Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How to Initiate a Chat Session from Within Groove by Using Office Communicator

Initiate a Chat Session from Within Groove by Using Office Communicator
When you are running Microsoft Office Groove 2007 and Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 or 2005, you can view the awareness states (such as online, busy, or away) of your Communicator contacts directly from the Groove Launchbar or a Groove workspace. When a contact is available, you can right-click to initiate a Communicator real-time chat or phone call with that contact directly from the Groove interface.

How to Set the Print Area in Microsoft Office Excel

Setting the Print Area in Microsoft Office Excel
Have you ever wanted to print only certain rows or columns from a spreadsheet? Here’s how:
1. With a spreadsheet open, select all the rows or columns that you want to print.
2. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup section, click Print Area, and then click Set Print Area.
3. Click the Print icon on the toolbar, or click the Office button, point to Print, and click Print. Only the required content gets printed.

Start an IT Business with 5 Helpful Tips

Before you start an IT business, you need to make sure you’re organized and know where you are going. Which steps do you need to accomplish your goal of getting started?

Tip 1: Print Your Business Cards

In order to start an IT business, you need to get business cards printed, even if you don’t think your company name or any other details will stick. If you decide to change your contact information or business name in six months, you can just get them reprinted. But you HAVE to get momentum going by handing out business cards to friends and family members.

Tip 2: Get the Word Out

When you are in networking situations as you start an IT business, you need to talk about your venture and hand out business cards. People at your church, synagogue, at the movies, at your kids’ soccer games, anywhere can become a part of your extended sales force, so you need to seize the opportunity.

Tip 3: Get Active in Your Business Community

You need to start getting involved in local organizations for business owners to give yourself organized networking opportunities when you start an IT business. Look for three or four fitting local trade groups such as your chamber of commerce or a related user group or industry-specific trade group.

Tip 4: What Do You Know?

When you are starting your IT business, you should start where you know and branch out from there. If you start with a niche you already know, you’ll have some credibility and an easier time creating a strong marketing message that really hits home. You will have an easier time being remembered because you won’t look like every other generalist and will offer something unique.

Tip 5: Think about Your Prospects

As you choose your niche, you need to make sure there are enough prospects in it to sustain you. For example, if you decide to focus on doctors’ offices in your local area, you need to research to make sure you have at least 500-1,000 prospects that fit into that category within an hour radius of your location. Another way to find-tune your niche and specialty and communicate it to prospects is to put an industry focus in your name, in this case, “health care systems,” “medical office systems” or “medical office technology.”

Today we talked about 5 tips to help you as you start an IT business. To learn more about this topic, visit the attached link.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting Kit

September/October Issue of Mindjet Connections Newsletter Out

Check out the latest issue of Mindjet Connections Newsletter. It is chock full of great articles and a really great JCVGantt Video Tips 'n Trick from yours truly. Enjoy!

PS: If you organization is looking for someone to create video tutorials or demonstrations, please feel free to email me.

Go Green with Forms with Adobe Acrobat 9

In my previous post I wrote about the new Portfolio feature in Adobe Acrobat that is bound to change the way you think about sending PDF files. In this blog installment I want to talk to you about how both business and school organizations can cut down on their use of paper and reduce their carbon footprint by using the Forms feature in Adobe Acrobat 9. If you work in any organization you know that there is a form for just about everything and anything that takes place in your office. Forms for travel Expenses, Sick Days, Vacation Requisitions, Tuition Reimbursement and the list goes on and on. I'm sure you know the drill- get the paper form fill it out and send it via inter-office mail. Or in some instances the form may be posted on your organization's website but you still need to print it out and fill it in and send it to the appropriate office. That seems like a lot of work, and if you multiply that by how many employees are in your organization that sure is a lot time and paper that is being used in the process.

Using the Forms feature in Adobe Acrobat 9 will not only make your organizations form flow more efficient-but can significantly reduce the amount of paper and time that it takes to complete and route forms. If you haven't looked at the Forms feature in Adobe Acrobat 9, I suggest that you do. You will find it very easy to create forms from your existing paper based forms, electronic forms that you may have in Word, or from a Acrobat PDF template. If your existing form is paper based you can scan it into Adobe Acrobat 9 and have Acrobat convert it to a fill in blank form for completing with Acrobat Reader. The process is very quick and within minutes you will have an electronic form ready to be filled in. If you are not familiar with the process you can use the Forms Wizard to walk you through the process for creating your form. Within minutes you will have your form ready to go. Once your form is complete the next decision you need to make is how are you planning to distribute the form? You have several options-you can distribute it on Acrobat.com, as an email, and to an internal server. Using the free Acrobat.com website makes it a cinch to distribute forms and all of the heavy lifting for distributing the forms is done within Adobe Acrobat 9. You can get a free Acrobat.com account and use it to distribute your forms-however, bear in mind that if you are dealing with information of a confidential nature you should consider hosting the form on your internal server. Once the form is distributed you can email it to select individuals or have it available on your website for completing on line with Acrobat Reader 9. The real beauty of using Adobe Acrobat 9 Extended is the ability to use the Track Forms feature to view the Responses. When you initiate this feature Adobe Acrobat 9 will go out to your server or to Acrobat.com and pull in all the completed forms. If you have never used this feature it is a very fast and efficient way to collect your information without the need to print out forms on paper. This can quickly change your entire work flow and help your organization move towards moving forms in a paper-less fashion. Now imagine the cost saving and just how good you will feel that you are doing something good for the environment!. If you want to try it out you can certainly download Acrobat 9 Trial version from the Adobe web site.

To see what it is like to fill out the form, you can complete this Contact Form and send it to me with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download the Contact Form click on the Menu in the Thumbnail below and download the form. After filling in the Form just click on the Submit Form button which is located on the top of the Acrobat Reader.

How to Use the Status Bar to Show Range Data in MS Excel

Use the Status Bar to Show Range Data in MS Excel
In Microsoft Office Excel 2007, when you select a range of numbers, three data counts (Average, Count, and Sum) appear automatically on the status bar. By right-clicking the status bar, you can customize the parameters that the bar displays. There are plenty of parameters to choose from, including minimums and maximums

How to Take Notes in MS OneNote

Take Notes in MS OneNote
Getting started in Microsoft Office OneNote is easy—just click a page and start typing. Unlike in Microsoft Office Word, you can click anywhere on a page to create a new note "container." You can easily reorganize this container by clicking the outline of the note and dragging it elsewhere on the page, or merging it with other containers of notes.

How to Set Up the Calendar Quickly in MS Outlook

Set Up the Calendar Quickly in MS Outlook
You can customize your Microsoft Office Outlook calendar quickly. When viewing the calendar, press ALT and the number of days that you want to show (for example, ALT+3). Outlook will redraw the calendar to show the selected number of days.

How to Let Your Audience Drill Down to Excel Data in MS Office VIsio

Let Your Audience Drill Down to Excel Data in MS Office VIsio
1. Select the Microsoft Office Excel table that you want to import to your Microsoft Office Visio diagram. On the Ribbon, under Export, click Create Diagram.
2. In the Add Total area of the PivotDiagram panel, select the number of columns that you want to include in your Visio diagram.
3. Select the diagram in your Visio presentation for which you want to create a drill-down facility, and then select the category for your drill-down levels.
4. Add shapes to the categories.
a. Select your diagram, and then click the Apply Shape button in the PivotDiagram panel.
b. Select the shape you require, and then click OK.
5. Filter the data by clicking Configure Column on the Category menu, and then clicking the arrow next to the category name.

How to Modifying Data Types in MS Access

Modifying Data Types in MS Access
To view or change the data type:
1. Click a cell.
2. In the Datasheet contextual tab, the Data Type and Formatting section displays the data type.
3. To change the data type, in the Data Type box, click the arrow, and then select the type you want. (Note: You may need to retype the value in your cell or cells if the type is not compatible.)
4. In the Format box, click the arrow to format how the data is displayed.
5. Select Is Required if you need to make this field mandatory. To make table and field definitions easier, Microsoft Office Access has a set of predefined templates.

How to open or read a .daa file extension

.daa is a file extension  that is created by PowerISO Software. TO open these files you must download this software and install it on your PC. Get more information here about this extension or visit the site here .
This Supports
1. UIF file.
2. Windows Vista.
3. On-the-fly burning.
4. Apple DMG file.
5. Multiple languages.
6. Command-line parameters.

Monday, September 29, 2008

[TIPS] Daniel Pink talks to students

Yes, you CAN block ustream,tv and skype in your school. But if you do you prevent things like this from happening: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cvsd

Congratulations to Chris Smith and mardy McGraw for puling this off for their students.

Here, Daniel Pink visits a classroom in PA via skype and the conversation is ustreamed out for others. Hurry up, now, see if you can find two people in your district who will tell you that this is bad education. Go ahead. I’ll wait.


I didn’t think you’d find anyone. So, if it’s blocked in your school, find out WHY.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve said this before, but, “We don’t have time to waste.” We can’t lose one more day. We MUST make some radical changes in the experiences that we offer our students.  This is SUCH serious business that if you’re in a district that won’t allow things like this, then you’ve GOT to press the issue. I can’t think of a single issue (save for this disastrous economy) that is more important – making sure our students are prepared for this ENORMOUS challenge that we in this country face. To stand here in the face of all those challenges and to continue to say, “We don’t DO skype” is, in my opinion, a crime.

Good luck! Fight the good fight!

Community day: October 1 - What and why?

This post should have been written a few days ago, but as usual, time is precious and never enough...

As the title says, October 1 was defined as the "community day!"... but what Community you may wonder...? Well, it all started at Adam Gartenberg's Blog. Adam is involved in the IBM Information Management division and suggested we could do some coordinated actions to strength the various communities related to IBM Information Management products. So, the basic idea is that we all participate in any community we're involved on October 1.
This of course can lead to various questions... I've been thinking about this and the biggest question in my mind is this: "What is a community, and why do I care? Do I belong to any community?"

The answers to this would be big, probably boring and subjective, but I can't resist putting here some of my thoughts. In these (let me use a buzzword) Web 2.0 times, a community can be anything. A site, a forum, a newsgroup, a blog, a wiki, a group of people with whom I exchange emails etc. In fact, all Informix users worldwide can consider themselves as part of a community. We may never meet each other, but we probably read the same news, the same blog articles, the same forums, and most important, we share a common interest. We probably share some of our doubts, we eventually find similar solutions etc. There is a vast amount of information lying around in the Internet, our email systems, our corporate intranets etc. And then we have search engines, knowledge base systems etc. All this didn't materialize from nothing. It's the direct result of our participation in the community. And when I say "our" I don't mean just the people who write boring articles like this :) I'm also thinking about all the people that simply ask some questions or make some comments.
And now what about the "should I care" part? Well, to put it simply, yes, we should care, simply because it makes our job easier. I can never forget my first steps as an Internet user. I was doing some system/network administration and I had a problem with what we called ATS (Asynchronous Terminal Servers), which were simply network connected equipments with several RS232 ports that connected dumb VT100 terminals to the central system (running Informix Turbo v4 ;) ). My local supplier couldn't find an answer, and using Usenet news I got some help from some friendly guy from the USA. Was this a community? Yes. We both used the same kind of equipment, we had the same problem, and the guy from across the Atlantic had a solution!
Currently, besides my work with Informix, I try to help a customer with other IBM products (namely WebSphere Application Server and IBM Information Server ). As you can imagine I am not a specialist on this products. But I've been able to help this customer in issues and doubts. How, you may ask? Obviously taking advantage of the "community". This include the fine technical support staff, the contents (presentations and other documents) produced by product specialists, the internal and external forums etc. What does it translate into? Productivity. Without these communities I wouldn't have been able to help my customer.

These were just two examples of the importance of community. In 1994, the communities were smaller, there was less content and the search facilities were much less efficient. But the principles were the same as today.

So, hopefully i've showed why the community is so important today. Assuming you agree, I urge you to follow up on Adam's suggestion, and participate more in your community. You can do this by:
  • Answer some comp.databases.informix question(s)
  • Subscribe the IIUG mailing lists or answer some questions there
  • Leave some comment on one of your favorite blogs (if you don't have one, try checking the list on this page's right side) - for example suggesting topics for articles
  • Ask some question to the community or suggest and idea
  • Spread some links of community sites you visit to your co-workers, colleagues and friends
  • Start your own blog?
  • Do some work on a community wiki
The idea of doing it on October 1, is just to create a wave... Did you ever heard about the butterfly effect and the domino effect? ;)

[TIPS] Digital Natives? Really?

When some folks argue as to why we need to be using technology in the schools they will say that “The kids are already doing this stuff”, or “The kids today are digital natives and they think differently” and even, “Their brains are different.” And, in the area of teacher preparation we used to say, “When the next batch of new teachers hits the schools THEN we’ll see the change we’re looking for.” But that hasn’t happened, has it?

I admit that I, too, used to say that. But then, about three years ago I began to question that assumption. I wasn’t seeing it. Nor was I hearing it when talking with teachers. In fact, I wanted to put together a survey (And Scott McLeod was going to host it) that would try to find out how ‘native’ the ‘natives’ actually were. Alas, it just never happened. And a part of me was a little reluctant to actually find out the truth. If it turned out that the kids truly were NOT al that tech savvy as we were assuming, THEN what would our rallying cry be? And, how much credibility would we have lost when forced to shift gears with our assumptions?

Yes, we can point to some kids who are phenomenal programmers, or who are creating some very clever mashups, or even some that ARE using the tools for personal learning. But, I can also point to some who can do NONE of those things. And I can point to a lot of others who can type and save and print but who cannot tell you what a blog is (“Oh! My Space is a blog? Well then I have one.”) or what a wiki is, unless they can point to wikipedia.

Regardless, check out these three articles:

I’d LOVE to hear what you think.

How to use Structured References in 2003 to 2007

2003 to 2007 Structured References
Working with formulas and functions has not always been the most intuitive process. In Microsoft Office Excel 2003, multiplying gross revenue by the profit margin might mean typing something like =B7*E14. In Microsoft Office Excel 2007, structured referencing enables you to use the column headers in table data to build your formulas. Instead of cryptic cell locations, you can simply multiply =[Gross Revenue]*[Margin].

To use structured referencing, you first need to format your data as a table.
1. Click Format as Table in the Styles section of the Home tab.
2. Select the My table has headers check box.
3. After you have a table, click the cell where you want to insert the formula, and then type the left bracket ([).
4. Select the column that you want to use from the list that appears, press the TAB key, and then close it with the right bracket (]).
5. Repeat as you build out your formula.

How to Create or Populate Lists on a SharePoint List

Quick Ways to Create or Populate Lists on a SharePoint List
1. Start Microsoft Office Access and open a database by clicking the New Database icon or selecting an existing database.
2. Create a new list.
a. Click Create, click SharePoint lists, and then select whichever list is appropriate.
b. Enter the site address of the Microsoft SharePoint site that you want to use, and then give the list a name.
3. Fill in the data on the data entry page, or populate it from another source by using the data import features of Access.
4. Save the content in Access.
5. Go to your SharePoint site, click Lists, select the list you just created, and it will already have been published.

How to Add Professional Charts in MS Power Point

Add Professional Charts in MS Power Point
You can quickly add impact to your slides by using the Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 charting tools. Use charts to better illustrate, compare, and communicate data to your audience.
1. Go to the Insert tab and click the Chart icon.
2. Select the type of chart that best suits your needs—for example, a line, bar, pie, area, or surface chart.
3. If you have Microsoft Office Excel 2007 installed, the program will open and enable you to change the data behind your chart.
4. Explore and use the options in the contextual tabs under Chart Tools to alter the design, format, and layout of your chart.

How to Save and Reuse Tables in MS WOrd

Save and Reuse Tables in MS WOrd
Do you frequently create the same type of complex table, such as a financial table or tables to use for custom page layouts? If so, you can easily save that table for easy insertion into any document. Just select a completed example of your table and save it to the Quick Tables gallery. Here’s how:

Select the table and press ALT+F3 to open the Create New Building Block dialog box. Type a name for your table, and then in the Gallery list, click Tables. You can set other options as well, such as choosing or creating a category for your table, which will affect where in the Quick Tables gallery it appears.

You can also choose an available template in which to store the table. But if you retain the default Save in location, Building Blocks.dotx, your table will be available for you to use in any document. To access your saved table, on the Insert tab, click Table, and then point to Quick Tables.

How to List Your Contact in the Groove Public Directory in Office Grove

List Your Contact in the Groove Public Directory in Office Grove
If management policies allow it, be sure to list your contact information in the Microsoft Office Groove Public Directory so that other Groove users can find you more easily.
1. From the Options menu, click Preferences.
2. From the Identities tab, select All Contact Information in the Public Groove Directory list.

How to Gain Greater Control over Your Out-of-Office Message in MS Outlook

Gain Greater Control over Your Out-of-Office Message in MS Outlook
If you use Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, you have the increased capability to set distinct out-of-office messages and to schedule the time period when you want your messages to be sent. You retain greater control over the type of information your contacts receive, helping to ensure that it’s relevant and appropriate to their needs.
1. To open Out of Office Assistant, click Tools, and then click Out of Office Assistant.
2. Explore the options. You can set the date range and time frame, and set one message for people inside your organization and a separate one for people outside your organization. Note: Your organization must be using Exchange Server 2007 for you to see these options.

How to Create a Project Proposal in Office Project

Create a Project Proposal in Office Project
By using proposals, you can define high-level project plans to provide key project information, milestones, and resource demands.
1. In Microsoft Office Project Web Access, click Proposals and Activity Plans in the left Action pane.
2. On the New menu, click Proposal.
3. In the New and Import section, click New.
4. Enter the name of the project, description, start date, finish date, and plan owner. You can also add details about tasks or resources with a resource plan or build team.
5. Click Publish. You have now created a complete Project proposal, pending approval.

How to Find the Correct Format for Excel Formulas in MS Excel

Find the Correct Format for Excel Formulas in MS Excel
You can use Microsoft IntelliSense technology in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 to create formulas. If you want to type a formula in Excel 2007, start by typing the first few characters of the formula (for example, an equal sign and then a letter) to view a list of available formulas. Excel 2007 makes it easy to see all the available types of formulas; the enhanced tooltips in the 2007 Office system provide a detailed explanation of each formula.

How to Use the Ribbon in MS Office System

Using the Ribbon in MS Office System
You can think of the Ribbon of tools and commands in the 2007 Microsoft Office system as your visual gallery to create professional and visually interesting documents.

In the 2007 Microsoft Office system, there are no dialog boxes for formatting text and images. The formatting tools that you are used to using still exist, but they are integrated into the Ribbon. You can use the new tabs to move across various sets of commands or Ribbons that make up the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface.

Additionally, while you are working on a document, the Ribbon automatically presents you with the right formatting tools at the right time and place. It reveals a visual gallery to help you quickly and easily format documents. For example, if you want to change the positioning of a picture you have imported into a Microsoft Office Word document:
1. Double-click the image. A Picture Tools tab opens a gallery that displays options to choose from.
2. Select the Position option from the gallery on the Picture Tools tab to easily define where the photo will sit within the text.

How to Create an Electronic Business Card for Your Signature in MS Outlook

Create an Electronic Business Card for Your Signature in MS Outlook
In Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, you can create and share customized electronic business cards, giving you a personalized way to communicate your information. You can customize your contact information by using electronic business cards that include logos and photos, making contacts more personally relevant and easier to locate.
1. Click the arrow next to New, and then click Contact.
2. Type your personal contact information, such as name, title, company, work phone, and work fax number. Note: As you type, a preview of your business card appears in the business card box in the upper-right corner.
3. Click the Business Card button on the Ribbon to open the Edit Business Card dialog box.
4. In the Card Design section, click the Change button next to Image to add your photograph, company logo, or other pictures. Click the Background Color button to change the background color of your business card. In the Edit section, you can change the size, justification, or color of your text.
5. To use your customized electronic business card as your signature, click the Business Card button on the Message tab of the Ribbon.

How to Send a OneNote Note via Outlook E-Mail

Sending a OneNote Note via Outlook E-Mail 
You can send a Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 note via Microsoft Office Outlook in one of two ways:
If the recipient has Office OneNote 2007, click File, and then click E-mail. Office OneNote 2007 will open your Outlook (2007 or 2003) e-mail client and attach your notes as a .one attachment.
If the recipient does not have Office OneNote 2007, you can paste OneNote notebook content as HTML into the body of an e-mail message in Outlook.

How to Publish Items to Excel Services in MS Excel

Publishing Items to Excel Services in MS Excel
To publish your Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets (or single items) to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007:
1. With your spreadsheet open, click the Office button, and then click Publish.
2. Click Excel Services.
3. In the dialog box, select a trusted document library location in Office SharePoint Server 2007, and then click Excel Services Options.
4. Select whether you want to publish the entire spreadsheet, individual worksheets, or only selected items (such as charts, tables, or Microsoft PivotTable dynamic views). Click OK.
Your spreadsheet will be saved to the document library, and only your published items will be visible through the Web browser interface

How to Publish Your Calendar to Microsoft Office Online in MS Outlook

Publish Your Calendar to Microsoft Office Online in MS Outlook
Sharing your calendar information is even easier through the new publishing capabilities that Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 provides. Through this free Microsoft Office Online service, you can create dynamic Web calendars that your coworkers, friends, or family can subscribe to and that remain up to date.
1. Click the calendar.
2. Right-click the name of the calendar that you want to publish.
3. From the list, select Publish to Internet, and then click Publish to Office Online.
4. Follow the steps in the wizard to register for the service by using your Windows Live ID credentials.
5. When you’ve registered for the service, you can simply choose the calendar, time frame, and other settings. Outlook creates a sharing invitation that you can use to invite people to subscribe to your calendar.

How to Create Organizational Charts in MS Office VIsio

Creating Organizational Charts in MS Office VIsio
1. Start Microsoft Office Visio.
2. From the Business template section, click Organization Chart.
3. Click Import Organization Data from the Organization Chart menu.
4. Select your data sources. Click Information that's already stored in a file or database, and then click A Microsoft Exchange Server directory.
5. From the list of available fields on the left, select the information that you want to appear on your chart, and then click Add.
6. Click Next. Anything you add on the next page will be added as shape data (that is, not displayed in the diagram, but forming the properties of each of the shapes that do appear).
7. Choose your organization layout. To have Visio automatically display your organization as pages, select the I want the wizard to automatically break my organization chart across pages check box.
8. Select Browse in the drop-down list.
9. From the address book, select the person you want to appear at the top of your organization chart, and then click Finish.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The 9th Carnival of Computer Help and Advice

Welcome to the ninth monthly Carnival of Computer Help and Advice - a digest of recent blog articles about making interaction with computers safer and easier.

Starting this month, the Carnival will now include hints and tips for bloggers. The article explains how to Auto Create Navigation Tabs for New WordPress Pages. The author WordPress Hacker says: "In this article I explain how you can setup your blog to automatically create main navigation links/tabs when new pages are published by using custom fields to mark those pages you want to appear in the navigation menu."

In a post on Burogu Blog, Hera passes on a number of tips to Speed up your Computer and Internet. Speaking of the Intenet, regular contributor Paul Wilcox gives advice on How You Can Protect Kids From Online Dangers at his Security Manor blog. Finally on the subject of all things Internet, Iain Adams of Iain's TechWorld presents his an "initial look at beta browsers from Google and Microsoft" in Beta Beta! The Browser Wars cont'd.

For those of you who look after a large network is a "step by step pictorial guide to make your own network cables" - How To Crimp UTP cable to RJ45 Connector by Andhika Krishananda of Networking Newbie - Learn Networking and Cisco.

As our next contributor, Sonny Felker, says - "Hopefully you will never need the services of hard drive data recovery experts. However, many computer users do at some point." See his Hard Drive Recovery post at Data Recovery to learn more.

We have a couple of image editing posts to end this month's carnival. Rodney Smith tells us How to resize images using GIMP (a free image editor) on the Hippo Web Solutions page, and no Carnival of Computer Help and Advice would be complete without a contribution from our Photoshop expert, Andrew Edgington. This month he explains Masking on his Learn Photoshop Now blog.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed. If you would like to host the next carnival leave a comment on this post or use the contact form over at our Blog Carnival page where you can also submit your blog posts for inclusion. If you do wish to host the carnival but don't wish to have the responsibility for selecting articles or writing the carnival post, don't worry I can do that for you.

If you wish to help promote the Carnival, you can add a widget to your blog - click here for the code.

See you in October.

Friday, September 26, 2008

[TIPS] webspiration

Did y'all see this: http://www.mywebspiration.com/index.php

The popular concept mapping program, Inspiration, has gone online in Webspitation. I just opened it for the first time this AM and haven't had a chance to test it with others, but this web version allows for kids to collaborate on the same document! Yes, others have been doing that, but this is especially nice since so many kids have used Inspiration in school already. Should be an easy move to this version.

I don't know how many kids can collaborate on a document at one time, or any of the other particulars. But, this is one o check out, for sure, don't you think?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

How to use Quick Search in MS Vista

Quick Search in MS Vista
If you need to find a file quickly, the Windows Vista indexed file system makes it easy.
1. Click Start.
2. Type as much information as you know about the file in the text box. As you type, the files that meet your criteria will appear.

How to Customize Your Pictures in MS Power Point

Customize Your Pictures in MS Power Point
You can apply style, shadow, and crop effects to the pictures that you add to your presentations. You can create great-looking effects with just a few clicks.
1. On the Insert tab, click the Picture icon to browse for a picture to add to your slide.
2. After selecting your picture, go to the Picture Tools Format tab to see the available formatting options.
3. Pause on the items in the Picture Styles gallery to preview each of the prebuilt options. If you find a style you like, click it to apply the formatting to your picture.
4. If you want to apply custom formatting, select options from the Picture Shape, Picture Border, and Picture Effects galleries.

How to Apply WordArt Text Effects in MS Power Point

Apply WordArt Text Effects in MS Power Point
You can easily liven up your slide titles and text by using WordArt and Text Effects.
1. Highlight the text to which you want to apply effects.
2. On the Format tab, locate the WordArt Quick Styles gallery.
3. Select a WordArt style if you want to apply a predefined style to your text.
4. Add custom effects like reflection, glow, 3-D rotation, and bevel by using the Text Effects gallery.

How to Create a New Table in MS Access

To Create a New Table in MS Access
Microsoft Office Access 2007 has made creating tables easy by providing a handful of common schemas.
1. On the Ribbon, on the Create tab, in the Tables section, click Table.
2. Type the first value in the cell, just as you would in a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet, and then press ENTER.
3. Double-click the column heading to rename the field.

Based on the value typed, Access automatically defines the data type, although it does so differently from a spreadsheet. In Access, each field—a column in your datasheet—is defined by a data type.

How to Use Voting Buttons in MS Outlook

Using Voting Buttons in MS Outlook
You can easily collect information from your coworkers. The redesigned Microsoft Office Fluent user interface makes it easier than ever to use voting buttons to collect information through e-mail. Here’s how:
1. Create a new message in Outlook, or reply to an existing message.
2. On the Options tab, in the Tracking section, click Use Voting Buttons.
3. Click the option you prefer. For additional message options, click Custom

How to Avoid PowerPoint Animations in Office Live Meeting

Avoid PowerPoint Animations in Office Live Meeting
If you’re creating a Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation that you plan to deliver in Microsoft Office Live Meeting, think twice before spending time on animations and slide transitions. Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer will display them, but they occupy a lot of bandwidth; and if you’re recording the meeting, they won’t be preserved.

How to Manage Rules in MS Excel

Managing Rules in MS Excel
To view conditional formatting rules or to perform changes:
1. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Conditional Formatting, and then click Manage Rules.
2. Select the rule that you want to view or modify, and then click Edit Rule.
3. Edit the rule in the dialog box, and then click OK.

How to Restore Previous Version of a Recent File in Microsoft Vista

Restore Previous Version of a Recent File in Microsoft Vista
On occasion you make a mistake, and you want to revert to a previous version of a file you have been working on. After System Protection is configured, you can do so with Windows Vista. Right-click the file, and then select the version you want.
Note: System Protection must be configured, and you must have sufficient disk space.

How to Send Information from Outlook to OneNote

Sending Information from Outlook to OneNote
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 has a Send to OneNote button for inserting relevant content from an e-mail thread into your Microsoft Office OneNote notebook. Click the Send to OneNote button in your Inbox, and both the e-mail thread and metadata such as date, time, sender, and subject will be inserted into the Unfiled Notes section of your OneNote notebook.

How to Work on Large Documents in MS Word

Work on Large Documents in MS Word
In Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Excel, you can split the screen to see two separate parts of a document at once.
On the View tab, in the Window section, click Split, and then click the screen where you want the split to appear. You can then navigate parts of the document separately in each window.

Excel adds both a horizontal and a vertical split to the screen. If you don't want one of them, drag the line up to the top or the left side and drop it at the edge of the screen, where it will disappear.

To return to the single-screen view of the document in either Word or Excel, go back to the Window section and click Remove Split.

How to use RSS Feeds in MS Out Look

RSS Feeds in MS Out Look
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds are an easy way to subscribe to interesting information like world news, sport scores, or blogs. With Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, it’s easy to start adding and reading RSS subscriptions.
1. Click the mail folder called RSS Feeds.
2. Choose a feed that interests you from the RSS Feeds content directory.
3. Outlook prompts you to add this feed to your list. Click OK.
4. Outlook creates a specific RSS subscription folder for this feed below the main RSS Feeds folder.
Note: When using Office Outlook 2007 with Windows Internet Explorer 7, you can keep a synchronized list of subscriptions between the two programs.

How to Apply Conditional Formatting in MS Excel

Applying Conditional Formatting in MS Excel
Conditional formatting is a feature that enables users to apply formatting to cells automatically depending on the value of the cell or the value of a formula. By visualizing data in a graphical way, you can identify trends and exceptions more quickly.

To visualize the value of a cell relative to other cells in the same range:
1. Select a range of cells.
2. On the Home tab, in the Style group, click Conditional Formatting, click Data Bars, and then select a data bar icon.

To classify data into three to five categories separated by a threshold value, use icon sets:
1. Select a range of cells.
2. On the Home tab, in the Style group, click Conditional Formatting, click Icon Set, and then select an icon set.

How to Exchange Contact Information—Sending Your Contact to Others in MS Groove

Exchanging Contact Information—Sending Your Contact to Others in MS Groove
You can send your Microsoft Office Groove 2007 contact to others right from the Common Tasks pane on the Contacts tab in the Launchbar.
1. Click Send My Contact via E-mail.
2. Type the e-mail addresses of the people whom you want to receive your contact.
3. Recipients receive an e-mail message with a hyperlink that automatically adds your contact to their list in the Groove Launchbar.

How to Access Information in One Click by Using Attachment Preview in MS OutLook

Access Information in One Click by Using Attachment Preview in MS OutLook
Accessing mail attachments is often a multistep process that provides no easy way to gain quick insight to that content. With Attachment Preview, you can preview your attachments in one click directly from within Microsoft Office Outlook, saving you time and effort.
1. Click the attachment in the e-mail message or reading pane.
2. Scroll through the document or presentation by using the scroll bar on the right. To return to the e-mail message, click the message box to the left of the attachment.
Note: The presentation or document is a read-only copy. To make edits or comments, you need to save a local version on your computer.

How to Insert and Format Charts in MS Excel

Insert and Format Charts in MS Excel
In Microsoft Office Excel 2007, you will find many new professional-looking charts to help you visualize your data and communicate it more effectively. To insert a chart:
1. On the worksheet, arrange the data that you want to use in a chart.
2. Select the cells that contain the data that you want to use for the chart.
3. On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the chart type, and then click a chart subtype that you want to use.

To see all available chart types, click a chart type, and then click All Chart Types. Excel will select the default formatting layout, but you can quickly modify it:
1. On the contextual Design tab, select a chart layout from the gallery to display the legend, axis, and title the way you want.
2. Select a chart style to modify color and effects.

How to Share Charting in 2003 to 2007

2003 to 2007 Shared Charting
Copying and pasting a Microsoft Office Excel 2003 chart into Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 is easy. The real challenge is editing the chart after it's part of your presentation, because the charting tools are different between the applications. With the shared charting engine in the 2007 Microsoft Office system, you can use the same charting tools to create and customize your charts in Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, and Microsoft Office Word 2007.

To insert a chart in Excel 2007, click the Insert tab, and then select the type of chart you want from the Charts group. To customize an existing chart, click inside the chart, and then use the contextual Chart Tools command tabs that appear on the Ribbon

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How to Use the Quick Access Toolbar in MS Office

Use the Quick Access Toolbar in MS Office
You can add your favorite—or most commonly used—commands to the Quick Access Toolbar in the 2007 Microsoft Office system, so that these tools are always easy to find. You’ll find the Quick Access Toolbar next to the Office button above the Ribbon.

The default commands on the Quick Access Toolbar are Save, Undo, and Repeat. You can add your most-used favorites by clicking the expandable arrow to the right of the Quick Access Toolbar to open the Customize Quick Access Toolbar menu. Here, you can select the set of commands that you want on the Quick Access Toolbar.

To add commands that aren't on the list, click More Commands. If you're adding a lot of new commands to the Quick Access Toolbar, use the Customize menu and click Show Below the Ribbon. This will move your Quick Access Toolbar to below the Ribbon to give it more room to expand.

How to Create SmartArt Diagrams in MS Power Point

Create SmartArt Diagrams in MS Power Point
Microsoft SmartArt graphics make it easy for you to create high-impact, professional diagrams. Instead of spending hours designing your own diagrams, you can use Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 to focus on the visual message that you want to communicate.
1. On the Insert tab, click the SmartArt button.
2. In the list of diagram categories, select the type of diagram that you want to add to your presentation.
3. Under Type your text here, type a list of the information that you want reflected in your diagram.
4. Click the Design tab, and then select colors and styles from the available galleries to make your diagram look great.

Keyboard shortcut of the week: Alternative windows hopping

In a previous post I mentioned that you can hop between open windows by holding down the Alt key and pressing the Tab key repeatedly. A little dialog box will open that in Windows XP or 2000 looks like this:

And in Windows Vista looks like this:

There is an alternate way of hopping between windows that does not show this box. Simply hold down the Alt key and press the Escape key (marked Esc) to hop between windows in the order that you opened them. If you hop using this method Windows will leave any minimised windows in that state, it will not restore them like the Alt+Tab method does.

[TIPS] Games on Google Earth?


Have you seen that post? Games (can we say that word here?) on Google Earth. Ten of them. From a football game (doesn’t THAT pique your interest?) to Battleship to Where in the World? (Anyone here remember Carmen SanDiego?)

Very cool stuff. But, I forgot. You’re already subscribing to that blog, aren’t you?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How to Organize Information with Color Categories in MS Outlook

Organize Information with Color Categories in MS Outlook
Color categories give you a simple, visual way to distinguish items from one another, making it easy to organize your data and search for information.
1. Right-click the box next to an e-mail message.
2. Click All Categories.
3. Assign titles to your color categories, such as personal, work, finance, family, or birthdays.
4. Click OK.
5. Right-click the category box next to an e-mail message and assign a color category to it.
6. Arrange your e-mail list, or search by color categories.

How to use Multiple Level Undo, Change Highlighting, and Task Drivers in MS Office Project

Multiple Level Undo, Change Highlighting, and Task Drivers in MS Office Project

In Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007, project managers can visualize the impact of changes and trace back their steps. To turn the Change Highlighting feature on or off, click the View menu, and then click Hide Change Highlighting or Show Change Highlighting. While the feature is enabled, all levels of tasks affected as a result of a change are highlighted with a color as a visual indicator. Using this feature together with the Multiple Level Undo feature, project managers can do "what-if analysis" by trying a set of changes and then reversing unwanted changes. If further analysis of a task's schedule is needed, the project manager can use Task Drivers on the Project menu to determine the factors (such as task dependency, calendar constraints, schedule date, or vacation time) that are driving a task's start date.

[TIPS] Do YOUR students write like this?


Read that post. You’ll probably find yourself thinking a few different thoughts. Like, “How interesting that she would write about Oedipus.” And, “What an interesting comparison she’s making to her life and that of Oedipus.” And, “Wow. Very nice.”

Now ask yourself if YOUR students would EVER write something like that. Maybe they COULD, but WOULD they? DO they? Maybe they do, but in a smaller scale. Maybe they do, but their analogies aren’t quite as good. Maybe they do, but YOU never see it.

Why do you suppose that is? I think the answer might lie in this statement:
“I built my blog on the idea of exploration: expressing myself without limits and without a clear idea of what exactly I was expressing.”

“Expressing myself without limits”, eh? What? Not for a grade? Without fear of little, “Gotcha’s?” Without someone telling you to write so many words about a topic you couldn’t care less about?

This is NOT a slam on teaching methods. NOT AT ALL! I’m merely pointing out there the blog is a medium that allows a student to publish and be read by someone other than a teacher who is looking to give a grade. This girl is always writing, reading, and reflecting on her writing in order to improve herself. The medium is its own motivator. She’s MOTIVATED to write this post in which she reveals some personal vulnerabilities. Yes, she’s not your typical student, I’ll give you that. But, don’t YOU have a non-typical student who loves to write? What are you offering that student to help her/him develop that talent? Are you Ok with just letting him/her post to MySpace? Or, do you see that perhaps if this student had a blog for REAL, and some guidance (so as not to write about things that would give away identity, for example) that this talent could develop into something? And, even if it didn’t, when that student applies to a college and points the Admissions Office to the blog as evidence of her abilities, don’t you agree that it would make a MUCH greater impression?


Do You Want to Get More Traffic For Your Website? Here the Answer

What is Website Promotion Services and why is it necessary?

Website Promotion services help in your Web business by drawing a target on your website. To the targeted traffic, your site must be search engine friendly. You have to ensure that people are aware of your existence, and for that you need to advertise your site.

Website Promotion Services include professional engineers, edit the Web pages prior to submission. They enrich the Web sites with specific and relevant keywords, it more user-friendly. Once the site is optimized, it retains its high rank in the search for a fairly long time. For the purposes of promoting the site, website promotion Services are indispensable.

What is the function of website promotion service?

Evaluation and analysis of the site: There are many functions of a website promotion service. It helps when evaluating your site by a group of experts SEO by researching the exact keywords and analyze competition in the market.

Content development and SEO copywriting: The Website Promotion Services are also involved in the development of content and SEO copywriting. They believe guide your site on the principle of search engines and directories. Individual opinions updates are available for the respective customers online.

Availability of meta tags: For the purposes of faster indexing of search, and specific optimized meta tags. This meta-tags are then analyzed and optimized. Meta tags are enormously helpful for the purposes of the optimization, they are important factors in finding your site.

Finding the broken links, spelling check and correct HTML code errors: The website promotion service helps in assessing the site, so that an invalid link, has been overlooked will be processed immediately. It also checks spelling errors and HTML code errors. The relevant keywords must be frequently used in the text of the content. The Website Promotion Service Operations relevant keywords for attracting traffic.

Link Exchange: Another important function of Website Promotion Company is Link Exchange. It is a process of exchange of traffic data for mutual benefit. The URL's of websites are together, so that the search will be easier for the user and the two websites will be of mutual benefit by sharing the traffic.

Their growing popularity: The popularity of your site increased by the help of professional changes; your site to attract large traffic and get a high rank in the first few pages of search engines such as Google, Ask.com, MSN, Yahoo and AOL.


Computer Security - Top Ten Tips For Computer Security: You Must Know

Have you ever wondered why there is a huge increase in online fraud? Well the main reason for its happening is that most computer users are not protecting themselves properly.

If you follow the Top 10 tips for online and offline protection, you discover your computer has the weaknesses of the system.

1st It is a proven fact that 75% of American PC users do not use an updated anti-virus program, which is a program that scans the PC search for any malicious software if it finds them, they can either delete or quarantine . Some AV programs can scan Web sites you visit and detect possible phishing Web sites.

2nd Phishing sites are websites that have been created, similar to a bank or payment processor such as PayPal. We have all received emails from our bank account explains our empty and register immediately, the hyperlink in the e-mail click looks real, but the site you are taken to a fraud, they after stealing your money! Make sure that your site has a picture banks padlock on the toolbar, this shows that it is a secure site for the registration If you have any doubt, contact your bank immediately.

3rd We all need a firewall to hide behind. This is a piece of software that prevents someone hacking into our computers, either at home or at work. Once the software is running in the background. It basically blocked the ports on our computers that hackers use to gain access through the back door. As the AV, there are many free firewalls.

4th Is your operating system up to date? When did you last update? Most people answer, never. The main reason software vendors like Microsoft provide updates, the plug all the vulnerabilities in the software, this is the reason why when issuing an update, its wise to update your system.

5th Check any public computer you use, because there are products called key loggers, which is an electronic device that logs all keyboard input and can be downloaded. So, if your library for your online bank or eBay, make sure the keyboard lead directly into the computer when they connect to an additional piece of cable, it could be a key logger. The person, there is only has to get the information, and they have all your information and access to your money! Log out and not always store all the passwords on a public computer - Ever!

6th Check public Wi-Fi connections are open to the public! Make sure it is not just another computer as a gateway, so that your information to them like a credit card and address, then grant you access to the Internet. While you are sending e-mails, they are using your credit card details to purchase products online!

7th Do not share games, as this is how some viruses have been transferred from computer to computer. Always run your anti-virus software to scan the first disc

8th Do not everyone with a flash drive to your computer whenever someone a plug flash drive into the computer virus could transfer to your computer, this may or may not be done with intent, but the problem is always still there, it takes information from your computer and can even e-mail from your computer at a later date!

9th Physical protection at home and at work, which is essential for preventing your computer and the data stored on them in the wrong hands. The PC housing is a special steel box, which was designed for the protection of computers, so heating and security issues was addresses, these units are fully welded and usually bolted to the wall, (this is how banks protect their Computer).

10th Chen in Physis protection movement is an essential prerequisite for laptops, so security Kingston offers the best opportunity, this is a stainless steel cable to lock into the laptop and ties to a leg of a table, this prevents your personal data stolen along with the Laptop, in a smash and grave robbery.

Follow these simple steps and your online and offline security is considered safe.

Adobe Photoshop - Great Features from Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is an image-editing software. You can edit and manipulate images in a snap with this powerful software. Whether you are a graphic designer, web developer or a photographer, this is a tool that can certainly help you do the job with less time and effort.

Adobe Photoshop is the leading graphics application, which in the digital imaging, Web graphics, prints and other multimedia requirement. Photoshop is widely used by millions of graphic artists, Web designers, photographers, as well as ordinary people. Because of the popularity of the software, it was considered an industry-standard print.

Most likely, posters, magazine covers, book covers, brochures and ads were created or edited with Photoshop. With the powerful tools that Photoshop offers, there are a lot of features that can be used to create the most complex digital art in a children's game.

One of the great features of Photoshop is that it consists of a user-friendly interface that is very easy to navigate. Tools are organized into groups of pallets, which you can customize to your preference workday. It also comes with keyboard shortcuts that you can use to quickly apply commands or one-off or a group of tools.

In addition, Photoshop comes with a sub-program called Adobe ImageReady. This program is added in principle for the creation and graphics is an enhanced Web-design purposes greatly reduce the size of the file in a particular Web site to load faster. GIF files can be reduced as small as 10 to 50% with its compression capabilities. The software is also capable of the graphics or animated GIF. With Adobe ImageReady, you can design interactive JavaScript rollover without the need of writing any programming code. Simply slice the image and link rollovers and different variations of the discs.

All products from Adobe Systems support layer effects. When you work with Photoshop and ImageReady, you can easily effects on an image or a text such as drop shadow, inner and outer bevels and other effects of stratification. A great advantage of working with layers is that the original state to manipulate an image, while another version of it by another layer. You can have as many layers as you want depending on your needs. These layers are independent of each other, which means that if you have a layer, for example, a layer of text, it has no influence on other levels.

Photo editing or photo manipulation is a difficult task without the right tool. But with the use of Photoshop, you can simply insert a photo in less time and effort. Photoshop provides powerful tools that can be used to photo-editing tasks.

You can resize and crop images, without compromising the quality of the image. Also, you can easily remove the background with an eraser tool. With Adobe Photoshop, it is easy to precise parts of an image with the use of the wand and lasso tools. The software also comes with tools such as brightness and contrast, color balance, hue and saturation levels, curves, and many more, are useful in improving or changing the color of an image.

The software comes with a variety of built-in plug-ins can be used to variations on your speech. Some of these plug-ins are custom brushes, filters, effects, and much more.

Adobe Photoshop is integrated with other software from Adobe Systems. Photoshop shares the same user interface as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects. With the integration, you can seamlessly work and produce great results.

This software also has the ability to use color models such as Lab, RGB, CMYK, binary bitmap, grayscale and duotone. It also supports vector and raster formats such as. PNG,. EPS,. GIF, Fireworks,. JPEG and much more.

The latest version of Photoshop is Photoshop CS3. The latest version offers additional features and functions. Some features include the use of non-destructive filters and the new selection tools, such as the Quick Selection and Refine Edge.

With all the great features that Photoshop offers, you can any work of graphics you can imagine. You can excellent graphics without limiting your borders.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Balance Your Computer Services Business Portfolio

In order to have a strong computer services business, you need to balance your portfolio. What does this mean? Basically, you need to keep 70% (or more!) of your business sweet spot small businesses with 10-50 computers. You can keep a very small amount of your business geared towards home networks and consumers and a few larger small business clients, but you will achieve the best balance if you focus on the sweet spot small business side.

No Matter What, DIVERSIFY

No matter what you do with your computer services business portfolio, you need to DIVERSIFY. This means that no single one of your clients can account for more than ten percent of your computer consulting revenue.

What’s the theory? If you’re getting most of your money from one source and then lose that client for any reason, you could potentially lose a LOT of revenue and have a hard time bouncing back!

Fire Your Bad Computer Services Business Clients

While you may not think firing a client is a good idea, sometimes you just have to do it. There are some problem clients of your computer services business that will just not be worth the trouble. They will drive you and your staff crazy and you might even LOSE staff over the ordeal. These types of clients eventually need to be cut loose. But if you make problem clients too big a part of your roster, you will end up having a really hard time firing them.

Your Ideal Clients Are Your Focus with Your Computer Services Business

You need to make room for ideal clients and just say “No” to those that are verbally abusive, harass you, cause you too much stress and generally are impossible. If you have enough really good, long-term, steady, HIGH-PAYING clients you will be able to replace the bad ones much more easily and will not waste time “reforming” anyone.

Today we talked about how to diversify and balance your computer services business portfolio. To learn more about this subject, visit the attached link!

Added By: Joshua Feinberg

How to Chang Table Styles in MS Excel

Changing Table Styles in MS Excel
To change table style:
1. Click inside the table you’d like to change.
2. On the contextual Design tab, pause on any table style for a live preview, and click when you want to confirm the change (click the arrows in the gallery to view more styles).
3. Make selections in the Table Style Options group to change formatting of the first and last column, to add a Totals Row, or to have banded rows or columns.

How to Keep Organizational Charts Updated in MS Office Visio

Keeping Organizational Charts Updated in MS Office Visio
You can add new people quickly to an organizational chart.
1. Start Microsoft Office Visio, and then click OrgChart Assistant.
2. Click Information Stored, and then click Microsoft Exchange Server.
3. Click Next in the subsequent two dialog boxes.
4. Click Automatically Break Organization Chart, enter the details for the person you want to add to the chart, and then click Finish. Repeat this process for each individual you want to add to your chart.

How to Access Programs Quickly in Vista Explorer

Access Programs Quickly in Vista Explorer
As you settle in to using Windows Vista, you will want to access your most important programs quickly from the Quick Launch bar.
1. Click the Start button.
2. Click All Programs.
3. Find and right-click your program.
4. Click Add to Quick Launch.

How to Edit Lengthy Documents More Efficiently in MS Word

Edit Lengthy Documents More Efficiently in MS Word
To save time scrolling back and forth when you're editing a long document, you can use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT+F5. This shortcut switches back to the area of the document on which you were working previously. For example, if you were working on the tactics part of your plan and moved to edit something in the budget, by pressing SHIFT+F5, you immediately return to the tactics section.

How to use To-Do Bar in MS OutLook

To-Do Bar in MS OutLook
You can check your priorities for the day by looking at the To-Do Bar, where your flagged mail messages and tasks are clearly laid out. To customize the view of your To-Do Bar:
1. Click View, click To-Do Bar, and then click Options.
2. In the To-Do Bar Options dialog box, you can customize how many months are shown and how many upcoming appointments are displayed.

How to Link Office OneNote 2007 and Outlook Contacts in Office OneNote

Linking Office OneNote 2007 and Outlook Contacts in Office OneNote
You can link meeting notes or other content from your Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 notebook to your calendar or contacts in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. Later, if you need to find information about the meeting or the contact details associated with that person, you can either click the link in Office OneNote 2007 or click the link in your calendar or contacts list in Office Outlook 2007 to access the information saved in OneNote.

How to Remove Comments and Changes from a Document in MS Word

Removing Comments and Changes from a Document in MS Word
Have you ever sent a Microsoft Office Word document that contained comments or tracked changes that you didn’t want visible? Document Inspector eliminates this worry.
1. Click the Office icon, point to Prepare, and then click Inspect Document.
2. By default, all check boxes are selected in Document Inspector. Clear the check box next to any items that you don't want Document Inspector to look for, and then click Inspect.
3. Remove items not for publication. Document Inspector indicates what it finds in your document, so you can choose what you want to remove, and then confidently publish your document.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Next Generation Gaming Experience

The Future of Gaming

Video games are an important part of modern society. They influence how we spend our money, how we spend our time, and even what jobs are available for computer geeks. Every year, new and innovative approaches are used in the video game world. Just think of how far graphics have evolved over the last ten years alone. So, what can we expect from our games in the future? Now it seems the possibilities are truly endless.

Online gaming is the way of the future. In fact, until the end of 2008, it will probably be a 4 billion U.S. dollars industry. Soon, online gamers will be able to use a range of mobile devices to play anywhere on earth. The next generation of handheld consoles is not only the even greater graphics capabilities and processing speed, but also much more efficient Internet connectivity. This means users on the go can play online games, wherever they are. What's more, new equipment allows you to connect to a variety of games, regardless of their platform.

Another innovation for the future of the gaming generation is procedural questions. This term refers to users' ability to take their own content in a game. No more games are on the rigid boundaries of their original developers. Take for example spores mines. This upcoming video game users will begin as single-celled organism and grow into an interplanetary civilization. The game has not really ending. The choice of users help unlimited makes new worlds, planets, and species. How is this possible? Simply put, developers have only needed to win the game of the blueprint. The actual path follows the game and the images are created entirely generated based on user input. Thus, an army of designers and developers is not necessary to this type of new games.

Not only the players have more and more control over their games, they will also be the opportunity to interact with other players on a whole new level. The whole virtual communities will be developed with infinite possibilities for the expansion. This goes beyond a basic chat room. Users will soon be able to own their virtual homes, friends, and even entertainment experiences. The first such virtual society on the market is likely to Sony's PS3 Home. But other developers are finally their own versions of virtual worlds on the market. Introduce yourself to the movies with your friends in a completely digital experience directly from your game console or PC. Better yet, try to walk through a virtual shopping mall and see how all the products you want to buy. Then simply drag your virtual credit card and have those goods shipped right to your door. All this is possible with the virtual world of the future.

Finally, games are so mature, they will not even be displayed on the console with. Instead, developers are already working on a system called the Virtual Retinal Display, the project would photos right on a user's eyes. Within ten years, we should easily see, sunglasses style devices on the market. Soon after, you can begin to see that the devices can be controlled directly through brain power. Sounds crazy, but developers are already working on devices where people can with their computer brains. At least three companies have already designs in the works, and some are already benefiting people who have been disabled.

Technology really has the power to expand indefinitely, and many people work for the video game world to the next level. While some of these innovations seem far away, they all planned developments are expected to be on the consumer market in the next twenty years. So, keep your eyes and ears open and be on the lookout for new gaming developments that will revolutionize the industry and our society as a whole.

Study Digital Art Online - Learning Digital Art by Online

In our technological world, many people have an interest in Photoshop or other forms of digital art and photo editing. Many have also decided to establish a career out of this hobby. The key to the successful search for a job in the digital art, but it is through adequate training. While there are schools offer courses in digital arts, the easiest way to learn the skills you need to make an online class. Not only can this help for the interested to get a job? They love, it can help even casual artists show their computer skills.

The key to finding a good online program is to search for, that adheres to industry standards and uses professional software. Obviously, you have the possibility of a small investment to this software on your own computer. The choice of classes for your goals is also important. Some courses focus on particular aspects of Web design, game development, marketing, or photo manipulation. Depending on your professional or personal goals, the right kind of focus can be the difference.

A good place to display your digital art skills to www.digitalartacademy.com. This site offers classes with Corel Painter Open Studio, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. These costs about $ 42.00 to $ 75.00 and last about four weeks per session. The courses put students on the latest technology and techniques, and be informed by special experts. Each focuses on a specific aspect of digital art. So you can everything from "Smudge Painting" to "Digital Print beautification."

Gatlin Education Services, located on www.gatlineducation.com, also offers a Digital Arts Certificate Program. Their courses take a total of 225 hours to complete. Photoshop, Illustrator and other programs used to teach pupils creative arts and digital photo accessories. Students also learn basic artistic concepts, qualities like color and composition methods, and is expected to critique artistic work with valid reasoning. In addition to the lessons, students are expected to complete independent projects with a variety of techniques learned. This focus on practical skills, such as logo design and image retouching.

A third major school sessions Online School of Design at www.sessions.edu. Your Digital Arts Certificates span three levels of "basic" to "Advanced" to "master's." All three levels come to a total of thirty-nine unique courses. The students receive not only a foundation in the artistic design, they also learn large industrial software and techniques. At the conclusion of the program, all participants also have an extensive portfolio that can be used to create a good work. While these courses May seem more expensive than other options, financial assistance is available and the curriculum itself is more than the competing institutions.

There are countless other programs exist, the digital arts training online. Any quality courses should focus on the popular software used by professionals. It should also offer students the chance to build up a portfolio to the employer. Ultimately, working with digital art can be a rewarding profession. Everything you need is the knowledge and creativity to make a few heads.

Macbook Laptops - Macbook Laptops.....Knowing About Macbook Laptops Here

Apple started the introduction of MacBook laptops manage their iBook series. The first MacBook laptop was in 2006, and there were several models launched since then. The MacBook runs on Intel-based processors and have their own integrated operating in them. 'X Leopard "is their latest operating system known for its ease of use and the proper functioning. The MacBook laptops have settled in different variations such as a MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.

The MacBook is the lower-end version, based on the regular consumption. The MacBook Air is offering a light, which is extremely portable. The MacBook Pro is a high-end pack offer, which has more power and range of functions. Apple introduced the glossy display, the quiet popular for its brighter display and better contrast capabilities. The MacBook is at a price of Rs 50,000 and arrive in the traditional white color, the color black models are also equipped with additional costs.

The operating systems of the MacBooks have been known for simplifying the usage and give a new look from the traditional Windows operating systems. The latest MacBook laptops have the Intel Core 2 Duo processors, an improved performance. The MacBook Pro models are equipped with NVIDIA graphics card installed, the better video and gaming experience.

All MacBook laptops are bundled with Apple's software applications and were well appreciated. The popular software applications are the iTunes software, Safari and DVD player. A security software called iAlertu can be installed, which is committed to your laptop safe. If someone tries to conquer, Buzzer and it takes a picture of the person with its webcam and saves them. This creates a high level of security for your laptop and the information therein. The MacBook comes with a remote control which will help you unlock your laptop and is also used for controlling your multimedia.

The MacBook laptops have a bunch of accessories with it to increase the performance and styling. It is a stylish, envelope-like carrying case for MacBook Air host of expandable battery supplies to help in working life more hours on your laptop without charge to harass. The MacBook laptop quiet cleaning products are convenient for the white colored model new and bright.

The low price MacBook is the entry-level model that is packaged in decent features for regular consumers. You can buy MacBook laptops from the Apple Store or even of popular online shopping sites. You can find out about great deals and offers when shopping online.

Toshiba New Laptop - Toshiba Qosmio G303012e

Sneak Peek

The Toshiba Qosmio range, you will maintain 24x7. After many, Qosmio means "my personal universe." Toshiba Qosmio G303012E is definitely to your personal universe, and you will definitely become addicted to it the whole time.


The slim design is taking into account today's trendy customers who settle for nothing less than the best. It is compact laptop and it will not cause you any problems with it wherever you want. It weighs about 4.3 kilograms. Toshiba Qosmio laptop G303012E width dimensions are 406 mm, 285 mm depth. the height measures approximately 43.1 mm.

Key Features

Toshiba Qosmio G303012E is basically designed to provide you with healthy entertainment forever! It multimedia.Toshiba scores on G303012E Qosmio laptop is powered by Intel Core2Duo T7200, with processor speeds of 2000MHz and built-disk capacity of 200 GB. Li-Lon ensures that G303012E Toshiba Qosmio laptop gets one of the best power. The display is a 17 inches tall with a maximum resolution of 1920x 1200 dpi. It also has Ultimate TruBrite display. The 17-inch screen is really wide enough to play exciting games and watch unlimited movies! So now there is no need to go to cinema halls. Get the same cinematic experience with G303012E Toshiba Qosmio laptop at home yourself!

Toshiba Qosmio G303012E laptop has speaker, microphone and a soundcard. Thanks to an integrated DVD-Rewritable Drive, a stunning and immersive surround sound with Sound Blaster Pro sound card and make the world can be your theater.

Core Information

The operating system of the Toshiba Qosmio laptop G303012E is Windows XP Media Center. Apart from this Toshiba Qosmio G303012E laptop has PCMCIA slot, S-Video port, 4 USB ports, FireWire port, built-in Bluetooth adapter and 5-in-1 Digital Media Reader.

With 4 USB ports is one of the highlights of the Toshiba laptops. Actually, people are not aware of the many advantages of a USB port. You do not need a card adapter for a new device to your laptop or computer. Simply plug it into the USB port and your job is done.

USB ports are also much faster compared to other serial ports. Also, the data transfer is completed in slower serial ports. Thanks to USB ports to plug in and plug in your equipment is also very smoothly and safely even when the computer is turned on. Even the biggest advantage is that your device by dragging them to USB ports. The installation of software or other equipment is very simple via USB ports.

Bluetooth gives you the power to transfer data wirelessly. The touchpad mouse makes it extremely easy for you to go through the various programs on the screen.


Just as PC Magazine, says the versatile Qosmio: "(It is) the best multimedia laptop we have seen, especially when it comes to the integration of AV functions. No other system comes close."

Tips for Choosing Laptops - What Laptop Do You Need?

Your choice of the laptop will meet your needs. If you need a laptop with you wherever you are, then a small, lightweight model like the ultra-portable would probably be your choice - especially if you fly a lot. While these tiny models surely will not weigh you down, you must forgo the extras, such as fast hard drive, internal optical drive and extra ports. The battery will run for 2-4 hours depending on your technology. And remember that a small size certainly does not mean a suitable price.

These laptops called thin-and-light are what most students use. At 14-15 cm, their screens are larger than the ultra portables and the keyboard is user-friendly. If you need a laptop with you wherever you are, then a small, lightweight model like the ultra-portable would probably be your choice - especially if you fly a lot. While these tiny models surely will not weigh you down, you must forgo the extras, such as fast hard drive, internal optical drive and extra ports. The battery will run for 2-4 hours depending on your technology. And remember that a small size certainly does not mean a suitable price. The MacBook Air is a typical example of the thin-and light-style laptop, even if it's not as many opportunities as some others.

The mainstream laptop offers some portability, if you do not want to lug it around too much. Nevertheless, these are particularly suitable for everyday use with its larger screen and keyboard. You could almost as a budget desktop, but without the speed or features. For speed, functions and performance for desktop replacement with its three hours of battery and six kilos of weight. But only if you do not need to make it anywhere.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

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