories;

2. Working with non-profits provides a great deal of emotional satisfaction because you are aware you are helping a valuable cause.

The Cons of Non-Profits for IT Specialists

1. Low profit margins;

2. Bidding wars.

When you get involved in bidding wars as an IT specialist, your firm becomes nothing more than a commodity. When you bid against someone else’s bid, you need to be aware that your competitor may be intentionally lowering prices in order to get you get a lower bottom line.

Bidding wars are some of the worst parts of working with non-profits for IT specialists because you don’t have trust, personality and credibility on your side. Who is able to post the bond on time and by following the rules become more important than any other factors. Plus, bidding wars mean huge amounts of non-billable time that you would normally be able to treat as billable in the private sector.

IT Specialists: Non-Profits and Government Agencies Can Get Complicated

Selling to small businesses will probably be simpler for IT specialists than trying to get involved in the tricky process of non-profit and government bidding. In many cases, non-profits and government agencies have to take the originally quoted price, so there is no real leeway.

IT Specialists: Bid Smart

If you decide to work with non-profits or government agencies, you can’t afford to give away your whole company. Don’t spend more than 20% of your business development time and effort on bid chasing. Unless you make a conscious choice to sell your services to non-profits and government organizations, you will do better to concentrate on private sector small businesses.

If a government agency of non-profit wants to outsource support services to IT specialists and needs more than just a one-shot deal, it will be a well thought-out request for proposal (RFP), and things get more interesting because there is the possibility of a long-term relationship.

Added By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit

[TIPS] An article re:ipods and cell phones in school

Dr Kapp is a professor at Bloomsburg and is writing a book about games for education. His blog often reflects that interest, as does this post, in part. It's in response to the article that reported that kids are using ipods to cheat so schools are now banning ipods. Dr Kapp argues that we've got it all backwards.

"Don't teach kids that the only way to be successful is to memorize
information and then regurgitate it on a paper-and-pencil test. That is
obscene and a lie."

Interesting article. I just wish I could get my mind around the use of cell phones in school. I've still not seen nor heard of a compelling example for how it could be used. And, are we struggling to make a force fit with it? Besides the logistics of who will pay for the minutes the kids use for class purposes, there is no way to filter the internet, something that the Government says we HAVE to do. But, I guess that's material for another day.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

[TIPS] a tribute to VT from around the world

Karl Fisch pointed to this blog post, but for a different reason. I'd seen the other commercials on this page but I hadn't seen the top video on this page.

It's hard for me to imagine that people on the other side of this (ever-shrinking) planet could be touched by the news of the horror at Virginia Tech. But, that's exactly what happened. And who would you think would be most or least likely to plant 32 trees in honor of those killed? Russians? French? Iraquis? Iranians? Palestinians? Israelis? Watch this video. Does this show of support touch you as it did me?

As you're watching, note the armed soldiers watching the proceedings. We hold rallies and marches while side-armed police watch, but never with automatic rifles. I'm SO VERY thankful to be living in this country!

[TIPS] one for your science teachers

This is a nice video that talks about gravity. But, this isn't your parent's gravity. This is more about gravity than most of us want to know, but high school science teachers may find this to be an EXCELLENT teaching tool.

Bertelsmann markets Google Earth competitor

“3D globe” is to become the European answer to Googles geo's application and leave to the user more liberties.

Attack on Google Earth: On behalf of Bertelsmann the software producer bit management developed a European alternative to the prominent geo application. “3D globe” is according to data of Bertelsmann comparable map material to supply with like Google Earth and the user additionally to more liberty with the organization of the operator surface leave. So data bases and search functions can integrate user and be able pictures, clay/tone, video and other information to a region to be indicated. “3D globe” should be able to be used also in the Internet and with a One Click start to serve be particularly simple.

With the introduction on the market of the software Bertelsmann starts also the marketing; Customers for combinations are to be lured with lower prices than with Google Earth.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

[TIPS] Rss explained

Thanks to Kevin C for sharing this with me via the for:jgates513 tag at

This is a nice little video that does a nice job of showing the newbies how to get started using RSS. In case you're interested, I use and netvibes - but mostly as my reader (aka aggregator).

So, watch this cute 3 minute movie and get started with RSS today! (Did that sound like a commercial?)

Write an IT Sales Letter That Emphasizes Benefits

Regardless of your niche as a computer consultant, you need an IT sales letter that emphasizes benefits. This type of letter can improve IT sales and IT marketing techniques.

Use Long Sales Letters to Achieve the Following Results:

1. The creation of a sense of urgency;

2. A better-stirred “pot;”

3. Leads and prospects that take action;

4. The story of the pain of what will happen to prospects when they neglect the right data security;

5. Presentation of the joy of increased productivity in small businesses;

6. An explanation for prospects of reasons they should want to grow their company 150% to 200% without adding a lot more staff.

Long IT sales letters can convey these points and more, so don’t fear them.

IT Sales Letters: Writing to Painful Points

If you aren’t well-versed in writing IT sales letters, you may consider hiring a marketing consultant or a freelance copywriter to design them for you. Regardless of who writes your letter, you need it to address points of pain for your prospects, which means knowing what these points of pain are.

IT Sales Letters: Offer Something Limited, but Free

Offering something of value to prospects for free – like a free one-hour needs assessment r a white paper – with a specific deadline attached can generate good demand with IT sales letters. Make sure you limit your freebies to a certain number of respondents.

IT Sales Letters: Illustrate Your Expertise

If you are seen as an IT expert for a niche industry, your IT sales letters and marketing efforts will be more well-received by prospects. Your knowledge should be in the headline and repeated throughout the letter. You are offering something relevant to small businesses, and they should be interested. Talk about what you have done for other firms like theirs by including testimonials or other elements and talk about general trends and problems you notice within the specialty industry.

IT Sales Letters

An IT sales letter is designed to move your prospect into paying for services. Move them into an IT audit and the next step of the IT sales process with a benefits-focused letter.

Added By: Computer Consulting Kit


If you are looking for ways to get your students to write then you have to take a look at ToonDoo a fun way for students to create and publish comic strips. The application is internet based and is free-which is a good thing for schools. The program runs from within the browser and lets you change backgrounds, characters, speech balloons, and props. Your students will find it very easy to navigate and use and in no time they will be writing up a storm. The program is colorful and very inviting. Having students create comics is just another way for students to express themselves and what they have learned. ToonDoo also lets students add their own pictures from your computer which can be used as part of a project. When the student has completed their comic strip they can publish it and share it with the world. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

How to Hide the drives(c:,d:,e:,...etc) in Ur Computer

This is a great trick you can play on your friends. To disable the display of local or networked drives when you click My Computer.

1.Go to start->run.Type regedit.Now go to:

Now in the right pane
create a new DWORD item and name it NoDrives (it is case sensitive).
Now modify it's value and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) .
Now restart your computer.
So, now when you click on My Computer, no drives will be shown(all gone...).

To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete this DWORD item that you created.Again restart your computer.You can now see all the drives again.

Disable CD Burning

Exciting isn't it?

The user can't burn any CDs by this trick. This restriction will disable the use of the inbuilt CD recording functions of Windows.

Open your registry and follow this path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Windows>Current Version>Policies>Explorer and
create this key: "NoCDBurning" and set its value to 1. Close you registry and logout/restart your system for the change to take the effect.

Friday, April 27, 2007

[TIPS] link correction on the teachertube movie

I can't understand it. The link I sent out before is the same as this one: It seems to work fine from my blog but not in the email. If that one doesn't work, try this one:

But do be sure to watch the video.

[TIPS] another great teachertube movie - When I grow up

I'm sitting in an Apple training (I'm a lucky guy) and our trainer just pointed to this video on teachertube:

Watch it!


Thanks to Kristin for sharing this with me via the for:jgates513 tag at is, as you might expect, a site dedicated to showing movies about the climate and other changes taking place on the planet. You may be very much in sync with their line of thinking. Or you may think they're overreacting. Either way, these videos are well done and can be used as writing prompts or launching points to other discussions. I encourage you to check it out.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

[TIPS] yikes! Check out these sample test questions

Thanks to John G for sharing this with me via the for:jgates513 tag at (Click the "try the two tests" link)

This article talks about the college entrance exam for perspective science undergrads at a Chinese university. It specifically shows two math questions that.. scare me! Ok, not really, but they do make me wonder how many students actually get them right. Then I wonder how many American kids would get them right. Check them out. Especially you math teachers.

I do know ONE thing - I wonder/worry too much. :-)

The Future of TV News

If news websites can allow users to subscribe to certain news categories, will TV news be able to do the same thing someday? Dave Winer of Scripting News muses on the possibilities, including the ability to block out categories in which the user has no interest. He even provides a mockup of an interface.

[TIPS] visuwords, the graphical dictionary

Thanks to Sue S for sharing this one with me. This is along the lines of visual thesaurus that I mentioned one time. ( But it's very cool. Send this to your English teacher friends. Enter a word, say, imagine, and watch it draw connections to other works, ala Inspiration. Double click on one of the bubbles to expand it further. Click and drag the mouse to pan and zoom in using your mouse wheel. I can see lots of uses for this, can't you?

Reverse the mouse buttons

1) No context menu

What will you see when you right click on the desktop? You will see a context menu which says arrange icons, refresh,..and so on. Are you angry at your friend for not wishing you for you B'day? Do you wanna play a trick on a newbie in your family who is new to computers? This is a cool trick to play. By this tweak, you will be able to disable the right click on the desktop or any icons/files/folders/applications... But right click will work on taskbar of the start button and registry. So, dont worry!!!
Open your registry and you will see all unknown files like HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT....... and so on. Don't panic. Follow this path. HKEY_CURRENT_USER>SOFTWARE>MICROSOFT>WINDOWS>CURRENT VERSION>POLICIES>EXPLORER. On the right side of the registry, you will see two files(in general) named 'default' and 'NoDriveTypeAutoRun'. Right click on the empty space in the registry and goto New>DWORD VALUE and name it as "NoViewContextMenu". Remember, no spaces and N,V,C,M should be capitals. Right click on this and click modify. The default value will be 0. Change it to 1. Note: DONOT CHANGE THE HEXADECIMAL TO DECIMAL. Click OK. Close your registry and logout. Bingo!!! Once you login again, right click wont work. Your friend will be perplexed and the next thing he/she does is call the system administrator not knowing that not all system administrators will be knowing about registry. Now, to enable it again. follow the same path and set the value to 0. Logout and then login to see the effect.

2) Reverse the mouse buttons
This is a cool trick to play on newbies. Actually, there are two ways to do this. One is changing the settings in the Control panel and the other is through editing registry. You can do it either way. But I prefer the second way, which is challenging.
(i) Through Control Panel - goto Start> Control Panel> Printers and other hardware> Mouse. In Button configuration, enable the switch primary and secondary buttons option and click OK. But remember, you have just swapped the mouse buttons. So, for OK, you have to click the right mouse button. The newbie will be perplexed. Well, this trick is good for left handers.
(ii) Editing the registry - By default the left mouse button is the primary and the right is secondary. Open your registry and follow this path:
HLEY_CURRENT_USER>Control Panel>Mouse and on the right side of the registry, create this String value(REG_SZ): 'SwapMouseButtons' and set its value to 1. Bingo!!! You are done. Log out/Restart the computer.

You can try this: Combine tricks 1 and 2. That means, this will result in swapping of the mouse buttons and disabling the left click(once the buttons are swapped). User is ready to call system administrator cuz he feels that the system is behaving wildly.

[TIPS] The Race heats up

Some time ago I worried aloud about the fact that the world looked at education with hungrier eyes than did we in America. At that time I referred to the upcoming rollout of the $100 laptop that would instantly add millions more children to the Race. Well, check out this post from Karl Fisch in which he tells about this roll out and points to a movie to download and watch.

The $100 laptop, with free (open source) software and free courses online. WOW!

It has been said that this shouldn't be looked at as a "race" to worry about, but rather a long-overdue expansion of education to the poor countries that should be celebrated. OK. History will probably record this as the start of something much bigger that brought those people into the global economy and made them competitive with kids from around the world. All I'm saying is that if we don't somehow make our kids aware that this is going on, and instill into them the hunger for education that the rest of the world has, we're not going to like the results. We'll become the, "England, in 1900." Someday that slide will say, "United States, in 2007."

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

[TIPS] Another must-see

This post by Chris at CrucialTHought points to this site:

He says you can't look at this collection of pictures without crying. Any takers?

Have I ever mentioned that I consider blogs to be my personal professional development? Yes, I guess maybe I did. This is another example of why I say that. It may not translate into higher test scores, but it does translate into one of the many 'moments' that define the quality of life.

Monday, April 23, 2007

[TIPS] 2007 Codie Awards for Education

The Codie awards are like the Oscars, but for software and websites. From ths site:

"What are the Codie Awards?
The Codie Awards holds the distinction of being the only peer-recognition awards program of its kind in the industry, providing a unique opportunity for companies to earn the praise of their competitors. The Codie Awards program, now in its twenty-first year, remains the standard-bearer for celebrating outstanding achievement and vision in our industry."

This is the list of winners in the category of Education:

But, get this - the list is NOT active links to the winning sites. Huh???

[TIPS] views of the Earth

Would you pay $25 million to go on a space mission? Assuming you HAD $25 million to spare, that is. I would. In a heartbeat. And so would - rather so DID - a man recently, and his mission just returned to earth. His name's not important (because I don't want to look it up again). What IS important, or at least interesting, are the pictures of Earth images that the astronauts recently released. When you get to this page, click the link to the photo gallery. Make sure that you read the text with each one, too. (Sorry for the popups!)

I once read where one of the astronauts had a very difficult time adjusting to life back on Earth when he completed his mission. Why? His perspective on life was changed. After looking down on the entire planet, and seeing our corner of the solar system and getting a deep sense of the vastness of it all, his day to day problems seemed so trivial, and the horrors going on in the world seemed so senseless. Imagine seeing picture #6 in real time. Try to imagine it NOT taking your breath away.

[TIPS] VA Tech on Wikipedia

Thanks to Tim Lauer ( for pointing us to this article in the NY Times regarding how wikipedia was used by over 2000 writers to help document the horror of that day. Do check it out.

What a powerful tool, is it not? What? You say it's blocked in your school? How very sad that there are those in power who are such obstacles for education.

What sites would YOU buy with $12 billion?

Over the weekend I read somewhere that Google is sitting on $12 BILLION from stock revenues. What do you do when you have that kind of money? It HAS to burn a hole in your pocket, right? You HAVE to buy stuff. We know that they've been busy buying sites already, and I'm sure we'll hear of more as time goes on. But here is MY idea of what they can do with some of it.

They want to own your desktop. That's no secret. They don't care who owns the operating system, but when you turn it on, they want to own what you do when you're using that computer. At home you can do lots of things that you can't do at school, and that's a HUGE frustration for so many of us. YouTube, is the perfect example. It doesn't matter how many EXCELLENT videos there are on that site, it's the few trashy ones that keep YouTube out of schools. That's why TeacherTube was created, right?

So, Google (or Yahoo or someone else with deep pockets) could start buying these
sites and making two versions. One for the masses, complete with whatever trash they feel compelled to put on there, and the other for Education where the trash is removed. There are so many GREAT web 2.0 sites that schools are blocking. Wouldn't it be FANTASTIC is we had our own versions?

I'm thinking of Flickr, Slide,, splashcastmedia, and even, for example. Wouldn't it be GREAT if Education had kid-friendly versions of these programs?

So, just for fun, what sites would YOU want to include in that pool? (Are you listening Yahoo? Google?)

[TIPS] online scrapbooks

I'll be honest here, I haven't looked into this at any depth, but it sure looks cool at first glance. Build an online scrapbook complete with pictures (and all sorts of visual effects), hyperlinks, text, and more. Then you can share it out to others when you're done.

The problem that Education always has with this stuff is that there are often folks who like to make trashy scrapbooks. I didn't find any, but that's not to say that there aren't some. Wouldn't it be great if sites like this insisted on folks keeping it clean? Or, like TeacherTube, make a separate site that is Education friendly.

Think about this. Google is sitting on $12 BILLION in cash. What do you do with that kind of money? You BUY stuff. They COULD be buying stuff with the idea of making it kid safe and Education firendly.

Maybe in the perfect world, eh?

Let me know what you think about this site.

IT Marketing and the Purpose of Your Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is an important part of any IT marketing campaign. Your elevator speech needs to be comfortably delivered repeatedly so it can become an integral part of your day-to-day IT marketing efforts.

An elevator pitch is defied as a quick introductory speech that does not sound like you have memorized it rote. It should be about ten-to-twenty seconds and should be used whenever you meet a prospect at a event. Your IT marketing elevator speech needs to say what your company does, how you are unique and why someone would hire you.

IT Marketing and the Elevator Speech: A Definition

The term elevator speech is based on a scenario in which you are getting onto an elevator with someone on the 20th floor and by the time you get to the ground floor, you are able to deliver a strong pitch. Find an elevator pitch that is comfortable for you to say – like a reflex – and don’t hesitate to deliver it as part of your IT marketing plan.

IT Marketing: Practicing Your Elevator Speech

Write out your speech on index card so you can have it with you at all times. You can look at it while you’re in traffic or before you go on a sales call. The more you rehearse it with a trusted business associate or with your spouse, the more natural it will become to deliver.

By the time you get out to do expos and go to seminars or attend chamber events, you will be tired of your elevator pitch. But you have to try to keep the same amount of energy each time you deliver it as part of an IT marketing strategy.

Added By: Joshua Feinberg

Saturday, April 21, 2007

IT Sales: Figure Out What Your Clients Need

When you meet for the first time with potential candidates for IT sales, you need to figure out their top three problems. Perhaps the problems your prospects are facing are not the ones you can help solve, and you may need to move on. Regardless, you need to ask clients about problems if you want to achieve IT sales.

What Are Their Preferences?

Get your prospects to discuss what they like and dislike about past IT support experiences. This can give you a better idea of what they will expect of you. The first IT sales meeting is also the time to find out if the prospects have an emergency that needs to be dealt with in the next few days or if they are looking for IT audits, site surveys or tech assessments.

Sometimes prospects will want something different from what you expect; they will not need emergency service nor will they need tech assessments or other types of IT sales, though these items are most often what they will be looking to accomplish.

Get Your Clients to the Next Phase of IT Sales

Moving clients from free to fee, from sitting there and picking your brain in the IT sales call to getting them to write a check or authorize the IT sales means finding out answers to important questions.

Be prepared to offer prospects something concrete as part of the first IT sales call.

Blogged By: Joshua Feinberg

Friday, April 20, 2007

Chat With Command Prompt

If you want personal chat with a friend
you don't need to download any yahoo messenger
All you need is your friends IP address and Command Prompt.
Firstly, open Notepad and enter:
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
Now save this as "Messenger.bat". Open the .bat file and in Command
Prompt you should see:
After "User" type the IP address of the computer you want to contact.
After this, you should see this:
Now type in the message you wish to send.Before you press "Enter" it should look like this:
Message: Hi
Now all you need to do is press "Enter", and start chatting!

[TIPS] play with the news

This was today's cool site from Kim Komando. Play Pong with the news. Yes, you control the paddle that breaks bricks, each containing a news item which falls to the bottom. Sometimes other little... things....are released for extra points, etc. You can pause the game to then go back to read some of the stories you've collected.

This is just one of those sites that you smile at, then go on with your life, I think, but it's still interesting to check out. If you're going to try this at work, turn your sound off. (You're welcome) :-)

[TIPS] more cool flickr tools

This is another site PACKED full of links to flickr mashup sties. TONS of excellent tools to use with your flickr photos.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

[TIPS] weffriddles - BE AWARE!

Be forewarned - this site is MAJOR addiction waiting to happen. If you like puzzles, especially those with few instructions, then you'll LOVE this site. Heather, who shared this site with me today, said that she's up to some level in the 60's with no end in site. The only hint she'd give is that you should write down the solutions to the levels as you master them. Not sure why. That's all she'd say.

Just my luck - I get addicted to this when I've got SO MUCH work to do!

[TIPS] Pay Attention

I was thinking that everyone had seen this video already, but I found out today that I was mistaken. So, for the benefit of those who are not readers of blogs, here is a video that you may want to watch. It's just short of 8 minutes, but it'll have you watching every moment.

If YouTube is blocked at school send this home so you can watch it at home. I do hope that EVERY teacher will see this - SOON!

[TIPS] blogging 101

Thanks to Kurt for sharing this one via the for:jgates513 tag at

Ever been tempted to investigate blogs as a teaching tool but were unsure where to begin? Maybe this article is just what you need. It's written with the beginner in mind and it's got links to some nice examples.

If you want to give your students a chance to write for a real audience and get real feedback, check this out.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

[TIPS] I am Tyler

This is another one of those inspirational movies that you'll be glad you watched. Thanks to Darren D for telling me about this.

This is another good thing about this new web. People get to tell their stories. This is one you'll want to watch.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Create Your Own Logon Message

1 Click start
click run
type regedit,
then click ok!

2 In The registry editor, drill down to the following key:
hklm\software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current version\Winlogon.

3 Right click LegalNoticeCaption,
click modify,
Type: THIS IS NEXT TRICK,and then click ok!

4 Right click legalNoticeText,
click modify, and then Close your message!

5 Restart Your Computer.

6 The message will appear every time you logon!

[TIPS] A bugs life :-)

Will I get in trouble if I use that title? :-)

Thanks to William M for sharing this one some time ago. What a cool site to learn about bugs. Nice layout. Easy to use. Send this one to your elementary teacher friends.

Google negotiates with DirecTV

The Suchmaschinen Primus Google is to negotiate with DirecTV about the marketing of advertising places, means current rumors. Meanwhile competitor Yahoo already locked his negotiations with Viacom.

After its marketing co-operation with the satellite network operator Dish expands Google its television commitment: How in the Web log „venture Beat is to be read “, the Suchmaschinenprimus negotiates at present also with DirecTV, the largest satellite network operator of the USA. The discussions could drag on however longer than with Dish, since DirectTV must regulate its owner conditions at present, after Corp end past yearly announced news to want to sell its portions at Liberty. With Google and DirecTV employer speaker refused any statement.

Meanwhile Yahoo with the television station Viacom came into the business. The Internet portal, which in February in the USA its Internet Werbebuchungstool Panama launchte, markets immediately search word announcements on 33 web pages of the transmitter, among them and

IBM wants to create 3-D-Internet-Standard

After lab of parts of its developer code for the 3D-Welt Second Life put lime trees openly, the technology company IBM works on a general standard for virtual worlds.

In co-operation with the 3D-Welt “Second Life” wants to make the technology company IBM virtual worlds the mass medium. So that this succeeds, the reverse-feed industry needs in the opinion of IBM however a success model similarly the computer language HTML used at present in the Internet. “Virtual worlds do not have a chance to become a mass medium if there are, said no open standards” Herbert Kircher, development boss of IBM Germany, opposite the “Financial Time Germany”. The vision of the future of IBM is it that Web users surfen instead of linear in the Internet to, virtually business entered can, in order to buy books, refrigerators or entertainment electronics there.

2,5 Domains Domain is European-wide the third-most popular Domain, says the European commission.

Enterprises and private users let one year after the introduction register more than 2.5 million addresses ending. That communicated the European Union commission. Under the European land identifications are only Domain (10.8 million registrations) and Domain. At the point stands further the ending .com particularly used in the USA, which counts nearly 65 million Internet addresses.

Apple is to introduce Abodienst

If it goes to the will of the disk labels, then is soon conclusion with the 99-Cent-Offerten of the Apple Musikstores Itunes.

Large disk labels such as Sony BMG or universal the Music Goup pressurize the computer company Apple to introduce for its on-line music net curtain Itunes a Abodienst. How the “Financial Time Germany” reports, those of Studios make its demand the component of up-to-date lining up negotiations the prolongations of a contract. A goal of the Plattenbosse is it to set in motion by a Abomodel the conversion and increase their income security.

Still however the music companies stand according to “FTD” in a bad negotiating position, since Itunes control three quarters of the entire on-line music market. Experts assume the disk labels lock only contracts with short running times. “You look for desperately for a iPod killer, thereby it Steve job not obligated are”, quote the trade journal a representative of the music industry.

Paypal competitor Gbuy comes to Great Britain

Although Google did not create it in the USA to push with its payment solution Gbuy competitor Paypal from the throne to now the international Rollout follows.

After the introduction on the market of Gbuy in the USA the search machine operator Google wants to introduce its payment solution also into Great Britain. Whether and when the service in remaining Europe is gelauncht, over it the enterprise is silent itself however at present still out.

Gbuy competitor Paypal might see it left, after Google did not succeed also in the USA to weaken the Ebay daughter lastingly. Since Paypal is up-to-date still the more powerful service, also the Kampfpreise of Gbuy might change in it for nothing there: Until dealer can offer free of charge end to 2007 the currency.

Jubii starts in Germany

Today the communication platform Jubii goes to six weeks after the start in the USA to the start also into Europe.

In the USA it already gives several thousand Jubii users, says the boss to the new Lycos daughter. From today on the new Internet platform is to inspire also user in Europe. The platform is to offer communication from a hand: E-Mail, Internet Telefonie and the exchange of photos, files and videos are to be able to complete user completely over the portal.

Gradually all Lycos services with exception of the search machine at Jubii are to be transferred. First Jubii goes into Germany to the start, other European countries is to follow.

Microsoft makes Adobes Flashplayer competition

With the “Silverlight” - Player wants to create Microsoft a new Plugin for video content.

Under the name “Silverlight Player” wants to bring the software company Microsoft an alternative to Adobes Flashplayer on the market. As the “Financial Time Germany” reports, the new Plugin is to be able to be loaded within 15 seconds on the computer. According to information of the sheet Microsoft wants to boom-end the fight for market shares in the market for video content non as for example in case of the Internet Browsers Explorer - across the dominance of Windows to lead. Instead developers are to be convinced by Web videos and other contents to set on the new technology.

With the propietären solution Microsoft wants to probably offer to Google Paroli. Its video portal YouTube avails itself the Flashtechnologie, in order to represent and play video contents.

Recruit in “Office on-line ones”

The software giant Microsoft markets immediately in Germany advertising surfaces in “Office on-line one”.

On-line Microsoft digitally immediately its on-line offer “Office on-line one” markets Advertising Solutions in Germany. According to own statements the service under counts monthly more than 1.2 million German Unique user on. Target group are main Businesses Professionals, Entscheider, IT-specialists or developers, which look there for information, assistance, product Downloads, on-line training courses as well as document collecting mains for the different Office programs.

Recruit-rubbing have the possibility of switching advertising formats such as Sykscraper (160x600 pixel) and content Ads (300x250 pixel) on the sides from Office on-line one. Per Website maximally an advertising surface is platziert, thus can an accordingly prominent placement be ensured.

Yahoo cooperates with Autoscout24

On-line automarket makes immediately parts available of its Fahrzeugbestands for Yahoo car.

The offer at using vehicles with YahooAutos gets reinforcement: On-line automarket Autoscout24 puts immediately parts of its Fahrzeugbestands to the Yahoo service at the disposal. Co-operation is Yahoo car more content and the dealers, who offer more range on Autoscout24 provide. Autoscout24 co-operates already in similar way among other things with the portals or

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Establishment of Consulting Contracts with National Service Organizations

The main point to understand about consulting contracts with national service organizations is that you just should not get involved with them. You will most likely spend a lot of time keeping up-to-date with technology; and because hardware repair is a commodity due to the increasing disposability of technology components, you would be wise to avoid consulting contracts with national service organizations altogether.

Consulting Contracts: Computers are Expendible

As an example, a $600 consumer-level PC will not probably be thought of as worth repairs after the warranty expires. Small businesses will not be willing to spend the money on this type of repair and will most likely just purchase a new machine.

Consulting Contracts: Low Labor Allowances

National service organizations are just dealing with warranty repairs on inexpensive hardware, so they will not have much of a labor allowance for consulting contracts when it comes to $1,200 notebooks. Many hardware vendors are struggling so much that they are always about to go out of business, and there are only a select few that are in a good financial position.

Low Profit Margin for Repairs in Consulting Contracts

You can’t expect to make more than fifty or a hundred dollars on a repair. Your best bet for revenue is small businesses in need of sophisticated, regular solutions and consulting contracts.

Why Consulting Contracts with National Service Providers are Not Profitable

If you are a subcontractor for a national service provider you won’t be able to effectively run your consulting business. You will be in eight different offices daily and will not be able to see very good hourly rates.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101


They've got these Leatherback Turtles, see, and they've strapped satellite trackers to their backs and released them so that they can continue their 500+ mile journey. So what would the average techie person do with data like that? Why he'd post it online for everyone to see, that's what. Tune in here to watch the Great Turtle Race and root for your favorite  turtle. It's animated!
It won't raise a test score but it'll be a fun moment for your class and the launching point to your discussion on leatherback turtles.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Making Sure You Get Paid for IT Consulting

Getting a deposit check for major IT consulting projects is incredibly important. No IT consulting professional should begin a large project based on a handshake.

IT Consulting: Don’t Let Others Take Advantage

Many small business owners will not even think twice about using you for your IT consulting services without proper payment. If you let them, you risk the future of your IT consulting business. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you and always secure a proper agreement and deposit check when starting any major project.

IT Consulting: The Importance of Payment Schedules

Payment schedules can protect your IT consulting business from harm. You should set up a payment schedule that demands at least 25% down before any work begins. If anyone objects, you might want to think twice about starting a relationship.

IT Consulting and Getting Paid

Bill clients weekly and not just when you feel like it as part of your IT consulting procedures. IT consulting invoices need to go out every week.

Created By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit

Friday, April 13, 2007

Is Tesla Getting the Electric Car Right?

If the internal combustion engine is the technology environmentalists love to hate, the electric car is the technology everyone else hates to love. Electrics have long had the reputation for being underpowered, inefficient, and no more eco-friendly than any other type of car, as the electricity needed to run them normally comes from fossil fuels.

Enter Tesla Motors, a California-based startup that has developed the Tesla Roadster, a stylish, high-performance electric car that can reportedly go from 0 to 60 in 4 seconds and travel up to 250 miles between charges. The Roadster is still in the prototype stage, but just as important as the car itself is the way that Tesla proposes to fuel it. Tesla envisions a distributed network of charging stations that draw power from sustainable, environmentally friendly sources.

Source: Long Tail

Password RECOVERY Console

The password recovery software(download link given blow)
helps u 2 recover u r password
Adobe Acrobat Password Recovery Key
Advanced Archive Password Recovery
Advanced RAR Password Recovery
Advanced ZIP Password Recovery
Messengers Password Recovery
Office XP Password Recovery
Dialup password Recovery
MSN Password Recovery

Password : mechodownload

Thursday, April 12, 2007

[TIPS] a tribute to a passing author

Years ago, and some of you will remember exactly the year in a moment, I had a student who was a BIG TIME fan of Stevie Ray Vaughan. I taught in our relatively new Mac lab, at the time, and we were big into Hypercard and scanning into cards, and inserting sound files, etc - this was pre-windows, so it was only possible on the Macs.

When Stevie was killed in .. a car crash, was it?... this student took it very hard. He came in during his study halls and stayed after school and he made a hypercard stack tribute to SRV. Very well done. A work from the heart. I suppose it was his way of grieving and of finding some closure, as he truly was a big fan.

That was then. Today we've got fancier tools but they're often used for the same reasons. Take, for example, this tribute video to Kurt Vonnegut, Jr on YouTube. (Thanks, Misty) Let go of your thoughts of copyright concerns and just watch and listen. Someone was a very big fan and is missing Mr Vonnegut. Sorta restores your faith in human nature for a bit, doesn't it?

[TIPS] The Universal Timeline Aggregator - WOW!!!

Thanks to the post from Tim Lauer ( who found the above very cool and simple app that takes an rss feed and plots it on a timeline!
Think about that for a moment. Let's say you teach a current events class. World Cultures or World History focusing (at least occasionally) of current events. You go the url at the top. In another window/tab you copy the rss feed for CNN's World News. You paste it into the timeline field and... <Presto!> You've got a timeline with the events in the World News category plotted out. You then grab the code and paste it into YOUR page, and then each time the page refreshes it updates the timeline from that feed.
Did you follow that? Is that about THE COOLEST WAY to present the world news to your students? What other subjects/feeds can you think of for this? Share them in the comments!
Thanks, Tim! What a GREAT find!

Stem-Cell Treatment Cures Type 1 Diabetes

A clinical trial involving patients with type 1 diabetes (aka: juvenile diabetes) and stem cell therapy has shown that treatment with stem cells can help such patients produce their own insulin.

The stem cells, created from the patients' own blood, proved effective in 13 of 15 subjects in the trial, who no longer need daily insulin injections. However, more studies are needed to verify the findings and learn more about exactly how the therapy works. Experts believe that a widely-available stem cell treatment for type 1 diabetes is at least five years away. The research, furthermore, does not address type 2 diabetes.

The findings were published in the most recent edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Source: London Times

DIY Mobile Networks

Ever dreamed of having your own mobile phone network? If so, Sonopia offers customizable, "virtual" mobile networks for small businesses and nonprofit groups. Partnering with Verizon, Sonopia has offered networks to churches, rock bands, sports teams, and the National Wildlife Fund. Nonprofits can offers as an incentive to prospective customers a donation of profits to charitable causes.

Sonopia charges no setup fees, so even the smallest groups -- and even individuals -- can establish their own mobile networks.

Source: Springwise

[TIPS] History of Math symbols

I think I found this in the Math tag at Its a site that tells the history of math symbols. For example, I think I read that the right parenthesis was first used for division. I'd better stop there, as I did only briefly read over it.

But, share that one wtih your math teachers. Little bits of trivia to put at the bottoms of test pages, etc.

[TIPS] the true evils of some social networking sites

Thanks to Sherri M for sharing this one with me.,1895,2112675,00.asp

That points to an article in eweek that describes a social networking site that you (and your students!) should be aware of. I won't mention the name here - you'll have to read the article. But here's a little of what it does. According to this article, when you sign up for it, it makes you enter your web email account information. That would be a hotmail, yahoo or gmail type account. Then it logs in as you and spams the folks in your online address book with invitations to join that network. And you don't even know it's doing it.

Bottom line - READ the privacy policy! Now, go forth and warn your students. :-)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


OK... I've learned SO MUCH in the past two hours. First, I watched a couple more videos at Then, one thing led to another and I found ( Will I EVER get some sleep again?

The reason I found myself here is that I was searching for a video of Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, in preparation for a session I'm giving at the PSLA conference on Friday. I found a couple good videos, too. The first one was at Ted (I pointed to it a couple of times before). Then I found THIS one at

This is what says about itself, " delivers discourse, discussions and debates on the world's most interesting political, social and cultural issues, and enables viewers to join the conversation. It provides deep, unfiltered content, tools for self-expression and a place for the interactive community to gather online."

Those of you who are addicted to information or who love to hear the opinions of some of the world's most influential people will want to subscribe to these three sites:,, and

This stuff is SO cool, eh?

Top Ten Emerging Technologies for the Environment

Live Science has ranked the top ten emerging environmental technologies in a slide show format. Among the top-rated concepts (not all of which are new) that have the promise to reduce waste, conserve energy and protect natural resources are electronic paper, decontaminating microbes, and energy from waves and ocean temperature.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

[TIPS] This can't wait - pop!Tech

Thanks to this post from Tim Lauer ( I've just learned of this site that, in my mind, rivals Ted - and you KNOW how I feel about, right? Go to then click the PopCasts link to arrive here:

Now, listen to Thomas Friedman's (You know, "The World is Flat" guy) talk on why this current energy crisis, " not your parent's energy crisis." Then when you're done listen to a couple of the others. I've subscribed to the site so you'll be hearing more about it as new videos get posted. I'm sure you'll agree that this is excellent material for your senior high Economics students.

Excellent site! More proof that blogs are my personal professional development.

[TIPS] darfur on Google Earth

Thanks to TJ for sharing this with me tonight in AIM. It may be in some of the blogs I read, as well, but I heard it there first.

I've had to stop listening to these stories from this conflict as the horrors are beyond my ability to comprehend and even beyond my ability to tolerate. But, Google Earth has put Darfur on the map, so to speak. This article: tell the story behind the addition.

From the article: "Using the high-resolution imagery of Google Earth, users will be able to zoom into the Darfur region for a better understanding of the scope of the destruction. (Interactive: See where Darfur is located)

More than 1,600 damaged and destroyed villages will be visible, as will the remnants of more than 100,000 homes, schools, mosques and other structures destroyed by the Janjaweed militia and Sudanese forces."

If you or someone you know teaches current events, then this is for you - or them.

[TIPS] Over 2,000 sites now exploit animated cursor security flaw

Do YOU have an animated cursor? Those cute little animated cursors that you see on websites? Those that are so often spyware sites? Do you have one? (I hope it's not on a "company" machine) Well, if you do, you'd better check out this article that Kim Komando pointed to in her Daily News briefs today. The article opens with, "More than 2,000 unique Web sites have been rigged to exploit the animated cursor security flaw in Microsoft's software, according to security vendor Websense."
So, if you have those animated cursors, then you MUST make sure that you're updated with the latest windows security patch. It's under the Help menu in Internet Explorer, I think. But, DO IT NOW!!!
Then, strongly consider whether or not you need that cute little animated cursor or not - and get rid of it! Then make sure you test your computer for spyware. Get Ad-aware (!


That post by Wes Fryer in his "Moving at the Speed of Creativity" blog points us to this site: Here's what the site says about itself:
     "An online library of free videos for learners everywhere - find resources to help you learn just about anything, meet people who make a difference in their communities, and even discover new parts of the world. And Next Vista for Learning wants to post your educational videos online, too. Everyone has an insight to share and yours may be just what some student or teacher somewhere needs!"
Browse current videos in three areas; "Light Bulbs" (Introductions to topic by students and teachers...), "Global Views (Descriptions of life and activities in schools and communities around the world...), and "Seeing Service" (Profiles of those who make life better for others.) While it doesn't yet have a LOT of videos, this does seem like a place that can become a leader for education.
Oh, to post a video you have to click the Share button in the bottom right corner of the video and then click the Link button.

Monday, April 9, 2007

[TIPS] another missing link

I had pasted that text into that last email and the one section was a bit of linked text that didn't go through when I pasted it. It was the link to Michael's article in Eduspaces. Here it is:

[TIPS] Elegant Universe

Michael Yardley has a post in his edupaces blog about this site: Send this one to your Physics teachers. Note the links on the right to Viewing Ideas and Classroom Activity, and more. The links to the videos are here:

Now, before you leave, click the Eduspaces link at the top of the page. Eduspaces is an ELGG site. Remember

This just might be the solution you're looking for.

UK Government Envisions a Grim Future

In trying to analyze future threats to Britain's armed forces, the UK Ministry of Defence has created a chilling future scenario of global instability and devastating weapons.

Taking into account familiar threats such as global warming and the growing population in political "hot spots" such as the Middle East, the study also notes threats such as:

  • Self-directed weapons that need little or no human control

  • Implanatable information chips wired directly to the brain

  • "Flashmobs" that could be mobilized instantly by criminal or terrorist groups

  • A revival of Marxism and other radical political movements

  • The continued growth of militant Islam

Much of this instability will be driven by declining resources coupled with increasing numbers of people living in cities.

Source: Guardian

PC Troubleshooting Advice from Computer Consulting 101

Small businesses benefit from the help of local computer consulting companies to handle major computer problems. However, many simple computer problems can be dealt with easily and without the help of a computer consulting professional. Computer Consulting 101 provides the following advice for small business owners and employees: when encountering a computer problem, simply reboot.

This may seem like overly simple advice, but those at Computer Consulting 101 have found that users often forget about it in the midst of panic. And rebooting can save valuable time and dollars spent on computer consulting advice that could be better used for serious issues that crop up in the future.

Computer Consulting 101: The Rebooting Process

1. Exit out of all files and programs.

2. Go through a standard shutdown and restart sequence to reboot.

If your computer problem is related to hardware such as network cards, modems, a mouse, keyboards or sound cards, you can add the following sequence to your reboot before calling computer consulting professionals:

1. Go to the start menu.

2. Shut down your PC.

3. Turn the power off for a minute or more, if your computer did not shut itself down.

4. Turn your PC back on and see if the problem fixed itself.

The Bottom Line About Rebooting from Computer Consulting 101

About 10-20 percent of the time computer problems can be solved with a simple reboot. Take the advice from Computer Consulting 101 and always reboot your PC before calling in for help from professionals.

Added By: Computer Consulting Kit

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Another possible solution to the blocked YouTube issue is I thought I had written about this before, but I can't find it. If I did, or if you already know about .. well... nevermind.

If you're not familiar with it, you should check it out. Lots of videos with teachers in mind. Too many to talk about here. Grab the rss feed to learn when new videos hit the site, too.

Let me know what you think.

Powered by ScribeFire.

IT Sales: Go Beyond the Initial Call

The initial IT sales call is mainly an opportunity to qualify a lead. By qualifying leads you save time before getting really involved in the IT sales process and move more quickly onto the next step.

No Games of “20 Questions”

Often during an initial IT sales conversation, prospects will ask a lot of interview questions. If you don’t know how to cut them off, you will find yourself without the chance to ask prospects important questions about their needs to gauge the fitness of the relationship.

Cut the prospect off during the initial IT sales call after you’ve taken some notes describing their problems and urge the prospect to talk to you about the next step. Start this process as soon as you’ve finished your IT sales presentation, and suggest the next step of having a technician return for a site survey.

The Next Step of IT Sales: A Site Survey

A site survey helps you inventory problems and prioritize. You and the prospect can use this part of the IT sales process to help decide what will come first, second, third and so-on.

The site survey will include a report that tracks everything from their security to software licensing and data protection.

Make sure to cut off prospects before questions get out of hand as part of the IT sales process and have a better shot at getting to the next steps.

Added By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit

Friday, April 6, 2007

[TIPS] freeplaymusic

See? I've been telling you that blogs are my professional development. I learn SO MUCH from the blogs I read. And to think, in some schools these sites are BANNED! ::sigh::

Here's another example. This blog post is from the blog author, Chris, who talks about This site: I think it's important that you read his article because he talks about his efforts to clear up the copyright issues and educational uses for this music.

Once you've read Chris' article, go check out the site. GREAT STUFF!!!

[TIPS] cyberbullying video

I found this one on CoolCatTeacher's blog. ( I really don't like her new format at all. I do hope she returns to something a little easier to read. In fact, I couldn't figure out how to link to the particular post as you can do with most blogs. I'm sure there's a way, but I gave up looking for it.

Anyway, she points to this video on cyberbullying. Show THIS one to your classes too - if you're able:

She also points to this site on the Ning network. I was going to write about this nig thing :-) but I figured it would be blocked at school for sure, so I didn't. But, maybe you should check it out.

[TIPS] Think before you post

Thanks to Ken P ( for sharing this one. A great public service announcement that every teenager (and college student) should see: It is an embedded YouTube video, so if you can't hit YouTube where you are, check it when you can.

Send it to you kids!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

[TIPS] New on Ted Talks... Three new speeches

They're here! They're here! Three more videos on!!!

See and hear Bill Clinton, James Nachtwey, and E. O. Wilson.

'nough said!

[TIPS] The results are in - we can go home, now

"Test scores were not significantly higher in classrooms using the reading and mathematics software products than those in control classrooms. In each of the four groups of products-reading in first grade and in fourth grade, mathematics in sixth grade, and high school algebra-the evaluation found no significant differences in student achievement between the classrooms that used the technology products and classrooms that did not. "

Actually, it's not as bad (for us) as it sounds. I'd not want to be a salesperson for one of those companies right now, however.

[TIPS] correction - it's!

I HATE when I do that. First, I misspelled it - something I would NOT have done had I included the URL!!!

[TIPS] Jalah - voip

This is nothing new to many of you, but it is to some, so here goes.

SKYPE is very cool, right? The ONLY trouble with it is that you need a headset - or a skype phone to use it. Without those and just relying on the built-ins causes way to much echoing. Still, skype is VERY cool.

Jalah (pronounced Jah, I believe) lets you enter your phone number (land or cell) and your friend's number (land or cell) and click the Connect button to have your phones ring to connect you to talk. It's free between Jalah users, and as low as $.028/minute between non-jalah members. SOMEONE has to have internet connection to initiate the call, but then it' just VOIP of your phone lines.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

This is how to create "CON" folder.

Do u ever tried to create the con folder.........................

no.......... then try it...........

they r two ways of creating confolder......

1. By using Command Prompt.
2. Without using Command Prompt.

if u want to knoww, then just leave a message (in the comment) and ur mail id too............

i ll reply u within 10hrs :)

Way to get XP product CODE from CD

It really work
There is a way to get the xp product code from the cd
just explorer the cd then
open the folder I386
then open the file UNATTEND.TXT and
scroll down to the last line
and it goes to show what dumbasses microsoft are u have a product code.
Have fun u never need to search for a product code for xp again...!!!!

reply me back

[TIPS] vizu for polls on your site (click the Go to link in the yellow section of that page) allows you to create a poll - a single question of the multiple choice or number range variety. Once you've done that it gives you the code to put the poll right on your blogger or typepad (or several others) site. Or, email it to people. Or, just put a link to it on your site.
Wanna try it out? Visit my blog for an example. The template cuts off part of the poll, but you'll get the idea.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Hidden unknown fact in MICROSOFT WORD

Bill Gates still doesn't know why it happens:
Try out yourself...
Open Microsoft Word and type
and then HIT ENTER....see what happens.
it won't hurt ur system!!

[TIPS] get your own tiddlywiki

This site will let you choose your own URL and create your own tiddlywiki. Make them public or private, too. What's a tiddlywiki? Well, here's one that I just modified by changing the theme.

Now, I haven't tried it yet, but it SOUNDS as if this version will allow you to edit and save the changes right there. I have to save the changes to a desktop copy then upload it. This site may eliminate that need.

You say you HAVE a tiddlywiki but would like a new theme? Try this site: (Thanks Chris)

Thunderbird is finally available

The new thunder bird floats over us, but it did not land eternally. Who managt its enamels gladly over Mozilla, which can test or install the new version.
Thunderbird FINALis flown…
Thunderbird is available now finally Germany far! Day-long waiting has now an end, which were gaps, which were supplied, not insignificant largely… therefore please IMMEDIATELY update!
The version can be installed over the update function. Also the versions for various national languages, under it naturally German, are already available on a few servers. Starting from Windows 98 this E-Mail-Client is applicable. A directory as Sidebar module is available.
A spell verification in real time is integrated, likewise a Phishing filter, the RSS reader and the Spam protection.
One can work on also several enamels parallel (TAB function).

Hamachi - Instant of measuringclose and private P2P exchange stock exchange - new version

Instant of measuringclose and private P2P exchange stock exchangeUpdate of 30.03.2007 on version
Hamachi is free, an VPN application and a new kind of Instant of measuringclose. It unites the maintenance with friends, in addition, data exchange, like one it from the large ones of the industry knows itself (eMule, KaZaAa etc.). Hamachi stands simply expressed for LAN over Internet.
Even with soft and hardware Firewall (rout) the exchange of data with other computers is problem-free possible.
Naturally one must become thereby no Filesharer, one can. Likewise one can operate Desktop Remoting or lead evenly simply a nice maintenance with friends. Furthermore the Multigaming is feasible, speaks the friend A loads the Game and the others, means Hamachi linked friends, plays a round also.
Data exchange is coded and is considered as safe! Details to the topic and the Download give it directly with Hamachi.
With the first start of the program one receives a personal identification this can one now to its friends convey and it can loose-goes…
The whole is not based on the mass file sharing! Nobody, which you add not expressly, can access your computer. Hamachi is thus meant for friends and acquaintance, who would like to exchange aimed data, pictures and hopefully legal music or films!

Password Safe - passwords reliably keep

This free Tool does not permit it to keep all passwords surely around these no more to forget.
Passwords including user names simply into a data base copy and these with only one password secure!
All entrance data for Internet, programs etc. reliably keep and against foreign access protect.
Recommendation: On the non removable disk within a safe range store or on a USB stick!
The Tool is Freeware, on German adjustable and runs starting from Win98 (not under Vista).
Size: 966 KB

Mild judgement for Guantanamo prisoner

The first military procedure against a Guantanamo prisoner is in the case of the Australian David Hicks, after obviously painful five years internment, pleases. It is mild and reads: Nine months detention.
The Australian of minister of foreign affairs Alexander Downer is that the 31-Jährige may serve its punishment in its homeland, that is sure like Christmas and Easter on one day.
A Verkürzung however does not give it definitely, because that would undermine the existing agreements over prisoner exchange. According to data of the USA Hicks is presumably transferred within two months into its homeland Australia.
The question of all questions is for me now: There one arrests five years long in the worst Knast, which one can introduce oneself, accuses it the terrorism and gives to him then nine months remaining sentence on the way. Did the man “employ” anything at all?
Terrorism stands generally for death penalty or for lebenslägnlicher detention, but 5 years U-detention and 9 months addition smells rather after judicial error, whereby the word law is not compatible with Guantanamo… at least not the word alone. With the word “even” before it already rather…
Over David Hicks I cannot form judgement, there the one-way Bereichterstattung so far too wischi waschi was… I look forward nevertheless to its distribution, perhaps already experience we times the truth…

SPAMfighter 5.2.2 - Free anti-Spam filter for Outlook, servers and Outlook Express

NEW VERSION OF 31.03.2007

Free anti Spam filter for Outlook/Outlook express and serverSPAMfighter be Europe lead manufacturer of software. World-wide SPAMfighter protects hundredthousands computers and server private and business users against Spammails.
SPAMfighter is a free, German-language Spam filter for Outlook and Outlook Express, which remove Spam automatically and effectively.
Who installs SPAMfighter, comes immediately into the benefit of a “clean” E-Mail account. Detailed Spammails is shifted into a separate file, which one can see and empty at any time. Exeptionally if a Spammail should arrive by the filter, then one clicks these particularly to and of your classification then 1.144.903 has other users from 207 countries world-wide now these SPAMMAIL also directly in the SPAM FILE!!!
SPAMfighter is complete in German, to install and still more simply use simply.
Does one receive unwanted enamels, which are not Spam? The senders or their Domains with few Klicks closes! In the statistics one can check at each time,
from many Spammails SPAMfighter one already spared.
SPAMfighter gives it in two different versions:
SPAMfighter pro This version tests one after the Download one month long free of charge. After the test phase one decides whether one would like to buy SPAMfighter pro for 25 € per year - or the free SPAMfighter standard re-uses (no renewed Download or new installation necessarily).
SPAMfighter pro may be used in enterprises and organizations and has some additional functions, which are described here.
SPAMfighter standard Free of charge for private users and schools. SPAMfighter standard indicates a small slogan in your E-Mail program and adds a signature (“my Mails is protected by SPAMfighter…”) to dispatched enamels. The language filter from SPAMfighter pro is missing, some other functions is only reduced available. If one liked to upgraden on SPAMfighter pro, one clicks here. The newest version from SPAMfighter is: Version 5.2.3 - Version history here Publication date 31.03.2007 File size 842 KB (packed, otherwise 10.9 MT)
Languages German, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Greek, Chinese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and Danish System requirements: Operating system Microsoft Windows XP, 2000, 98 or ME and VISTA! E-Mail program Outlook 2000, 2002 (XP), 2003 or Outlook Express 5,0 and newer versions RAM at least 64 MT available non removable disk place 11 MT

Bets that…? The Scientology sect controversy

The smoldering controversy over the planned appearance of the Saturday Night of Fever man John Travolta in “bets that…?” this evening, entertainer sees Thomas Gottschalk rather left.
John Travolta is evenly an international Top star, said Gottschalk. The membership of the actor at Scientology sect would not be for it a reason to unload the 53-Jährigen again. But exactly that wanted the Prime Minister of Baden-Wuerttemberg Günther Oettinger (CDU). Because it had certainly requested before the Second Channel of German Television politely and not to leave Travolta into the show. The transmission begins live from Freiburg on the heutgien Saturday evening (20,15 o'clock), is sent and ends as imemr too late… It was assured Mr. Oettinger that it concerns neither politics, still around an advertising appearance from Scientology sect. The management assured this at least.
The number of the trailers within the Federal Republic estimates the protection of the constitution, which supervises these “sparkling wines”, on approximately 6.000. The Scientology sect teachings lead according to data of the federal family Ministry pretty often to psychological and financial dependence.
Which Mr. Oettinger actually caused with his idea, is rather advertisement for the Scientology sect… To 16. March opened by the way a Scientology sect center in Freiburg… there has it the Pulp Fiction One not too far…
Schaun more mer times… I looks the transmission in any case not on…

Google enters into the television business

Over AdSense Marketer are to be able to switch advertisement now also in the television.
After its entrance into the marketing of radio and print advertisement the Suchmaschinenprimus Google wants to seize in the future also in the TV-segment foot. Together with the satellite TV operator echo star put the enterprise on a first test project, as the system Adsense for the television, well-known from on-line advertisement, can be converted. With “TV Ads” are to tracken recruit-rubbing their campaign success on the television in real time and be able to optimize. In addition the spectator behavior over Settop boxes is anonymizated seized and evaluated.
Echo star radiates over its “DISH” - satellite network of 120 TV-transmitters at altogether 13.1 million spectator.

Monday, April 2, 2007

IT Consulting: Ways to Accomplish a Business Launch Gradually

IT consulting requires you to have a clear launch plan for your business. There are 21 steps that can take you all the way to Day 1 of your IT consulting business and decrease or even eliminate many of the risks associated with start-up. The following represent the first three of these steps.

1. Overcome three weaknesses. Pick three areas that need work and try to work on fixing them in the next 90 days. These can be related to personality, business or technical skills. Don’t try to learn absolutely everything at once. Clients will ultimately hire you because you can get the work done and find someone that knows answers if you are unclear.

2. Find out the size of client businesses that are your best match. With which niche and industry have you previously worked and with which industry do you have the most experiece. You will need at least 500 to 1,000 people for marketing your IT consulting business, and only a very small percentage of these will actually respond. Even smaller numbers will become sweet spot clients for your IT consulting business.

3. Choose a company name. Your company name needs to say exactly what you do and also show why you are special. Put across your geographic area or specialty or both. Make sure you test out your IT consulting name on others before committing to make sure you are making your point clear.

Added By: Joshua Feinberg

Apple Announces iPhone Release Date

Mark your calendar for Saturday, June 11 -- that's the date that Cingular has announced that it will begin selling Apple's long-anticipated iPhone. That date is also the first day of Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference.

Source: Crave

[TIPS] Classroom 2.0

Thanks to Sue S for sharing this one.
From this site:
" Welcome to the CLASSROOM 2.0 social networking site! This network is devoted to those interested in the practical application of Web 2.0 and collaborative technologies in the classroom and in their own professional development. Especially we hope that those who feel they are "beginners" will find this a comfortable place to start being a part of the community dialog and to learn more."

[TIPS] Innertoob

I think I saw this referenced in another blog, but alas, again I can't recall which one. So sorry!
InnerToob is a web application that is quite amazing. If you're a podcaster or podcaster wannabe, then this will surely set you apart from the rest. It's too hard to describe in the time I've got for this today, so I'll just suggest that you watch the two examples under the "What is Innertoob?" and "Are You a Podcaster? Watch this video..." links.
Now, giddyup! :-)  I'd LOVE to see some student examples from this.

Opera 9,2 beta - new features

The Norwegians gave a new dress to the Opera, give it the beta 2 immediately to the Dwnload! The Norwegian brings again once as the first an absolutely new feature, it comes from the Mobiltelefon Browser Opera mini and is called speed dial.
If one opens a new window as a user, then Opera indicates nine preview windows for similar web pages, which the user calls most frequently.
Smaller click on the preview opens then the side wished by you.
Please consider that it only one BETA is, the stable version is still the 9.1!
The Browser is to be had further free of charge and directly with the manufacturer.

Office 2008 - The beta phase begins

In the next days Microsoft would like to ring in now the beta phase of the new Office package for the MAC. Details come out from my down standing message of 10.01.2007
Text of kaiserfive
Microsoft yesterday communicated that in the second yearly half 2007 the new version of the Office Suite for Apple computers will appear, i.e. Office 2008. So far there is 2004 for the Mac only Office. Available it is then for Macs with Intel or power PC processors. Office 2008The new Office for the Mac already in 2007
Office 2008 will then likewise support naturally the new XML file formats of Office 2007 for Windows.
In the new version the search is to be substantially facilitated just like the actual use of the features. Naturally it will give particularly on Mac cut innovations, among them to My Day (neee neee, not make my day…) The supplementary product line is in the style of the Outlook calendar and indicates evenly current calendar entries, tasks of etc. on the Desktop, which can be settled. For this however no starting of the Mail Proggis is necessary.
Microsoft Word gets the new Publishing layout, this facilitates the better visualization of the documents and improves the treatment of layouts.
In Excel new collecting mains are integrated, forms, calculations and CO, so that annoying entering of the formulas, which one anyway never knows, is void. Thus then also Excel makes finally fun!
Over Easter around will appear ersta the beta version for Office 2004, one can look at or test then new from the 2008er version within the old program. A Konvertierer thus actually appears, but ms says to it beta already…More with MacNews

MSI M670 Notebook of Norma for 777 euro

Ergonomic keyboard - inclusive number block36 months free Pick UP & Return service
The Schleppi has the following characteristics: AMD Turion™ 64 X2 dual core mobile processor TL-50 with 1,60 GHz Crystal-clear Widescreen screen in the highly soluble 15.4 " - format Large 120-GB-Festplatte in SATA technology - place for up to 60.000 MP3 or digital photos Diagram with nVidia® GeForce® 6100 GO! Giant-large main memory 1024 MT GDR 2 Always in connection - Wireless LAN with 54 MBit/s Multi-format specialist with DVD double Layer, 8,5 GB - burners Express Card card location for UMTS map 4-in-1-KartenleserWindows® Vista™ Home basic German keyboard with nummerischem key block Left-ion-Akku 4400 mAh with 6 cells Firewire connection to the digital Camcorder (IEEE 1394) 3 x USB 2.0 loudspeaker integrated 2 Software PC Suite PE 2007 (Office, knowledge, diagram, Routing, security) Large Cyberlink package Mass: L/B/H approx. 36 x 26 x 4 cm, approx. 2.7 kg
The equipment is not settled in the top class, however it has a responding diagram a modern and high performance processor, and enough memory, in order to be able to work well thereby. The keyboard is outstanding!
It is not for the High end enterprise or the ultimative Gamer!

SmartFTP - new version of the Ftp Client

SmartFTP is a narrow, free and multilingualer Ftp Client
New version: 2,5 Build 1005.8 Date: 31.03.2007 Size: 3 MTToday the version 2.5.1005.8 appeared, more text around the Tool approximately gives it here.
CHANGE log (1005 Stable) and Download (source of spare down load)
HP: Who would like to only upgraden the SmartFTP, only the new version must donwloaden. The Settings and the license key remains thereby! SmartFTP is Freeware for the Privatgebrauch and for education purposes!
SmartFTP is Vista-suitable!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

“ACCESS programming” eBook free of charge with tecCHANNEL

The Special measures 450 KB and is only this Sunday in the time of 00:00 clock to 23:59 clock on on-line.
Contents: Comfortable selection of parameters in ACCESSTimestamp fields in ACCESS copyACCESS: Mass data for testing produceThe Special gives it only over the Downloadlink, directly on the tecCHANNEL homepage.
Note: The Special is only over the red bordered left (see text of tecCHANNEL) free of charge available. (Only here: Sunday Special downloaden) stand there…
Und bitte bedenken, dass es aufgrund der Vielzahl der Downloads zu Störungen bei tecCHANNEL kommen kann. Gerade eben funktionierte der Download aber wieder bestens!Hier geht es zum Text von tecCHANNEL
Quelle: tecCHANNEL

Free non removable disk 80 GB - 7,200 RPM, 2MB Cache

First do I have to admit that 80 GB tear today nobody more from the stool, but as it is called so beautiful? A given Gaul, one looks not in the muzzle… evenly…
The plate is an external Western digital, has 80 gigabyte capacity, USB 2,0 HiSpeed connection and turns with 7.200 RPM quite quickly. The Cache is for an external plate very well, according to standard has one today rather 8 MT, provides for quicker data transfers.
The non removable disks are original-packed all and instead of 24 month warranty give it not even a guarantee. The plates are from an old stock and that are radically vacated, since the Prozedere stands for CO with eBay and in no relationship.
Who comes first, grinds as well known first.
Disadvantage: Postage must take over you, but 3.90 euro are bearable. And everyone can logical-proves only one non removable disk to order….my is already reserved… for the Notebook of the daughter.

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