Saturday, October 31, 2009

Goodbye Windows. Hello Xubuntu

For years I have had a love/hate relationship with Windows in its various incarnations, which has led me to flirt with a number of Linux distributions in the past. Nevertheless, games and other Windows only applications have meant that I have always returned to Microsoft OS's. That was until last week when I finally lost patience with my install of Windows XP. Degradation of performance and the constant threat of viruses finally prompted me to install Xubuntu.

I picked that distribution because I have had good experience of using Kuki Linux, which is based on Xubuntu, on my Acer Aspire One netbook. I like the XFCE windows manager because it is lightweight unlike Gnome and (to a lesser extent) KDE. If I wanted a bloated, feature-laden OS I'd still be using Windows.

I have a few games and other Windows programs that I am going to want to run so I will be experimenting with Wine and VirtualBox to see whether I can avoid having to set up a dual-boot machine. I will continue writing posts on this blog offering help and advice to Windows users; although, the more ardent Microsoft-detractors may be disappointed when I don't offer the advice of ditching Windows. I will also be enhancing this blog with occasional Linux themed posts too, which will be aimed at novice users.

Post weekly (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Recording of Technology Supports for Writing Webinar is Now Available

This past Wednesday, Joan Green and I held a webinar on technology supports for writing which was based on our new eBook, "Technology Supports for Writing" which we recently released. The 51 page eBook which is accessible with Adobe Acrobat Reader includes a great compilation of resources for anyone who needs to support students in the area of writing. Included in the ebook iare over 12 videos that are embedded that let you actually see how the software works. You can view the videos in full screen and get a sense first hand if you think that the program may have application for the students you are working with. During the webinar we highlighted a couple of reesources, ie. PixWriter, Livescribe Pulse Smartpen, Ginger, and NaturalReaders. You will find the eBook to be a helpful resource to have on your computer which not only includes a breakdown of features and interactive links to the publishers website.

This 51 page cutting-edge video ebook is a rich resource for information about various software and hardware tools to improve the writing process. It includes one video describing how to take advantage of this new "just in time" type of multi-media interactive learning tool and 12 integrated videos showing readers examples of how to use supports built-in to some of the highlighted products.

Cover of Technology Supports for Writing

Clickable topics in our video e-book include:

* Software with customizable drill-and-practice exercises to improve writing
* Software to improve spelling
* Software to help stimulate written content
* Features of word processors and assistive writing technology
* Text-based word processing features
* Text- based word processors
* Picture-based talking word processors
* Stand-alone word bank program
* Dictionaries
* Graphic organizers: technology for organizing written narrative
* Technology to help with the physical aspect of writing
* Speech-to-text and voice recognition
* Initiation of the writing process
* The physical act of handwriting or typing
* Portable word processors

A recording of the webinar is now available for everyone to view for one week- until November 7, 2009. Please feel free to pass along this information:) If you know of colleagues, friends, teachers or others who might be interested in this topic, it would be great if you could email them the info to access the recording. If you are involved with support groups, listserves, blogs and Facebook - we would appreciate your help posting this info.

To view the recording go to

In this 60 minute presentation, you have the opportunity to see how assistive technology can help individuals with the writing process. Joan and I demonstrate and discuss several products such as Ginger Software, PixWriter, Livescribe Pulse Pen and Natural Readers and present information about our book titled "Technology Supports for Writing" (available as an instant download or on a CD from

Until Nov. 7th, use the coupon code "presentation" for a 30% discount for online orders of the download. Contact me at for an order form if you prefer to pay by check or need to use a purchase order

You will need Windows Media Player on your computer in order to view the webinar recording as well as high speed internet access. If you don't have the software, it can be downloaded from here.

After ordering the ebook, you will neet to have at last Adobe Reader 9 to view the integrated videos. If you don't have at least that version, it can be downloaded here .

We are both available for consultations as needed (on this topic or others) if you would like to explore in greater detail which resources might be most appropriate for your situation. Our contact information is included below. We'd also appreciate hearing from you about other topics you would be interested in learning about.

Picture of Brian Friedlander Brian Friedlander, Ph.D.
Skype: assistivetek

Picture of Joan Green Joan Green, M.A. CCC-SLP
1-800-IST- 2550 or 301-602-2899
Twitter- @jgreenslp

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Becoming an IT Consultant? Ask Your Prospects These 4 Key Questions

One of the most important parts of becoming an IT consultant is making sure you know which type of small business clients you want to attract.

How can you find the prospective clients that will most benefit from your services long-term?

Look for companies that are big enough to need your services on a regular basis. So these potential clients are candidates for signing on-going service contracts, that bring you the steady revenue that will be the foundation of your business. Doing this successfully, as you are becoming an IT consultant, means you absolutely need to know the major qualifying questions inside out and backwards, like the back of your hand.

  1. Geographically Desirable? Because most small business clients need a lot of hand-holding, potential clients need to be located nearby to you. Look for prospects located within a 30 - 60-minute drive from your location. If you live in a large urban area, for example, your service area may shrink considerably, as there will be a high concentration of viable prospects very nearby. Also think about proximity as you attend networking events and develop your marketing campaigns.
  2. Big Enough, But Not Too Big? Think Goldilocks: not too big, not too small. As you are becoming an IT consultant, target clients that have 10-75 workstations. At this size, the prospect is big enough to need a real, dedicated server … but not so big that the prospect needs a full-time, in-house IT department. Another way to think about this is that the prospect will likely have $1 million - $10 million in annual sales, or your local currency equivalent. Know this type of information about your potential clients, so you can develop much more powerful, affordable, and cost-effective marketing strategies.
  3. A Platform You Can Support? Before you get too far into the sales process, be sure to properly qualify prospective clients based on their installed platform of OS's and NOS's. For example, if your specialty is Windows-family OS's/NOS's and a prospect is 100% standardized on Mac's, you should refer that prospect elsewhere.
  4. Serious About IT? If you come across a small business prospect for your IT consulting business that doesn’t have a dedicated server, because they're messing around with peer-to-peer ad-hoc networking, you probably want to run the other way. Before you spend too much time on a potential client, make sure the prospective client is really ready for your solutions.

In this short article, we talked about 4 simple, but very powerful qualifying criteria for prospective clients. By consistently asking these questions, you can more proactively manage the selling process and utilize your limited time more effectively. Learn more about becoming an IT consultant and attracting steady, high-paying clients now at

Copyright (C) All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Help with Google Earth Images, too

ARGH!! MOST frustrating!

You are SUPPOSED to be able to create a placemark in Google Earth and use the img src tag to link to images in the placemark. And you can. But, once again, when you save the placemark, the image doesn't get zipped in with the kmz file - and it's SUPPOSED TO!

Anyone have an answer to that?


MANY thanks to Shawn Canady, for helping resolve this issue. It turns out that I had too much of a file path included in the img src tag. I had something like "file:///Users/jamesgates/desktop/gepic.jpg" Removing the file:// did it. Sheesh!!!

The 22nd Carnival of Computer Help and Advice

Welcome to the twenty-second monthly Carnival of Computer Help and Advice - a digest of recent blog articles that spread the wealth of PC knowledge.

"Firefox is the second most popular web browser in the world and it continues to gain popularity and market share. With this rapid growth many users, especially new users, are not aware of the wide range of Firefox keyboard shortcuts available. These small combinations of keystrokes when used at the right time can be real productivity boosters. Here are 30 Firefox keyboard shortcuts to help simplify and speed up your daily browsing. Even Firefox veterans may find these helpful." So says Mike from Computer Tech Tips, Technology News and Tech Support. See his article at 30 Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts.

Marco Gustafsson presents An Introduction to Popular E-book File Formats posted at Digital Book Readers.

Support Nerds Computer Repair Blog author Kyle says, "With so many forms of viruses out there surfing the internet safely can be a tough thing for some PC users. Lets first break down a list and definition of the different kinds of infections your PC can get." Learn more at Malware, Viruses, and Spyware, Oh My!.

Staying on the same subject - a warning from Harris Andrea from Tech 21 Century: "Windows Police Pro is another rogue antivirus software which infected millions of computers on the Internet. Although it looks like a legitimate security tool, you need to remove it ASAP because it is a virus itself." Never fear, harris shows us Remove How to Remove Windows Police Pro permanently.

In a simalr vein, Gin G. of Sense Scribe advises us what to do when confronted with suspicious emails in Found a Fishy Phish.

Matthew Paulson explains How to Get Your Data Back When Your Hard Drive Dies at American Consumer News.

Netbooks have become very popular since their introduction (I have one myself). Arthur Pledger sahres Essential Tools: A Netbook Review on his World Domination with Arthur Pledger blog.

Finally this month, Surfer Sam explains New !! How I Made My Own Free Screensaver Slide Show - Let Your Computer be Your Digital Photo Frame on the Surfer Sam and Friends. Life's a Beach !! blog.

If you are interested in hosting a future carnival please leave a comment on this post or use the contact form over at our Blog Carnival page where you can also submit your blog posts for inclusion. Don't worry, if you don't want to write the Carnival post I can do it for you.

More next month.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Help with Google Earth tours

I've searched everywhere I can think of, and I've tweeted about it, and I've even been able to communicate with Frank over at the gearthblog (I point folks there frequently) but I have not been able to find the answer to this question about tours in Google Earth. Maybe a reader can help.

You've seen the Google Earth tours, I'm sure, where you're flown to various places around the world and when you arrive there, the balloon opens then closes when you move on. All the while, the narrator's voice can be heard talking us through the tour.

I want to make one of those - and I can - but I can't share it.

I can set up a folder of locations with each location having a balloon for information about that place. I can click the Tour folder icon and it will do as it's supposed to do, flying me to each location. I've set the preferences up so that the balloons will show, as well. I can even click the record button and record audio with it. And, I can play back the tour on my machine and it's wonderful! But, I'm not able to share it.

When I right-click to save the file I am able to save the tour. But, if I send that file to someone else, the audio isn't there, And, frequently, the balloons don't display. Yet, it works fine on my own computer.

I REALLY want to resolve this issue, so if anyone can offer a suggestion as to what I must do to ensure that the audio gets compressed into the kmz file and the balloons show, I would LOVE to hear from you.

Update 10-27-09

With the help of Mickey Mellon, one of the authors on the gearthblog, I was able to make SOME progress. Mickey suggested that I change the .kmz file extension to .zip and open it. It opened into a folder that contained a .kml file as well as another folder that contained the audio file. That audio file had a .aac extension, supposedly a supported file type for Google Earth. I then did the same thing for one tour that did work correctly, and that file had a .mp3 extension. Hmmmmm...

So, I renamed the .aac audio to .mp3. I then opened the .kml file in a text editor and changed the reference to point to the newly named audio file. I saved the changes, then opened the file in Google Earth. It played PERFECTLY!

This means that it just doesn't like that .aac file type when it comes from someone else, because it likes it just fine on your own machine. I'm thinking that we're (I'm including you and Mickey in on this) getting close.

Can anyone help now?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Prezi - I don't get it

I've talked about this on Twitter, but maybe a reader can help me come to terms with Prezi. I don't get it.

I recently saw another person who used Prezi for the presentation, and again I thought, "This is everything that we complained about with Powerpoint. Needless, distracting animations. The only thing missing were sound effects, and I could imagine them containing whooshing sounds and spinner sounds and ratchet sounds to fit the nauseating motions.

Seriously, if Microsoft ever decided to steal .. sorry.. build similar visual effects, wouldn't we immediately begin to complain about them?

Or am I missing something? Am I allowing my stomach queasiness when I watch the zooming and spinning, etc, to cloud my judgment?

Congratulations to LTMS600 class

I had such a great day yesterday. I got the chance to hear all about the projects that the teachers in the LTMS600 class did with their students so far this fall. Yesterday was the final day for the course, and I thoroughly enjoyed the day.

From 3rd graders using a Wallwisher board as a KWL chart, to backchanneling with 8th grade Spanish students, to a Facebook-like project in Mythology that ended up in Issuu, to students making Jing screencasts for the library - and great uses for Google Docs, and student blogs and Google Earth tours.. and more. What fun it was to see and hear about the changes in their classrooms.

I wish now that I had thought to jot down all the comments that students had as they worked on the projects. The teachers told of how they didn't want to stop the activity when the period ended, and how they went above and beyond the requirements of the assignent because they enjoyed it so much, etc.

Comments from the teachers included: "My objectives were certainly met if not exceeded.", "Students would come to class and ask, 'Can we work on our wiki pages today?'", "The students and I loved it - every student participated." Or, "The students thought it would be cool to use this tool when they discussion other issues that they thought were important." This comment that I posted about the other day sticks with me, too: " Seeing the students rise to occasion was fantastic. The students becamse the teachers, and I becamse the learner." And this comment I thought was especially good, "This was one of the most successful projects I’ve ever taught. Not only because it was engaging for the students, but because they learned valuable skills: group discussion skills, research skills, supporting points with specific, accurate details and writing skills. These are skills that transcend the Communication Arts classroom; these are skills students will need to be successful in whatever career path they decide to pursue. " (I wish I could share her entire project description with you - it was excellent.)

It was a VERY good day, yesterday. And to Vicki, Scott, Lisa B, Lisa K, Nicole, Emma, David, Diane, Karen, Emily, Rich, Heather, and Amy - Congratulations. I'm so proud of your work. And I'm so happy to have had the opportunity to wrok with each of you.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Post weekly (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

MindGenius 3 Released!

No sooner then I do a review of MindGenius 2.5, I find out that MindGenius Ldt., has just released MindGenius 3. When you first open MindGenius 3 you will see an who new look, complete with the adoption of the Fluid Ribbon Interface. MindGenius 3.0 is much more visually appealing to use but you should feel right at home with the common interface structure. MindGenius 3 kept many of the same conventions as in their previous version such as the Map Explorer and the Picture Gallery Viewer. MindGenius 3 has a clean and inviting look summoning you to jump in and use the program. If you are upgrading from version 2.5 you should be up and running in no time. While it may take some time to get used to the Ribbon, I found the organization of the commands on the Ribbon to be well thought out and relatively easy to find what I was looking for. The Welcome Map and the Getting Started Guide are two useful resources when you are just beginning to use MindGenius 3. Here are a list of some of the new features that you will find in MindGenius as provided by the publisher:

  • Ribbon User Interface which allows for improved brainstorming, presentations, analysis and task management functionality and easier access to the most commonly used features and functionality.

  • improved Analysis capability to help you sort your information and add quick filters to get a different view on your data eg by category, actions due/ over due, cost or task properties.

  • MS Excel export for use with pivot table analysis, parts lists, costs, task management, and FMEA Analysis, allowing you to work with numerical values as well as words.

  • Numerical fields added that allow you to record actual work hours, costs and quantities and undertake cost and quantity calculations.

  • updated image library with a suite of pictures that can be used royalty free by all MindGenius users.

  • ability to add and edit your own question sets in the Question Tool allowing you to undertake improved planning and brainstorming sessions and create frameworks for meetings and customer facing sessions.

  • timer to allow you to keep on schedule in brainstorming, meetings and presentations.

One of the strengths that comes across in using MindGenuis 3 is the powerful filters and the ability to sort your maps by a specific category. MndGenius really shines in this area and makes for a valuable tool if you are doing consulting and looking how resources are being used in a project. With a click of the mouse you are able to create your map based on the Resources and see things through a different lens. You can watch this video to show you how to assign Resources with the Resources Dropper and how to quickly create a Resource Map within MindGenius 3. In this regards MindGenius 3 has redone the interface and allows you to quickly link resources with tasks on your map. Using the very familiar Eye Dropper you can drop resources in tasks make it easy to track them in a project. You will also find that there were some significant features added to the Task Ribbon. In MindGenius 3 you can now track Work Hours, and Cost for tasks that can then be Exported to Excel for further analysis. If you like you can also Export your Tasks to Outlook with a click of the mouse. Having exported some project information to Excel I was impressed with the formatting and the Report that was generated. Of course if I decide to, I could always export the project to MS Project to give me a full range of tools and a Gantt Chart.

One of the features which is unique to MindGenius 3 is the ability to create Question Sets. A Question Set is a series of prompts or questions that can be associated with a mind map. This is a great feature to use to help you to generate ideas and to get you to thinking about a topic is a new or novel way. While MindGenius 2.5 included this feature you were unable to edit the Question Sets and you had to use them in the standard way. In MindGenius 3 you can easily edit the Questions and use them as you see fit. These custom prompts and questions can help and guide users to be more productive when they are working through an issue and are mind mapping. These Question Sets can be very powerful frameworks for users when they are attempting to solve problems using mind mapping tools.

All in all, you will find MindGenius 3 to be an easy to use mind mapping tool that builds on it foundations and provides a good foundation for future development. While you will have to gauge for yourself the worth of this upgrade- I for one feel that users will find MindGenius 3 easier to use, more visually appealing and brings with it a clean new interface that should make users more productive.

Links revision...

Some links were changed and specially several Informix related blogs were added. It's really nice to see new Informix related sites and authors publishing info. In particular I'm very glad to add several Brazilian sites. This is really important for the Portuguese speaking audience. The links added are:
  • Advanced DataTools
    This was a big miss. Lester Knutsen is probably the most noticeable element of this IBM Partner who just recently organized another edition of the Fastest Informix DBA contest
  • IMartins Tudo Sobre Informix
    A Brazilian site with articles and information related to IBM Informix
  • AskPontes
    A blog from my Brazilian colleague Vagner Pontes
  • InformixBr
    Another blog from another Brazilian colleague Pedro HT Rodrigues
  • Informix DBA
    A blog from the well known Andrew Ford, a member of the International Informix Users Group board of directors
  • Informix Tips
    A blog from Jeff Filippi from Integrated Data Consulting
  • Informix Administrators Blog
    A blog from Markus Holzbauer, a German colleague and a long time Informix user (started on v4... same as me)
So, as you can see I've been away from a lot of new activity. I hope I've recovered the gap. If you have any info about any Informix related site that I should list, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or send me an email.

Friday, October 23, 2009

A word about images

This has to be one of the toughest ideas to fully comprehend - the matter of image sizes and 'weight.' And, unless you're aware that it IS an issue, you're destined to continue along doing what you're now doing, never to know what it is you're doing wrong.

And Microsoft (PowerPoint AND word) doesn't help matters. What happens when you insert an image into Word or PowerPoint? It displays at pretty much the size you're looking for, doesn't it? The picture fits very nicely on that PowerPoint slide. But, it lies. The picture is NOT that size. The picture is still the 3072 x 2304 size; it's just scaled smaller. And it's still 2.5mb heavy. That might even be acceptable (I would argue it's not, but I'll agree now that it is) if you're just making the PowerPoint for your computer and it won't be shared with anyone or, worse, uploaded online. But, when you're uploading those huge images online, they load needlessly slowly, and they're costing money in terms of a needless drain on bandwidth. I've even seen websites for computer companies that contain such images. ARGH!

Now, when you're at school and you're viewing the webpage containing that image, it will load a LITTLE slowly, but not enough, in your mind, to be concerned. But, multiply that page load requirements by 30 (the number of students in your class) and suddenly the images DO slow down to a frustratingly slow speed, and the bandwidth requirements has increased a great deal.

PowerPoint makes it easy - if you know the tool is there - to fix this issue. When you save the PowerPoint you can tell it to compress all images. Have you seen that option? No? I didn't think so. It's not as obvious as I think it should be, and it seems to be in a different place with every version. I don't see that option in Word, but you can let me know if it's there. Regardless, however, I think it should be very obvious how to have the image resized when you save the file. I just added a single image to a Word document with NO text, and the file was 4.5mb large. The image fit nicely on the page, however.

This is part of Digital Literacy, isn't it? An much overlooked part, too. I firmly believe that students should be taught about this notion and how to manage many files that will be used in a presentation.

When I was putting lots of files online in websites, I used a nifty, free program called, Irfanview. It's a windows only app, but it did a great job batch processing files. I could point it to a folder of images and tell it to resize them, rename them according to my pattern, and save them in another folder. I think there was even an icon that installed on the desktop and I could drop images onto it and it would automatically resize and save to my specifications. Then I'd use those images for the web.

There are many great programs out there that are free and can help you resize images. But, one thing's for sure, we really need to become aware of those file sizes.

Today's Webspiration Training

Today I was called into a Middle School to do some training with teachers on Inspiration to help support a student with writing and reading comprehension difficulties. Last year I had done a comprehensive assistive technology evaluation and had made the recommendation to the Child Study Team that the student would benefit greatly from using Inspiration on a computer as a pre-writing strategy and to help him to better understand and retain information. When I went into the school today I decided to take a little different tact and worked with the teachers on getting them comfortable with Webspiration. Since all of the teachers did not have Inspiration installed on thier laptops I figured why not try Webspiration a tool that they could use not only with this student but with the entire class. There are lots of advantages to using Webspiration if you are teacher, most notably, you can access your graphic organizers from any computer connected to the internet and you can jointly share your webs and templates with others.

During this short session we were able to create a graphic organizer on the "scientific method" as well as add graphics from the library. We also had a chance to add notes and to look at some of the templates that come with Webspiration. The "aha" moment didn't come until I showed them how they could share their files with others. Within minutes teachers were collaborating with one another and could see just how easy it was for them to share their graphic organizers with the identified student who would need this to support his learning. It was a rell eye opener for them to also learn that the student could then access these files and open them with Inspiraiton 8 which he has installed on his laptop computer.

I had a chance to work directly with the student and showed him how to access these shared files that some of his teachers had shared with him in Webspiration. He quickly grasped how to use Webspiration and was taught how to download the files he needed so that he could use some of the other supports that were only found in Inspiration 8, Text to Speech, and the Word Guide. Using the Listen Tool the student was able to click on any symbol on the screen to hear the text being read. Likewise I also showed him how to turn on the Talking Interface which would then allow him to have the computer read the definitions in the Word Guide.

Having the ability of the teachers and the student to have access to Webspiration really was very empowering. I will be going back to the district in a couple of weeks to do a follow training to see how everything is going. In the interim please take a look at Webspiration and see how you can begin to use it with the students that you work with.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Glance to the Rescue

While I have used Glance in the past to do webinars and to do screen sharing, I have never had the opportunity until yesterday to use it to remotely control someone's computer. One of my students called me on my cell phone and shared with me that she was having trouble doing APA formatting in Microsoft Word. I suggested that we do a session using Glance and that I would take control of her computer. I quickly shot off an email with the log-on link to her colelege email address and within seconds we were up and running. I was able to take control of her PC and show her how to use the Reference Tools within Microsoft Office 2007 to create her citations and bibliogrpahy. My student, to say the least was fascinated by the support and my ability to remotely take control of her computer. The whole support call lasted about 10 minutes but after we were through we resolved all of her technical issues and she was then able to focus on her Action Research project. Having tools like Glance at your disposal was a god send.

Business as Usual?

I've not been able to get this out of my mind. Recently I had the opportunity to talk with a Business Education student teacher. I was told that in the classroom to which he's been assigned, the current teacher teaches Office all day - from a textbook. And, under the pretense of "Differentiated Instruction" allows the students to work their way through the book at their own pace. Meanwhile, the teacher sits at her desk and .. who knows what she does.

The student teacher asked her if he could use the Office Live site and was told no, because she can't make the students create a site that requires an email address. Fine. The student teacher asked for two other options and was told no. So, this poor person must continue to preserve the outrageous "instruction" that is currently going on there.

When I think of the amount of money that teacher makes, and how little teaching is actually being done, I get sick to my stomach. When I think of all that COULD be done and ISN'T, I get sick to my stomach.

THROW AWAY THOSE !@#$%^& TEXTBOOKS!!! Get your curiosity back and start investigating the many changes that have taken place online, and start teaching the students with and about those tools. SOMETHING other than teaching Powerpoint from a textbook, for crying out loud.

Can you hear me screaming?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tes Tulis CPNS Departemen Perhubungan

Tes Tulis CPNS Departemen Perhubungan terlewati, tinggal menunggu pengumuman apakah lolos atau tidak. Pengumumannya sendiri akan diumumkan langsung melalui website Departemen Perhubungan.

Jika anda penasaran apa menjadi materi dalam tes perhubungan kali ini mungkin saya masih dapat mengingat beberapa soal yang akan saya post-kan berikut ini:

Jumlah Soal 200 tipe pilihan ganda dengan Lembar Jawaban Komputer.
100 Soal TKD (Tes Kemampuan Dasar) dan 100 TKB (Tes Kemampuan Bidang)

100 soal kemampuan dasar terdiri dari
1. Pancasila dan UUD
2. Soal Sebab Akitat
3. Soal Pilihan Majemuk
4. Sinonim
5. Antonim
6. Wacana
7. Deret Angka
8. Matematika
9. Logika
10. Psikotes dan Skala Kematangan

100 soal TKB (Tes Kemampuan Bidang) terdiri atas pengetahuan bidang perhubungan dan komputer, sistem perhubungan, pemeriksaan dan pengawasan, sarana dan prasarana perhubungan dan pengetahuan lain terkait Departeman Perhubungan.

semua soal pilihan ganda dan menggunakan sebuah LJK. Pertanyaan yang masih teringat (Tes Kemampuan Bidang) :
1. Apa Plat nomor (pertanyaan kasar) pesawat Indonesia.. PK
2. Apa nama tempat parkir pesawat.. Hangar
3. Apa itu Marka Jalan..????
4. Kepanjangan ASDP..
5. Arti Lampu Hijau..

maaf-maaf bener-bener lupa yang lain...baru sempat posting malam2..

Balai Latihan dan Pendidikan Perhubungan Darat, Gianyar, Bali

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Computer Consulting Kit Home Study Course Preview Webinar

Learn how you can get more of the best, steady, high-paying small business clients in your local area. This free live preview event is exclusively for those who are not currently owners of the Computer Consulting Kit™ Home Study Course. As no recording will be made available, this event is only available live. Registration is limited to the first 100, first-come, first-served.

Sign-up now so you don’t miss out!

Computer Consulting Kit™ Home Study Course Preview Webinar

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

8:00 PM - 9:30 PM EDT

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista

Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.4 (Tiger®) or newer

Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Teacher found herself when she gave up some control

This is terrific. Here are some comments from a teacher who has been working to enhance her lessons with more technology. Specifically, using tools that give her students more creative power. Read what she has to say about her experience. Have you been there? Would you say that this teacher has been transformed?
"First thought that pops into my mind is: Becoming a facilitator and not a teacher was difficult to overcome. I had to give the reigns to the students. In the beginning, I felt I was not teaching and therefore useless. Afterwards, my thoughts changed completely. Seeing the students rise to occasion was fantastic. The students became the teachers and I became the learner. Does that sound corny?

This has become my highlight of each marking period, or now semester. I look forward to watching students come up with good interview questions, struggling with Audacity and finally hearing their final scripts in Podbean. The look of accomplishment on their faces makes my year….The Assistant Superintendent came to observe me once, during the final recording of the Podcast. He left me a note saying that “I used good Web 2.0 tools” He seemed to be impressed. That note made my day. I laminated it and stuck it under my see through thing on my desk as a reminder."
Oh, and do you also see how powerful an "attagirl" can be? Something that easy, yet something so often left unsaid, can make a REAL difference. With students, too. Try this: the next time you see some good work from a struggling student, or from ANY student who appears to have put forth real effort on your assignment, get "in the moment" with that student and say, "Nicole, I REALLY like what you did here. This is very good."

Nicole, I REALLY like what you did here. This is very good!

Another great Skype lesson

This was just shared in the Classroom 2.0 Diigo group today.

Here are some 7th grade students talking about copyright with the man himself, Larry Lessig, of Creative Commons fame. If you're reading this I'm sure I don't need to say more about who Larry Lessig is. And, for those of you who are not permitted to use Skype, send that link to your Principal and again urge him/her to reconsider. It's FAR too good a tool to remain locked up.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Creating Interactive Handouts with Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended

Earlier this week I spoke about how you could easily create printed handouts from your Captivate 4 projects. While this is certainly an added benefit and a good approach when you are doing workshops-wouldn't it be even better if you could show your participants how to accomplish the skill in an interactive handout. Why not take the printed handout an add a video demonstration to it to make it even more engaging for your learners. If you have Adobe Acrobat Pro9 Extended it is easy to add a video to your Microsoft Word document and then convert it to a PDF file and distribute it electronically.

In this example I created my video demonstration using Captivate 4 and embedded the SWF file directly into Microsoft Word handout from the Adobe Acrobat Tab within Microsoft Word. Once I have slected the SWF file I can set the Poster view for the video that the user will see when they open up the handout. Because I am creating a PDF file I can be confident that the end user will be able to view the contents of the PDF with nothing else but the free version of Adobe Reader 9.1. Using this technique is a great way to explain and demonstrate to your participants how to accomplish a task on the computer. You now have the best of both worlds- you can print out your handouts or electronically distribute them with embedded videos. Either way I'm sure your workshop participants will appreciate your efforts, having the various level of supports available to them during and after your workshop. If you need a place to host your PDF you should take a look at a free way to upload your PDF and share them. So go ahead and download my handout and sit back and watch the video demonstration on page 1. Just a tip if you Right click on the video when it is running you can view the video in Full screen view.

New Livescribe Pulse Smartpens Announced

OAKLAND, CALIF. – Oct. 19, 2009 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Livescribe Inc. announced the expansion of its line-up of award-winning Pulse smartpens, a computer in a pen that digitally captures and syncs handwriting and audio together. Customers can now select a 4GB and 2GB model in a new, stylish titanium color. The 4GB model holds more than 400 hours of recorded audio and provides ample storage for consumers to add applications such as, entertainment, education and productivity tools to their smartpen when Livescribe launches its Application Store later this year. The 4GB Pulse smartpen has a retail price of $199.95 and the 2GB model is $169.95.

Also, released today is the Pro-Pack bundle, a new option for the business professional. The Pro-Pack includes the 4GB Pulse smartpen in an exclusive black color, an A5 size starter notebook, a premium leather carrying case, handwriting to text transcription software, and the new Pro Charging Cradle. This special bundle is initially available at for $249.95. The Pro Charging Cradle has a stylish ink-well design and charges Pulse from an electrical outlet or computer.

To meet growing demand and provide greater purchase accessibility, Pulse can be found at several new retail outlets, including Best Buy, select Apple stores nationally and Starting in mid-November, the Pulse smartpen will be available at Staples stores nationwide. Pulse continues to be available at Target and

“We are thrilled to have broadened not only our product line, but also our retail distribution to reach people wherever they shop for electronics. We know that many people like to see things in person before purchase and our new retail relationships with Best Buy, Apple and Staples will help demonstrate how Pulse can positively impact their lives professionally, academically and personally by never missing a word,” said Livescribe CMO Byron Connell.

Set Form Element Readonly with Javascript

How we can Set Form Element Readonly with Javascript ..

a piece of the code is here


or the complete forum can be found here

Im affraid any lost.. Maybe copy any source code to this post is good idea...

<script type="text/javascript">

function blah(bool) {
if(bool) {
document.getElementById("ta").readOnly = true;
else {
document.getElementById("ta").readOnly = false;


<textarea id="ta"></textarea>
<input type="checkbox" onclick="blah(this.checked)" />

or this solution

[1] use setAttribute and removeAttribute

document.forms['myFormId'].myTextArea.setAttribute('readOnly','readonly'); //2nd readonly more freedom
else //if(!document.formOne.fieldInfo.checked)
// also tried document.formOne.fieldtextarea.focus();

[2] property assignment

document.forms['myFormId'].myTextArea.readOnly=true; //true has some freedom
else //if(!document.formOne.fieldInfo.checked)
document.forms['myFormId'].myTextArea.readOnly=false; //false has some freedom
// also tried document.formOne.fieldtextarea.focus();

MySQL Stored Procedure that have Variable Table Name and it's Query Validation

I have try and try about MySQL Stored Procedure that have Variable Table Name and it's Query Validation. First i try to make MySQL Stored Procedure that have Variable Table Name. I so newbie in stored procedure, but after any success it feel so nice.

This stored procedure primary target is giving a increment counter in a field. The increment value of a asset (Asset Information System) giving a unique ID between each number of asset even the asset is the same.

below is primary procedure to do the increment.


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `db_simaset`.`addnew`$$

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `addnew`
(in tabel varchar(15), in kodeaset varchar(11),
in banyak numeric,
in awalancounter numeric,
codesppa varchar(20),
id_transaksi numeric,
tglpenerimaan date,
tglpembukuan date)
set @awalancounter=awalancounter;
set @inc=1;
set @ptabel=tabel;

while (@inc <= banyak) do begin
set @awalancounter=@awalancounter+1;
SET @dyn_sql=CONCAT("INSERT INTO ",@ptabel,"(kode_aset,no_aset,
values ('", kodeaset,"','", @awalancounter,"','",codesppa,"','",

PREPARE s1 FROM @dyn_sql;
EXECUTE s1; set @inc=@inc+1;
end while;

the validation is give a single quoted beetwen dynamic value of the field. I mean Here


without the validation it will be error column will happen shows that MySQL confuse about integer and varchar value.

Hope it will help you..

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Another Google Wave video to see

I had two questions about Waves. One: How can you tell which are the latest edits to a wave. Two: Is it possible to know if any of your contacts are online and in the Wave application? I think I have the answer to my first question (A vertical green bar appears on the left edge of the wave entry), but I don't yet know the answer to the second question.

However, I did find another good video to suggest. It showcases 15 features of a wave, in rapid fire succession. Here it is:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Post weekly (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

50 out of 70 were blocked

I just can't stop thinking about someone who recently queried a large group to ask about their filters at school. She said she's at her wit's end. Her science teacher had gathered a collection of seventy science sites, but when he got to school only twenty were accessible.

Are she and I the only ones who find something terribly wrong with that picture?

Context Organizer- One Strategy for Students with Reading Disabilities

For the past 1 1/2 I have been working closely with Henry Lewkowicz at Context Discovery to help get the word out about his innovative software application, Context Organizer. Context Organizer is Windows based application that can very quickly summarize information from various sources. In today's information age all of us are bombarded with information that is coming at us from all angles at the speed of light. But in order to keep up we must have access to this information and be pretty good at skimming and reading quickly all of the text. If we are on the web or reading a Word or PDF files we must be able to read quickly and absorb the information if we are to keep up in our fields. This is where Context Organizer comes in-imagine that you had this reading agent that could go through the document or the web site and summarize the information and pull out all of the relevant information and contextualize it for you. Well you no longer have to wait- you see Context Organizer is here and is your humble reading servant. For example you can go to a web site and click on the Context Organizer icon on your browser and voila- the web site contents are summarized for you to read. If you find that you need to delve more into the web site simply click on the link to take you there. Likewise, you can instantly send the summaries from Context Organizer to Microsoft Word for further review or editing. You see, Context Organizer is an invaluable and transformational tool and could be a god send for students and adults with reading disabilities who have to process a great deal of text. By combining Context Organizer with a text to speech tool, students could process that much more text, and get to the heart of the matter that much more quickly. Context organizer can also be used to search and summarize the contents of your Google searches eliminating the need to go to each and every site that Google suggests. If you like what you see in the search, read the summarization, if not discard it and move to the next summary. It is really that easy. If you would like to try out Context Organizer you can download a 30 day Trial from Context Discovery. You can also check out this video that I put together on using Context Organizer on the web.

Copyrighted? But I NEED that video!

During a recent discussion with two other teachers, the subject of YouTube videos came up. One person commented that she was upset that she couldn't show some of them to her classes, as they are PERFECT for what she's trying to get across. The conversation went something like this.

Woman: "I link to them and even embed them, but the kids cant see them at school, and some don't have computers at home. It's tough"

Man: "I download them all and upload them into my Moodle."

Woman: "Well, you know that's against the YouTube acceptable use policy and a violation of Copyright."

Man: "Hey, I need them to teach with, so I do what I have to do. I'll use them as long as I am teaching that subject."

And all of that could be avoided if the teachers were given a different filtering policy from students and access to youtube. Instead, the teachers are turning into copyright criminals. The man had ZERO guilt associated with taking those videos.

This could ALL be avoided!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Check out this WallWisher by 3rd graders

Isn't that a fun site? This was put together by some third graders who were studying rocks (of course). What a fun way to post what you know or WANT to know and have others comment on it. Non-threatening, easy to use, and fun. A nice way to get the third graders eased into computer work, don't you think?

Free Webinar: Technology Supports for Writing

Technology Supports for Writing

Join authors Brian Friedlander, Ph.D and Joan Green M.A.CCC-SLP for a free webinar to learn about their new interactive video ebook.

Space is limited.

Click Here Reserve your Webinar seat now or go to

Learn about a new interactive guide to cutting-edge technology tools, strategies and resources to improve the writing process. This video ebook is now available at

We plan to record this webinar and make it available for viewing for one week after the session. Please register here even if you can't participate live and we will notify you about how to view the recorded session after it takes place.

Everyone who registers will be given a coupon code for 20% off the price of Technology Supports for Writing.

Cover of Technology Supports for Writing
Title:   Technology Supports for Writing

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oh BOY! My google Wave account just arrived!

Yes, I'm a geek, and I'm a lucky man. I COULD have been a geek in the 1950's when computers were just 1's and 0's. Today, however, I can play with cool stuff like the Google Wave.

A while back I had pointed you to a video about the Google Wave that was an hour and 20 minutes long. Here, though, is a video that does a great job of explaining it in only ten minutes.

Oh, and sorry, I've given out all eight of my available invitations to the Wave.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

MySQL Stored Procedure that have Variable Table Name

First Time Using Stored Procedure in MySQL 5 is a high class type of database programming to me. I still newbie in this kind of programming.

But in this article i want to show you that a direct variable table name doesn't work in MySQL Stored Procedure. The example below will got error table name



/*[DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]*/
PROCEDURE `db_simaset`.`addnew`(in ptabel varchar(20), in kodeaset varchar(20), in banyak numeric, in awalancounter numeric)

set @awalancounter=awalancounter;
set @inc=1;
set @ptabel = ptabel ;

while (@inc <= banyak) do begin set @awalancounter=@awalancounter+1; insert into @ptabel (kode_aset, no_aset) values(kodeaset,@awalancounter); set @inc=@inc+1; end;
end while;



then, to make it works, it should be like this (Using Concat ( String Function))


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `db_simaset`.`addnew`$$

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `addnew`(in tabel varchar(15), in kodeaset varchar(11), in banyak numeric, in awalancounter numeric)
set @awalancounter=awalancounter;
set @inc=1;
set @ptabel=tabel;

while (@inc <= banyak) do
set @awalancounter=@awalancounter+1;
SET @dyn_sql=CONCAT("INSERT INTO ",@ptabel,"(kode_aset, no_aset) values (",kodeaset,",",@awalancounter,");");
PREPARE s1 FROM @dyn_sql;
set @inc=@inc+1;

end while;



Sunday, October 11, 2009

100 Blog Follower

Blog Follower
Cukup lama mendapar 100 Follower..tapi akhirnya dapat juga...
Terima Kasih Bagi Follower..

Hidup is so Complicated

Mau ini, mau itu. Memang manusia memiliki keinginan tak terbatas. Tak terkecuali tentang teman hidup ataupun orang istimewa. Naluri ingin bersama lawan jenis adalah naluri yang alami, ada, dan melekat pada individu normal. Tentu kita bisa mengambil makna dari kalimat yang cukup populer "Di sisi seorang laki-laki hebat pastilah ada seorang perempuan hebat sebagai pilarnya". Lalu bagaimana nasib seorang laki-laki hebat tanpa seorang wanita yang mensupportnya..?? Banyak dan bahkan biasa dalam kehidupan..

Hal diatas mungkin sebagian kecil dari penyebab seseorang mengalami penambahan pada beban pikirannya. disamping itu masih banyakk hal yang menyebabkan seseorang harus berpikir demi kelangsungan kehidupan di masa depan.

Semakin maju peradaban (entah saat ini semakin maju atau semakin mundur yang ada hanya kehidupan yang semakin susah dan sulit), semakin complicated kebutuhan dan keinginan manusia. Di lihat dari sisi kebutuhan tentunya makanan, pakaian dan rumah yang notabene kebutuhan pokok semakin besar dan banyak. Belum lagi teknologi, teknologi adalah kebutuhan pokok juga saat ini, bagaimana tidak, teknologi adalah sarana kerja dan kemungkinan juga bisa buat kecanduan.

Tanpa teknologi tidak bisa bekerja, tidak bisa bekerja juga dibarengi tidak bisa mencari hiburan sambilan di Internet, jadinya cuma bengong tidak jelas..akibatnya kerjaan tidak beres, hiburan tidak dapat..dll

Rasanya tulisan ini aneh dan g nyambung kesana kemari..tapi kasian kalau di hapus..

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