Thursday, May 31, 2007

[TIPS] Science teachers - check this out before the kids leave

This is what it's about:
TeachersFirst is proud to offer this chance to experience the life of a physics researcher through the eyes and dry humor of our own physics blogger, Andy. As an undergraduate not long out of the high school physics lab, Andy brings us into the "real world" of scientific research but can still connect with the middle or high school student who may be wondering, "When am I ever gunna use this stuff?" Spending the summer of 2007 at Los Alamos National Labs, Andy shares his day-to-day discoveries and gives your students a chance to respond to the blog, perhaps connecting to a "real" scientist for the first time.
- -
This looks like it will be good. Check it out.

Thanks to Candice S for sharing this one.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

a Photosynth demo

Wait until you see THIS! The future is NOW. Amazing technology.

This is what thet site says about this talk:
Using photos of oft-snapped subjects (like Notre Dame) scraped from around the Web, Photosynth creates breathtaking multidimensional spaces with zoom and navigation features that outstrip all expectation. Its architect, Blaise Aguera y Arcas, shows it off in this standing-ovation demo. Curious about that speck in corner? Dive into a freefall and watch as the speck becomes a gargoyle. With an unpleasant grimace. And an ant-sized chip in its lower left molar. "Perhaps the most amazing demo I've seen this year," wrote Ethan Zuckerman, after TED2007. Indeed, Photosynth might utterly transform the way we manipulate and experience digital images.

Make sure you catch the meaning of things when he talks about doing a search on Flickr for a Notre Dame and then building a picture of it from the bits and pieces of the search results. Pictures will be linked together. Incredible!

Make sure you watch this if you'd like to see the future.

Another follow-up to the Celest story

This is a nice post about the media coverage that has happened as a result of the story of Celest being skyped into her 4th grade class while she was home recovering from cancer treatments. Make sure you read the whole thing, and DO check out their wikis and other projects.

MindManager 7 Ships for Windows and Mac

True to their word, Mindjet Inc, started shipping today-Mindjet MindManager 7 for Windows and Macintosh users. I participated in a webinar today to take a look at the new features for the Windows version, and was rather impressed with the new features. I think that the biggest factor will be ease of use. While power users will always drill down to find the features they need-new users to MindManager 7 will find the ribbon interface easier to navigate and find what they are looking for without having to go into the menus. From a useability standpoint many more users will be up and running much more quickly. Likewise, I would predict that even novices will be using more advanced features with the introduction of the ribbon interface. With the new Windows version it is now possible to save Styles for Topics and reuse them in your mind map which will make it easier for formatting your maps. I was really impressed with the ability to save Queries which should help individuals filter information out of large mind maps. Similarly, being able to Focus in on a topic will be a great feature for presentations-especially when you have large mind maps. But even better that that is the ability to save Views. This will allow you to filter your map and focus in and have MindManager 7 remember the settings. When you are ready to use the feature just select the name of the View that you saved and MindManager presents the information. Gone are the days of having to do it manually. I'm sure that I will find some other features to talk to you about but from my vantage point this upgrade will make it easier to access the features and make it even a more invaluable tool for planning, presenting, and brainstorming. Here is the link for the Press Release. Look for a review of MindManger 7 for Macintosh coming soon.

Microsoft Introduces "Tabletop" PC

As computing devices get smaller and smaller, Microsoft is bucking the trend with its Microsoft Surface "tabletop" PC, code-named "Milan." The device, about the size of a small desk, allows the user to draw and write on the surface with a brush or fingers. Instead of using a mouse or keyboard, the user manipulates digital elements on the surface with his or her hands.

The first of the Milan devices will be shipped to corporate customers to be used as kiosks... providing Milan with crucial exposure while allowing Microsoft to work out any kinks before offering surface computing to home and office users. At any rate, the average consumer will be forgiven for not pouncing on the first available units, which cost approximately $10,000 each.

Source: ZDNet

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A VERY cute video on Copyright and Fair Use

Steve Dembo points to this YouTube video done by Eric Faden of Bucknell University. You HAVE to watch it.

Oh, and remember the name Steve Dembo. I'll be mentioning his name again - as PETE&C draws closer.

Reasons to Get into Subcontracting Relationships

There are many ways to determine whether or not you should get involved in subcontracting relationships.

Your first order of business will be deciding what in-house techs can manage by themselves and how you can supplement this with the right additional employees or subcontracting partners. If you are a small consulting firm, you will not be able to hire someone with five different certifications and pay huge salaries. This is the time to think about subcontracting.

Deciding What to Do with Subcontracting Relationships

If you think you can afford an expensive person with a lot of certifications and keep this person busy, you will still have a hard time getting the person excited about fixing jammed laser printers, hooking up PDAs to computers or reinstalling simple software. This type of work is a waste of subcontracting time and an ego destroyer for someone with senior qualifications, so you probably want to try developing subcontracting relationships for work that is more specialized.

Beginning computer consultants should have good junior technicians on staff already that can work with hardware troubleshooting and hooking up PCs to LANs. Try subcontracting work installing servers and installing and troubleshooting SQL Server and Exchange Server and firewalls.

The Bottom Line About Subcontracting

As you start to perform tasks that fall into the IT services realm, you will encounter more situations in which clients are looking for specialty work beyond what you do. Developing subcontracting relationships with non-competing firms are an excellent way to develop trusting subcontracting relationships.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit

Office and - very cool!!

How can kids get their work to and from school? That's been a big issue since the days of the 5 1/4" floppies. Now, some schools even block the use of usb drives so the problem continues.

Until now. (Does that sound like a Ted introduction?) :-) has announced that it has made a free add-in for Office that will integrate directly to Once you install the free add-in a special "Save to" option will appear in the add-ins section. Well... here is what the email release from says about it:

Save files from Microsoft Office to Box
In other news, Microsoft Office is now Box Enabled! We've released a plug-in for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher that conveniently uploads any document you're editing to Box. Once the software has been installed, a "Save to" link will appear in the "Add-Ins" section. Clicking on this button will save your file to Box, making it easy to access from anywhere, share with anyone, or keep safe for later.

Download the first version of it here:
Very cool, eh?

[TIPS] A Memorial Day Video

Thanks to John G for sharing this with me via the for:jgates513 tag on

This very moving video was done back in November of last year, but it is very appropriate for Memorial Day.

Note her comments. She had to turn OFF the comment feature for this video because so many folks had decided to turn the comments into a forum for public debates. Very sad. Sorta missed the point, eh?

Monday, May 28, 2007

Mobivox- Taking Skype to a Cell Phone near You

I recently tried out Mobivox which is a really interesting free service that lets you dial a local access number and then Mobivox acts as a bridge to your Skype contacts. I was able to dial a local access number and when the Voxgirl Avatar asks who would you like to call you say "who is online," with that the Voxgirl Avatar says connecting to Skype and then proceeds to name all of your contacts who are presently online. When Voxgirl says the contact you want to reach, you simply press the pound key (#) and you are connected. I recently place a call using Mobivox and checked my Verizon account just to check if there was any other fees. The call to the local access number cost me nothing and I was able to speak to my friend Deb in Maine. This is certainly another interesting way to expand your use of your Skype account. Give it a try and let me know what your think. Better yet call me on Skype. You can do that by clicking on my Skype icon on the main page of this blog.

Cheetah spot by spot: DIRECT_IO

Back to another article about the new features of IBM IDS 11.10 (code named Cheetah).
This will be a short article about a new feature that can end an old discussion. I'd bet that at least once, every Informix DBA had an argument about the advantages and disadvantages of using raw devices vs cooked files.
Raw devices are hard disk partitions or at least represent a physical device somewhere (either a local storage disk or a NAS pseudo-device). They are not used by any OS filesystem. The access is as direct and fast as possible. There is no filesystem layer or cache involved. The Informix instance requests the I/O operations directly to the underlying OS. Their advantages can be resumed as:
  • They're fast
  • You don't waste memory in FS cache (normally useless since IDS uses it's own cache)
  • They're the most reliable way to store your data. Since there is no FS layer, it's not possible to have FS corruption
  • They use Kernel Asynchronous I/O (KAIO) by default. This allows the I/O operations to be executed in the Kernel context. Simple AIO is asynchronous, but requires an user context that needs to be set up. IDS takes another advantage of KAIO because it is done on CPUVP threads, so you avoid process context switching (from CPU VP to AIO VP)
Cooked files are files you create on a filesystem and you use as Informix chunks. Their advantages are more or less the disadvantages of the raw devices:
  • They're easy to use. Just "touch chunk;chown informix:informix chunk;chmod 660 chunk" and you're ready
  • You can't accidentally create a filesystem over one of your raw devices
  • Nowadays several filesystems have options to don't use memory cache
These arguments have been more or less persistent along the time, so the decision alway s depended in great part of your own feelings. If you could live without top of the top performance you might consider cooked files. If you needed the maximum performance then you'd probably choose raw devices.

Once again, the R&D engineers have been alert... Th lastest features available on the newest filesystems and OS lead them to make IDS use a new feature. It's called DIRECT_IO and this is also the name of a new $ONCONFIG parameter. If you set it to 1, IDS will attempt to use the feature if it's available on the OS and the filesystem you're using, for the pagesize you choose.

Whenever this is possible, it means you'll get the following on your chunks I/O:
  • Buffer bypassing: Read/writes go directly to disk
  • KAIO is used: You'll get a serious performance boost
  • Concurrent I/O: Bypassing FS inode locking, gives you another performance boost
If you try to use it, be alert to any online.log messages you may get. I've tried this in a recently installed RHEL 4 system and it worked as expected. No messages in online log and I could see KAIO threads in the onstat -g ath output-
In a virtual machine running Fedora I got:

19:45:39 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
19:45:39 Please install libaio package. See machine notes.
19:45:39 Warning: Kernel Asynchronous I/O is disabled.

After a bit of yum'ing I installed libaio and tried again. This time with no errors and an onstat -g ath shows:> onstat -g ath
Your evaluation license will expire on 2007-11-24 00:00:00

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.UB7TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:00:59 -- 88872 Kbytes

tid tcb rstcb prty status vp-class name
*2 47e1dd98 0 1 IO Idle 3lio lio vp 0
*3 47e32970 0 1 IO Idle 4pio pio vp 0
*4 47e47970 0 1 IO Idle 5aio aio vp 0
*5 47e5c970 0 1 IO Idle 6msc msc vp 0
6 47e89bd8 478b2018 3 sleeping secs: 1 1cpu main_loop()
*7 47e5cad0 0 1 running 1cpu soctcppoll
*8 47f76550 0 2 sleeping forever 1cpu soctcplst
9 47f769e8 478b25e0 1 sleeping secs: 1 1cpu flush_sub(0)
*10 47f76b48 0 3 IO Idle 1cpu kaio
11 4807d080 478b2ba8 2 sleeping secs: 1 1cpu aslogflush
12 4807d828 478b3170 1 sleeping secs: 4 1cpu btscanner_0
*28 4864b018 478b42c8 3 sleeping secs: 1 1cpu onmode_mon
*33 485c6080 478b3d00 1 sleeping secs: 14 1cpu dbScheduler
*34 485c58a0 478b4890 1 sleeping forever 1cpu dbWorker1
*35 482be7d0 478b4e58 1 sleeping forever 1cpu dbWorker2

So, this is good... What are the catches? There are a few, but most of them aren't related to IDS itself. It's more to do with OS and filesystem:
  • This only works on Unix/Linux (Windows has intrinsic differences)
  • The FS must support this funcionality
  • It may depend on the page size you choose (some may not be supported in the FS)
  • It can't be used for temporary dbspaces
If you decide to use it, you should check for any error messages and also you should look for KAIO threads. If the system starts to use KAIO for your normal chunks you'll probably want to reduce your AIO virtual processors. You may also want to use AUTO_AIOVPS (an ONCONFIG parameter that allows IDS to auto-configure the number of AIO virtual processors if it finds the number you define are not keeping up with the I/O needs)

So, this feature can really make a different in the old argument of cooked vs raw chunks. You may decide that it's possible to take the best of both worlds: Performance and manageability.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

How to find the IP address of the sender in Yahoo! mail

When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.

Finding IP address in Yahoo! Mail

1. Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password.
2. Click on Inbox or whichever folder you have stored your mail.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on General Preferences
* Scroll down to Messages where you have the Headers option
* Make sure that Show all headers on incoming messages is selected
* Click on the Save button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail.
5. You should see similar headers like this:Yahoo! headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ]. Here, it is is be the IP address of the sender!
6. Track the IP address of the sender

Saturday, May 26, 2007

IT Consulting: What Business Skills Do You Need to Succeed?

If you want to get involved with IT consulting, you have to know more than just information about technology. Business skills are critical to IT consulting, and you need to develop them in order to be successful.

Good Data Management for Organization

You need to be well-versed in spreadsheet maintenance and know Excel very well to do well in IT consulting. You will have a lot of data to deal with for both internal and client use, and knowing how to efficiently manage it will avoid wasting time.

Use the Phone

In IT consulting, your verbal skills have to be great, and you have to be able to talk comfortably on the phone. You will be using the phone to follow up with leads and set up appointments. You will also be offering tech support and collecting on invoices and other debts.

Speak Well in Public

You will need to hold small group presentations as part of IT consulting, whether with an internal training or on a sales call. You will be talking to as many as 10 people at once sometimes and sometimes more, so your public speaking skills have to be well developed.

Use Proper Grammar and Watch Your Spelling!

Your word processing and email communication skills have to be good to deal well with clients, prospects and partners. These skills are extremely important if you want to put your best foot forward at all times in IT consulting.

The Big Idea About IT Consulting and Business Skills

A lot of your IT consulting success depends on business skills. Make sure you develop them well so you can have a long-lasting business.

Added By: Joshua Feinberg

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Computer Consulting Kit Home Study Course Web site updated

The Computer Consulting Kit Home Study Course Web site has been updated and now includes information on

  • Easy-to-Customize Templates -- immediately downloadable sample document. Learn all about the templates that come along with the Computer Consulting Kit Home Study Course, and hear the author describe them first hand.
  • Audio Training Programs -- gives you all the details on the 14 hours of immediately-downloadable audio training programs that come along with the Computer Consulting Kit Home Study Course. Listen to select audio excerpts from these training programs.
  • Sample Tips and Excerpts
  • Immediately Downloadable Training Resources
  • Field-Tested, PROVEN Results -- Read about, listen to, and watch how field-tested, PROVEN results, strategies and techniques have already DRAMATICALLY changed the businesses and lives of 176 people all over the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and many other nations around the World... from complete beginners, all the way to those in business since the 1980's!
  • Guarantee -- Learn about how your Computer Consulting Kit Home Study Course is fully protected by our famous 10 Times Return-on-Investment (ROI) Money Back Guarantee.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -- provides answers to the most frequently asked questions that people have asked about the Computer Consulting Kit Home Study Course.
  • Special Bonuses -- find out about free Special Bonuses that are available for a VERY limited time.
  • Contact Us -- shows who to contact if you have pre-sales or post-sales questions.
  • Press Kit -- includes an author backgrounder and links to author media coverage.
  • About Us -- provides general background information on the Computer Consulting Kit Home Study Course, its publisher, and why the Computer Consulting Kit Home Study Course is so different.

How to find the IP address of the sender in Hotmail

When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.
Finding IP address in Hotmail
1. Log into your Hotmail account with your username and password.
2. Click on the Mail tab on the top.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on Mail Display Settings
* In Message Headers, make sure Advanced option is checked
* Click on Ok button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail.

5. If you find a header with X-Originating-IP: followed by an IP address, that is the sender's IP addressHotmail headers : name ,In this case the IP address of the sender is []. Jump to step 9.
6. If you find a header with Received: from followed by a Gmail proxy like thisHotmail headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].In this case, the IP address of the sender is []. Jump to step 9.
7. Or else if you have headers like thisHotmail headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].In this case, the IP address of the sender is [] (Spam mail). Jump to step 9.
8. * If you have multiple Received: from headers, eliminate the ones that have
9. Track the IP address of the sender

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

[TIPS] a writing prompt for your economics students

How's this...

"OK, class, imagine this: Today, an engineer in the oil fields somewhere in the Middle East area has just finished analyzing the data, and to his/her horror the data shows that the Earth has reached 'Peak Oil.' In other words, we have just hit the midway point of the world's oil supply. From now on we are consuming the final oil deposits on the planet. Talk to me about what would likely happen in the short run and the long run when this news is made public." (It just may be THIS generation who will be faced with this inevitability.) "Use whatever tools you feel appropriate (Inspiration, the outline feature in Word, whatever tool you think works best for you) to jot down ideas. Not complete sentences yet. Just ideas. Things like, "Gas prices rise sharply" or "Panic on Wall Street." - whatever thoughts come to mind. You'll have 10 minutes to record your thoughts. Go."

Ten minutes later you say, "Let's hear some of the things on your list. Say just two items. If you hear something that you like but you didn't think of it, feel free to add it to your list." Then you go around the class to let them tell what they thought of.

Then, give them a wiki and let them build this out. Show them the Discussion area and encourage them to use it to discuss how they will format the front page, etc. Will this be written as a futuristic 'story?' What is the "voice" of the wiki? Present tense, past tense, future tense? What are your ground rules? For example, will you agree that instead of deleting someone's post that you will use the strike out style to strike itout and then put your idea after it - perhaps with your initials to show who made the change? Let them decide all that.

What will be interesting is how they talk about what happens in response to the situation, what the governments do, etc, as those are their ideas for possible solutions, aren't they?

So, Do you like the idea for an economics class?

[TIPS] New Poptech videos

You've heard me speak about and their popcasts, right? Well, I wanted to alert you to a couple new movies that they've added. The one I just finished watching is of the architect, Blaine Brownell. Send this tip to your fellow teachers who are teaching this sort of thing. In this video Blaine shows and discusses the new materials that are being created now for building materials. You'll be amazed at the variety of the products and of their implications on buildings of the future. And if you're like me, you'll be in awe of the ingenuity behind these innovations.

See it here:

[TIPS] Ethanol - the big lie?

Here's another one for the science teachers among us. This video is an investigative news piece about ethanol. IS it all that it's hyped up to be? Is it the solution we're after? Show this to your classes and see what they think.

BTW - digg is itself a site you may want to check out. See what other folks are "digging." Subscribe to various categories, like educational videos, perhaps. That's how I found this movie.

[TIPS] an interesting school library wiki

Here is an interesting wiki that a school librarian recently started with her students. Here is how she described the project to me in an email:

"I created a good book wiki with 3 classes in my middle school building. Many books have multiple reviews but so far we have almost 300 unique titles in. With one class, I have taken it to the next level. They have been spending time adding links to the author's website, podcast of an excerpt and for further reading suggestions. Check out "Great and Terrible Beauty" under "Fantasy". "

Won't this be a good resource for the kids as this grows? And, it's THEIR resource! Check it out. I can see the kids linking to all sorts of outside resources in some cases. What if they also recorded themselves reading a short passage and then posted that file to the wiki? What if they made a splashcast ( to a wiki page? What about adding a slideshare ( There are lots of cool things that I'll bet will show up in this wiki over time.

If you've got an idea for this project, why not add your thoughts in the comments on the blog post? This will be fun to watch over time.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Risks of Autonomous Robots

Anyone familiar with the Terminator or Matrix movies has an idea of the dangers of intelligent machines running amok. But as scientists develop ever more autonomous robots, such warnings are moving from speculation to reality very quickly.

Samsung, for example, has developed an armed robotic sentry for use in patrolling the tense border between North and South Korea. Such military applications alarm robotic ethicists, who suggest that society is not ready to confront the consequences of autonomous robots designed to kill. They are also concerned about the growing use of robots to care for the elderly, particularly in Japan. Is society, they ask, truly ready to entrust its most frail members to these machines, particularly since our experience with them is relatively limited? Or, could an automated, autonomous nursing home prove to be a "dumping ground" for those whose care is too inconvenient?

Source: BBC

[TIPS] Pennsylvania wants to ban cell phones in schools

Get this:

"Section 1. Section 1317.1 of the act of March 10, 1949
11 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, added
12 December 22, 1989 (P.L.749, No.103), is amended to read:
13 Section 1317.1. Possession of [Telephone Pagers] Electronic
14 Devices Prohibited.--(a) The possession by students of
15 telephone paging devices, commonly referred to as beepers,
16 cellular telephones and portable electronic devices that record
17 or play audio or video material shall be prohibited on school
18 grounds, at school sponsored activities and on buses or other
19 vehicles provided by the school district.

First of all, why is the STATE involved in what is arguably a LOCAL issue? Second, why are people who have NO CLUE about this topic even involved in the conversation? Who are they? "INTRODUCED BY CRUZ, MAHONEY, SAYLOR, READSHAW, SABATINA, THOMAS AND KORTZ, MAY 18, 2007"

To be fair, they DO make exceptions for student volunteer firefighters or students with medical conditions.

Simon says, "Pennsylvania, take two giant steps backwards."

Here it is:

Is True Global Democracy the Next Great Political Movement?

A near-universal disillusionment with traditional forms of government is driving new expressions of democracy around the world, underscored by a growing awareness of global issues and Internet-based connectivity. Paul Hawken of Orion magazine describes how many of the networking trends evident over the last decade are coalescing to create new ways for socially- and politically-minded groups to organize and make a difference:

This is the first time in history that a large social movement is not bound together by an "ism." What binds it together is ideas, not ideologies. This unnamed movement's big contribution is the absence of one big idea; in its stead it offers thousands of practical and useful ideas. In place of isms are processes, concerns, and compassion. The movement demonstrates a pliable, resonant, and generous side of humanity...

The promise of this unnamed movement is to offer solutions to what appear to be insoluble dilemmas: poverty, global climate change, terrorism, ecological degradation, polarization of income, loss of culture. It is not burdened with a syndrome of trying to save the world; it is trying to remake the world.

Source: AlterNet

Monday, May 21, 2007

[TIPS] One for the musicians in the group

There are some WONDERFUL videos on YouTube. And remember, you can get them to show in your classes by using either or - and maybe others.

This is one that you will want to share with your musician friends. Bobby McFerrin is shown in this one performing a Bach prelude. But what's so VERY cool about this is that he invites the audience to sing the beautiful Ave Maria that Charles Gounod wrote to work as a descant to the prelude. The result just may send chills up your arms. What a beautiful moment this audience shared with this fabulous musician.

While you're there check out some of the other videos of his that you'll see listed.

IT Consulting: How to Earn Income During Start-Up

During the start-up phase of your IT consulting business, you should be getting leads and prospects through demand generation, qualifying these prospects and leads and going out and following up on sales meetings. You can’t afford to get strong-armed into joining a channel program or by the latest gadgets that do not serve an immediate purpose with clients.

Stay Away from Channel Programs

During the start-up phase of an IT consulting business, don’t get suckered into joining channel programs that won’t help your business. Focus on finding paying clients above all else.

How Will You Get Paid?

You need to figure out a structured way of ensuring payment with new IT consulting clients. Get payment as you do the work or get credit card authorization, particularly when products are a part of the transaction, such as hardware, software or peripherals.

You will need to get a merchant account if you want to take credit cards. Never give credit and especially not without doing a regular credit application and check.

Ask for Deposits

Always get a deposit check from IT consulting customers and clients, particularly in the case of a product purchase. A big IT consulting project with services, installation, design work, troubleshooting or upgrades needs to have a substantial deposit attached. Your deposits should be about 10 to 25% upfront, minimally, ideally as much as 35%.

The Main Idea About IT Consulting Start-Up

During the start-up phase of your IT consulting business, make sure to bill regularly and put a due-date on invoices to ensure you get paid for your services.

Blogged By: Joshua Feinberg

[TIPS] More from Ted

I suddenly thought, "Why haven't I heard of new videos from Ted? I subscribe to it, after all." So, I went there to see if anything new had been added. I'm glad I did. LOTS of new videos have been added, so if you've not been there recently you should go back.
May I recommend a couple? This one is beautiful (even if his vocal inflections DO drive me up a wall): - Life through photography.
Here, James Watson talks about how he and his partner discovered DNA:
This one will fascinate you, too: The Bonobos - apes that write (and play Pacman).
And, Pilobolus performs a dance that merges dancing with biology here:
You can enlarge the videos by clicking the icon in the top right corner above the video. Oh, and you'll want to subscribe to it when you're there, too.

[TIPS] What a great bunch of students I met today

Today I had the pleasure of attending a student showcase held in the East wing of the PA Capitol building. Students from around the state attended to show off some of the great things they've been doing in their classrooms. I didn't get to talk to all of them, but those I did talk to were amazing.
Take Kristen, Hanan, and Nicole, for instance. Kristen, I believe, is in 5th grade. The other two are in 6th. I was actually on my way past their table when the line I was in stalled, putting me right in front of Kristen. I looked at her display (which I had seen earlier but I didn't have a chance to hear them talk) and she seized the moment, offering her hand to greet me. I'm SO glad she did. She proceeded to tell me about the projects that she and a team of six others have been working on for a while. They make vodcasts and podcasts.
Her natural use of the term vodcast caught my attention and the more I listened the more impressed I was with the projects, with their teacher's dedication to this endeavor, and with Kristen's fluid description. What a natural she was. So often kids that age don't quite put things together in a logical order, either out of the excitement of the moment, or from lack of experience. Not her. She told me of how their team meets to brainstorm their ideas, and how they write the scripts and how they shoot the scenes, and even made sure I saw and read a newspaper article that told their story. Then, when Hanan and Nicole came over, they, too, were just as poised and confident and excited about this project as Kristen, and they gave me even more information about how they work. It was their teacher who later told me that those kids are waiting for the teacher every morning so they can get started on the scripting or editing, and they sometimes have to chase the kids home at night or they'd stay all night doing this job that they love to do. You're doing something right when you've got kids who WANT to work on your projects, yes?
Want to see what they do? Go here: Team/Welcome.html. Click the Concept Library link at the top of that page. They've got four so far, and are working on another now. The videos take a while to load, but do invest the time. I think you'll like what you see. Oh, and check out the anchors links and .. well, visit all the links there. You'll be glad you did.
I hope to see those students at next year's PETE&C conference next February. Congratulations to the kids and their teachers.
What else did I see? Robots, wonderful programs written in C#, a website written in php, some podcasts done by second graders, some amazing Flash animations done for an art class, and SO much more. The future IS in good, creative hands.

[TIPS] A letter to Secretary Spellings

Two good things about that article. I like what it says about the use of technology in education and the "movement" it's trying to get started that will bring our opinions to the attention of the Secretary. But, I also know the guy who is quoted in the article. He's relatively new to blogging and already he's found his voice and has had some very good inputs. He's also a new daddy. :-)
Check out his blog here:

Sunday, May 20, 2007

[TIPS] Walk a straight line

Do you recall the mashup I talked about some time ago called,"If I dig a very deep hole, where will I end up?" It's a mashup found here: Let your students try it. They'll be amazed where they end up - and it's likely NOT to be in China.

Anyway, this one is from the same site: But here you choose a location and a direction and it wll plot out your path as if you walked a straight line in that direction. It's not going to be at all what they think for THIS one, either.

Dble click PA on the map, or zoom in and let them start on their house, if you wish. When you dble click that spot a green(ish) flag appears at that spot. Click it and it will let you choose the direction. When you do it will plot it. You can even see it the readl Google Earth, too, if you wish.

Pretty neat.

[TIPS] loss of privacy on Facebook

This blog post from the CoolCatTeacher points to a video that you MUST show to your students - and especially your college aged kids.

Before they create a Facebook account they should see this video. Does this scare you? If not, watch it again.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

IT Sales: Stress What Makes You Unique to Prospects and Clients

If you want to increase your IT sales successes, you have to show your clients and prospects that your benefits are different from everyone else’s.

IT Sales and Benefits: An Example

Let’s say you move to a new location in a 27-story building that houses a lot of high-end firms. There are other similar buildings in the neighborhood, and you may wonder if you should capitalize on the closeness.

The truth is, the presence of other firms can help you own the whole area. Your unique benefit is that you are right there, and you can get things done more quickly and better and cheaper than another person that is not there.

IT Sales: Sell Your Own Uniqueness

When you are selling your service agreements, you can lead into it by giving a guaranteed response time. Because you are right in the neighborhood, you can make blatant promises that you can be at their offices within 60 minutes in the case of a downed server or other emergency that happens during regular business hours. Further bolster your guarantee with $100 off your bill that month if you are at all late.

If you can get a large number of clients in the immediate area, and your staff is right there, the atmosphere becomes like a corporate campus and IT sales become easier. There is no travel time, and staff utilization rates can be higher than normal.

IT Sales: How Do You Find the Best Businesses?

In order to locate these businesses, do a survey. Mail something out to every decision maker in your building and those adjacent. The survey should ask questions such as the following questions:

1. How many PCs do you have?

2. How many employees do you have?

3. How do you get your IT support right now, and what do you like and dislike about it?

4. What is your biggest current business challenge, and what is your biggest current IT challenge?

The survey leading up to IT sales is just a means to get a response and gauge interest. A survey with basic questions should get a good response rate. Response generation should be as easy as going to the local coffee shop and meeting the regulars and people that go in and out of local offices regularly.

IT Sales is About Getting to Know People

You should get to know local shoe repair shops, food delivery people, mail carriers and UPS and FedEx drivers. You should get to know people that know your IT sales targets so you can network yourself into offices within the area.

IT Sales: The Big Idea

Take advantage of location and sell based on a guarantee to develop your brand and get more IT sales.

Added By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit

Thursday, May 17, 2007

[TIPS] Another virtual reality world

This article from TechCrunch - - tells us about The Entropia Universe. What is it? You should read the TechCrunch article, but here's what the site says about itself.

"The Entropia Universe is more than a game. The Entropia Universe is for real. Real people, real activities and a Real Cash Economy in a massive online universe.

Join people from around the globe who use the Entropia Universe currency, the PED, to develop their characters everyday on the untamed planet of Calypso. The unique and secure Real Cash Economy allows you to transfer your accumulated PED back into real world funds."

The NY Times calls it, "The buying game." I KNOW I'll pass on this one, thank you very much.

Besides, that ain't no way to raise test scores! :-)

How to find the IP address of the sender in Gmail

How to find the IP address of the sender in Gmail
When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.

Finding IP address in Gmail:

1.Log into your Gmail account with your username and password.

2. Open the mail.

3. To display the headers,* Click on More options corresponding to that thread. You should get a bunch of links.* Click on Show original.

4. You should get headers like this:Gmail headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by a few hostnames and an IP address between square brackets. In this case, it is65.119.112.245.That is be the IP address of the sender!

5. Track the IP address of the sender.

Create A Hidden User Account

Create A Hidden User Account
This tweak allows an account that is normally displayed on the Welcome screen to be hidden from view. To log on using the account it's necessary to use the Log On To Windows dialog box similar to the one in Windows 2000. #[Start] [Run] [Regedit]#Registry Key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList#Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.#Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value] // Value Name: Type Name of Account to be Hidden#Setting for Value Data: [0 = Account is Hidden / 1 = Enabled]#Exit Registry and Reboot...

While the account is hidden on the Welcome screen, note that the account profile will be visible in C:\Documents and Settings or wherever user profiles are stored as well as in Local Users and Groups

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

[TIPS] SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards - Just the Winners

Thanks again to Sue S for sharing this one. This is the 2007 list of winners in the Web 2.0 Awards contest. I've sent out last year's versions of this site but I didn't know that the 2007 version was available. Here 'tis. The page you'll see is the short list - just the winners in the various categories. To see the complete list which includes the runners up, go here:
This is a good way to see what the readers think are the best in each of the categories.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

New Mindmapping Application

I guess folks can't get enough of mindmapping software. I just found out that Comapping released their mindmapping application that also runs within the browser. Comapping is a full featured mindmapping program with the ability for others to collaborate and edit shared mindmaps. Comapping is available via a subscription and is accessible from any computer connected to the web. Take a look at it and let me know what you think.

Outsourced Journalism

Add writing and reporting to the list of jobs that are now being outsourced. Although native foreign correspondents have been around for decades, news sources such as one in Pasadena, California, have begun outsourcing its local news coverage to reporters in India:

James Macpherson, editor and publisher of the Pasadena Now website, hired two reporters last weekend to cover the Pasadena City Council. One lives in Mumbai and will be paid $12,000 a year. The other will work in Bangalore for $7,200. The council broadcasts its meetings on the Web. From nearly 9,000 miles away, the outsourced journalists plan to watch, then write their stories while their boss sleeps — India is 12.5 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time.

“A lot of the routine stuff we do can be done by really talented people in another time zone at much lower wages,” said Macpherson, 51, who used to run a clothing
business with manufacturing help from Vietnam and India.

Although this might be an isolated case, it could catch on if publishers perceive a real cost savings. Or not, if they sense a loss of a connection to the communities they are covering.

Source: unmediated

[TIPS] A happy ending to a familiar story

In February I made this post about a "must-see video" that dealt with using Skype in the classroom to include a little girl who was at home fighting leukemia. Remember? Well, here is the happy update.

[TIPS] Third grade tech problem solvers - I FOUND IT!!!

Those of you who know me will know that I've often told this story that I had read somewhere online but I couldn't remember where I had read it. Finally, thanks to this post from Miguel I was able to track it down again.
This is the story of the a girl in his THIRD GRADE class...
"She was typing in Word - wanted to print, but could not - and could not save to her network folder. But she had Internet access. There was only one computer in the room that had access to our printer at that time."
Do you remember me telling that story? Anyway. If you've NOT heard me tell the story, read it for yourself at either of those top links. This made my day!! :-)

[TIPS] 'To Catch a Predator' -

This is VERY difficult to watch. Maybe you saw it on TV already. "To Catch A Predator" will shock you. Hopefully it will also scare you into talking with your kids about online safety. Maybe you should watch this WITH your kids.
The page is full of stories and videos of the confrontations they had with the ... "suspects." Start on the right side in the "As Seen on the Broadcast." Then check out those other links - if you can. Make SURE you watch The Legal Fallout section.

Monday, May 14, 2007

IT Consulting and Trends of the Seasons

Those in IT consulting need to know about seasonal selling trends. You cannot expect someone to make a huge decision for an IT project during the following times unless it is an emergency: late summer; during the holidays.

IT Consulting: Stay Away from Standard Vacation Times

If you are running an IT consulting business you need to remember that most people will be vacationing off and on between early July and Labor Day, so you should not expect major IT purchases or decisions during this time. Therefore, if you have a lot of IT consulting leads in the winter and early spring, follow up in April, May and June.

IT Consulting: With Promotion of your Business, Timing is Everything

You should concentrate marketing and sales efforts in the fall, from Labor Day in early September until around Thanksgiving in November. These weeks are the key time to follow up on all IT consulting leads, hit the streets and go on a lot of sales calls so you can generate proposals and try to get big project commitments.

IT Consulting: No Commitment During the Holidays

In around mid- to late November, you will have a hard time getting people to agree to major IT consulting projects until after January 1st unless they have emergencies. Usually, they will object to sales by telling you your proposals sound great, but that they won’t be ready until after the 1st of the year.

IT Consulting: Seasonal Selling Trends Main Ideas

Be aware of the trends of the different seasons and use the information to plan the efforts of your IT consulting firm.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting Kit

Sunday, May 13, 2007

[TIPS] background view of blogging using blogmeister

Are you interested in getting your students blogging but are unsure of how it works?
This video is from Mark Ahlness, a third grade teacher who put a powerpoint together for his parent night some time ago. He's now replaying the powerpoint and talking over it to tell us what he told the parents that night. In part of it he shows the backstage operations of a blogmeister blog - what he sees and what the student sees.
If your school won't allow students to blog without teacher moderation then you should watch this. It's a great insight into the workings of that blog service. It's also a great insight into the workings of a great teacher.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A wonderful moment, if I may share

was working in my office yesterday when someone knocked on the door. It was a woman who works at the IU, although not in our location so I rarely see her. The last time I saw her was at the employee recognition dinner when she commented that she had my tips in a notebook, all printed out, etc. I joked something like, "OH! So YOU'RE the one who's reading my tips!"

Anyway, yesterday she happened to be in the building so she stopped by to show me those notebooks. Yes, plural. Two thick binders FULL of the printed tips dating back to 2002, shortly after I started at the IU and began again to send daily tips. Back then they were Office tips, mostly. But, her notebooks had tabs to identify the categories of the tips, from Word and Excel to Protecting yourself online, to websites, etc. She had a third notebook started, as well, I believe, but I was too much in shock to absorb everything I was seeing and hearing.

One never knows who all is reading blog posts or emails, I suppose. But, it was an awesome experience to realize that she had been, and in fact had even been printing and organizing them. Maybe I should buy them back from her. I lost two years worth of tips when my hard drive crashed and the archived emails were lost. That's what made me start the blog - as an archive.

Anyway.... I had to share the moment.

Dear Bloglines, Tear down the wall!

I've been taking some wonderful Apple workshops in a district down the road a bit, and have been frustrated time after time when I try to check my bloglines account there. It's blocked. One reason for it to be blocked is that the url contains the word 'blog' and that organization (an IU) that provides the filter blocks everything with the word blog in it. Outrageous, I know. But, in the case of bloglines, the person in charge of the filtering decisions always points to the image wall in bloglines as the reason to have it blocked. Today I went back in there to see for myself, and the very first screen contained three images of topless women among the images. *FLAG!* *Sirens!* *Danger, Will Robinson!*

I've written to them before, but I wrote again to the bloglines folks to ask them to PLEASE remove that VERY UNNECESSARY "feature." It serves NO PURPOSE! Worse, it's forcing the schools in PA to block the site, which means that we must use other sites (netvibes, pageflakes, google reader). And, in my opinion, the bloglines site has some otherwise excellent features that keep me there for my home use. I LOVE the "Keep new" option, and the 'email this' option, for example. But, as long as that image wall remains I cannot use it in school, and what a shame that is. I can't even point folks to my public feed roll there.

I had commented on this before in this blog and a short while later, this response ( came from the bloglines folks, and I thought the situation was resolved. But, I never look at that feature so I didn’t know if it was resolved or not. It’s NOT.

So, I wonder if it would have ANY impact if the education blogosphere would join in on this campaign to get the image wall removed. Do you think? It certainly can’t hurt. Do YOU think that the feature is unnecessary and are you finding that it’s being blocked in your school, as a result? If so, PLEASE visit the bloglines site and use their Contact Us page to ask them to remove it. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan (and Pink Floyd), “Mr Bloglines, tear down the wall!”

IT Specialist: The Real Way to Narrow Your Focus

You may wonder why you should be an IT specialist, which may imply to you turning away prospective clients. However, a true IT specialist focuses marketing efforts on finding enough prospects to which to market. An IT specialist chooses an area of focus that gives him/her ample prospects that will turn into clients that can grow and shape a consulting business.

To find a niche, think about your best clients. If they are small accounting offices, for example, you can do a search online to see how many small accounting offices are within a hour of where you are located. You can contact the industry trade groups or talk to a mailing list broker if this information is not readily available to you.

IT Specialist: Niche-Focused Marketing

Marketing to a niche is easier than general marketing because you know which trade publications you should contact for ads. You shouldn’t spend time or money on generic ads in newspapers, on the radio or in the phone book. Because you are an IT specialist, you can go straight to your niche.

Once you know what your expertise is as an IT specialist, you increase your worth to prospects. Your marketing message will ring truer to your targets because you are focusing on the people that will sit up and take interest in what you are saying.

IT Specialists Don’t Speak to the Masses

As an IT specialist, you don’t want a message that gets to everyone or you will attract those looking for the lowest price. You will be a commodity rather than a valuable professional service.

IT Specialist: Your Name Should Be Visible to Clients

If you know of a newsletter or magazine that prospects will read, put in a targeted ad for your company or write an article or get involved in the organization through a speaking engagement or event. Mention how your company provides IT solutions for that industry to get the right people to respond.

What it Means to Be an IT Specialist

There are a lot of ways to get to prospects that can use your services as an IT specialist. However, the most important thing to remember is to choose a niche that is enjoyable to you and lucrative enough to give you enough clients and top prices. Targeted marketing is essential if you want to be a successful IT specialist and part of this is finding a niche that will help you stand out from the crowd.

Blogged By: Joshua Feinberg

Friday, May 11, 2007

[TIPS] PoducateMe Guide | PoducateMe

Since some of you receive these tips via email as opposed to RSS and so are not likely to be blog readers, you're not, then, likely to have seen today's post from Will Richardson. He points to that list as an, "incredibly extensive resource on podcasting..." And boy is it ever!
If you've been thinking about trying your hand at it, or even if you're a podcaster already, do check out that list. Wheeeeeooooo!
(Poducate?? I hope that term doesn't catch on, though.)

[TIPS] scrapblog

Thanks to Kurt who heard it from Miguel who read it on TechCrunch... (Isn't this fun? :-)  )
Scrapblog is a newcomer to the web 2.0 tools arena and it's a VERY cool tool. It lets you build scrapbook-like pages with photos, movies,  text, links, and more on some excellent templates or on blank pages that you can customize. Then you can make it public, private or even embed it on your own web page. There's more to it, as well. If you're into these kinds of tools, you should check it out. There's even a sample on the TechCrunch page above.
Sure looks like another fun way to share pictures of your classes that you've been taking all year.

[TIPS] StudentCam Winners

Thanks to Sue S for sharing this one. C-SPAN held a contest for students across the country to have students produce video documentaries. There is a Grand Prize winner, then First, Second, and Third Place winners. Do check them out. There is one winner, at least, that I'm wondering if some music copyright wasn't violated. See if you can find it.
Imagine a world whereby kids could have access to that kind of material (creative commons licensed, maybe?) for their school projects. Or, maybe it's best that they don't get used to thinking that everything on the Internet is fair game. What do you think?

[TIPS] Bits & Bytes newsletter online

Hello Everyone,
This is of interest to the local folks.
The May 2007 Edition of Bits & Bytes is now online, featuring:
  • Schools Adopt 21st Century Methods
  • Innovative Student Podcasting
Also, we would like to hear from you on your opinion on Bits & Bytes. Please fill out our online survey to help us take Bits & Bytes to the next level.
Bits & Bytes May 2007 Edition
Bits & Bytes User Opinion Survey

Thursday, May 10, 2007

[TIPS] Celebration of Collab oration

This is another post by Jennifer Wagner in Wes Fryer's blog. In this one she points to a number of different online collaboration projects that just may fit into what you're doing with your classes.
She says:
"The availability of collaboration tools (blogs, wikis, skype, podcasts, email, Google apps, web pages, photoshares, and more) has grown immensely in the last 12 months and if you haven't embraced the chance of collaborating with another classroom(s) you are missing many MANY opportunities of bringing some fantastic and valuable teaching moments into your classroom."
Then she lists several examples. Check them out. Wouldn't be exciting to expand your horizons as well as your classroom walls?

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

[TIPS] Latin America wiki project

Kristin H points to a cool wiki project being run by two classes in her school. The students are studying Latin America. The two classes are working together to build this space. There is a nice personal and group rubric so they know how it will be graded, and they seem to have taken to it nicely.

What I like are the discussion pages. Take a moment to read down through those pages from time to time. It's fun to see the thought processes going on with it. The kids just don't quite know what to do. But, they gradually warm to it and now I think they are ready to go with it. Kristin said that one student commented that since people IN those countries can read what they write she feels she has to be REALLY accurate and she has to correct her grammar, etc. See what authentic assessment can do for motivation?

Wouldn't it be great if a school in one of those countries picked up on this and asked to join in? Just imagine the spark THAT would have with those kids. Next thing you know there is a kype meeting to introduce the classes. Then some brainstorming to see how the two groups could work together. THen some timetables set. Then the fun begins!

Any takers?

Monday, May 7, 2007

[TIPS] It is NOT the iPod's fault

While Wes Fryer is away from his blog, Jennifer Wagner is keeping it alive and well. Today she posted an article entitled "It is NOT the iPod's fault." Her district has just implemented a policy saying that ipods are NOT to be brought to school, basically. She has written a letter that she's going to send to her school board in which she lists all the things that can no longer happen if this policy is put into place. The letter is very well done and it does a good job, I think, of arguing against such a rigid policy.
See what you think.

[TIPS] Digital Billboards That Turn Your Head

There are a couple of things that I want you to note about this page. First, the article itself. Digital billboards. If you were driving down the highway and there was a billboard that was more like a mini commercial, would you be distracted by it? In my opinion, OF COURSE you would. And you would probably watch it more than once. How it's not considered a dangerous distraction is beyond me, except that money is involved and money can sway lots of important opinions.
It reminds me of a prototype of a device that I saw on a website years ago that projected larger than life 3D images into the air. Immediately I thought, "I can imagine a world where giant, scantily clad women are being projected into the night skies selling one thing or another. Not only will that be a major distraction (as long as there's a breath remaining! :-) ) but it will be sky pollution, as well, and I can see cities making laws to turn the lights out on such promotions." It doesn't have to be a human ad, of course. It could be a giant tire, or a 50 foot high soda or beer can pouring a perpetual beer into a frosty mug. Well, that hasn't happened yet, but I still think we'll see it, and we'll see the laws being created to control it.
Anyway, the first part is the article itself. Check it out.
But, the second part of the page that I want you to notice is the block on the right side under the image that is labeled, "Who's Blogging?" In that block it says, "Read what bloggers are saying about this article." and then it lists links to a few blogs.
Take a BIG notice of that, if you haven't seen it before, and watch for it. You're going to see more and more of this.

[TIPS] Top 25 Web 2.0 Apps to Improve a Student's or Professor's Productivity | OEDb

Thanks to Ken P (proud new pappa) for sharing this with me via the for:jgates513 tag on
This page lists 25 cool tools for school. Among those that I hadn't known before are Empressr , a slideshow and multimedia tool that looks very interesting (Y' see, web 2.0 sites just abhor putting the e before the r at the end of their site names. Witness Flickr, Dumpr, Mappr, splashr, and others), and Mindomo, a mindmapping tool.
Check out that entire list, if you don't know the sites already.

IT Consulting: Become a Full-Time Professional

Determining the best time to leave a full-time job and become a full-time computer consultant can be challenging. The following tips can help you learn more about what schedule for launch will work best for you.

IT Consulting: You Need to Know Your Expenses

You have to know what your living expenses are before leaving your day job and embarking on a career as a full-time IT consulting professional. You also have to know what is in your IT consulting sales funnel to make the best decision.

IT Consulting: Be Ready for Surprises

You should have a plan already in place to handle bumps during the process of planning your IT consulting business. What happens if your launch date has to be sooner or later than expected? You might lose your day job suddenly and find yourself needing to start your IT consulting business today.

IT Consulting: You Need to Find Steady Clients

In order to be prepared to give you a steady paycheck ad benefits, vacation time and other perks and still have a livable life, you need to get steady clients and steady income. Your IT consulting business needs to have regular and committed clients to support you.

IT Consulting: Charge the Best Rates

You can’t undercharge clients or you will not be able to sustain your IT consulting business for the long haul. You need to charge top rates for your services to get the most serious clients and help your business succeed. Don’t cheat yourself or prevent yourself from having a successful IT consulting career by charging too little.

IT Consulting: Moonlighting and Next Steps

Moonlighting is a good option for many IT consulting professionals starting out. The Computer Consulting Kit offers a 21-step checklist for those looking to get through the first 90 days of start-up that includes adapting to sudden loss of job, etc. But while you wait for IT consulting start-up you can take moonlighting opportunities that will help build relationships.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit

[TIPS] recalling the youtubex site

I would have thought that a site that is recommended by Kim Komando would be a bit more... family friendly.. thank this one turns out to be. Such is not the case, in this particular case, however. Therefore, I'm RETRACTING my suggestion about that site. One of the others should do you just fine, however.

[TIPS] download videos

Here's another one that comes from Kim Komando. This site will let you download videos from YouTube, Google Videos, MetaCafe, iFilm and more. Just be careful of copyright issues. You can't republish them, for example.

So, that's, what.. three different sites that help you download those videos? Surely ONE of them will be to your liking. :-)

[TIPS] some good fonts

This one was featured in Kim Komando's Cool Sites email late last week. I love fonts. The problem is that there is no easy way to include fonts in a document so that others can see that font. At least, not on the Macs, there isn't. Still, making pdf's or printing the page are options.

In any case, if you're looking from some good fonts, especially those that are movie fonts, check this site first.

And, if you're a windows user you can embed the fonts you're using right into your Word or Powerpoint document. Simply choose the Tools menu from your Save or Save as dialog box. It's up along the top near the right side. There you'll find the option to embed the font. Save the entire character set, and not just the characters in use.

Look around. You'll see what I mean.

[TIPS] an incredible Rube Goldberg machine

OK... I KNOW this won't increase a test score, but this is a video of one of the most incredible homemade contraptions you'll ever see. The video itself is often a bit too dark to get a real good look at what's going on, but by the time it's over you, too, will be amazed at the ingenuity behind it. (The url is WAYYY too long to post. If your school blocks these, that's OK. Send it home and watch it at home.)

Here's an idea... First, show this to your students. They'll get a kick out of it, I'm sure. Then, go back through and check off (from your handout) the different kinds of simple machines that these folks used in this contraption. OK... it was a reach... but really, you should see this video. It reminds me of this one from a while back: That one had professional lighting and took a spooky 666 times before it went off perfectly.)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

[TIPS] Creative Commons info

Thanks to Wes Fryer,, for pointing to this one. *

The Creative Commons ( is.. well... here's what it says about itself:
"Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved." "

It might be described as a 'movement' that is encouraging folks to lighten up a bit on the copyright rules that they apply to their work. Of course, in some cases you just wouldn't want to do that. But, there are many, many cases where you just might. I've released several photographs on the creative Commons license. I'd release a lot more, but I didn't think anyone would possibly want them. But, just MAYBE someone might want to use this one, for example: The point is, I'm able to apply different, less strict, rules to the use of the photographs that I've posted on Flickr, so a school student could use it in a project without worry that the copyright police would be showing up to bring down the law.

The educause link above points to a nice guide to the Creative Commons. I hope you'll read it and pass it along to all your teacher friends. A school might be wise to focus a faculty meeting or two on the Creative Commons, I believe. I'm SURE that most teachers don't know about it. Is it taught in colleges, now? (I know that someone did talk about it in my last grad class this past week.)

Anyway, it's a nice guide. Share it.

* Tired of waiting for pdf's to load? Check out this tip on how to get them to load faster.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

A Computer Consulting Business Takes Time and Hands-On Work to Build

Starting up a computer consulting company is a time-intensive process that involves meting a lot of people and getting to know them. As a computer consulting professional, you will have to make a lot of follow-up calls, take out display ads and do direct mail campaigns and other marketing activities in order to establish real connections with people. Be realistic when planning out your computer consulting business and know it will be a very labor-intensive endeavor.

Computer Consulting: Franchises are Not Easy

A franchiser will not be handing you a client so don’t buy one if this is your expectation. Instead buy a current business if this is really your need, and then expect you will need a lot of capital to keep it going. Buying a small computer consulting firm can cost somewhere between a few hundred thousand to a few million dollars.

Computer Consulting Start-Up Costs

You can start your own computer consulting firm for as little as just a few thousand dollars. You will need a business phone number and voicemail, a cell phone, business cards and legal licensing registrations. You will also need to meet with an attorney and an accountant and get some insurance. Start-up costs are much higher with a franchise than with an independent computer consulting firm.

Computer Consulting: You Can’t Own a Franchise as a Control Freak

Franchises give you less control than other types of computer consulting businesses. You will have to do things an established way and will not have much leeway to do otherwise. Your company might be paying the franchiser a percentage of your company’s revenue forever. If you want flexibility, you probably don’t want to buy a computer consulting franchise.

The Big Idea About Computer Consulting Practices

You have some options when it comes to starting a computer consulting business. You can start an independent business, buy a franchise or else buy a pre-established business. Decide whether you want to start from scratch or get a client list and then be prepared to do some serious work.

Added By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit

Friday, May 4, 2007

IBM's "Five in Five"

IBM has released a report outlining "five innovations that will change our lives over the next five years." The "big five" concepts -- though not completely new -- are:

  • We will be able to access healthcare remotely, from just about anywhere in the world
  • Real-time speech translation-once a vision only in science fiction-will become the norm
  • There will be a 3-D Internet
  • Technologies the size of a few atoms will address areas of environmental importance
  • Our mobile phones will come close to reading our minds

First Step Toward Organ Regeneration in Humans

Research conducted at Stanford University suggests that humans may one day be able to regenerate damaged organs and nerves, and possibly even regrow limbs. This research has focused on primitive animals such as the sea squirt, which can heal itself in ways that higher-order animals cannot. By understanding the way in which animals repair damaged body parts, scientists hope to be able to replicate such processes in humans.

Source: Biology News Net

Thursday, May 3, 2007

To Create Folder " CON "

Without using Command Prompt.

Here is a simple method..........
Rename folder from the right click option........
Now press alt and press 255...
press 255 frm the right sideof the key bords i.e., num pad....
where only numbers r given.....
now write con and then press enter.....huh!!
you ll see a con folder in ur pc
and also you can delete it easily.

Yahoo buys RightMedia

As answer to Googles assumption of Doubleclick strengthens now also on-line portal Yahoo in things marketing technology.

On-line portal Yahoo took over the indicator market place RightMedia. So far the enterprise held already 20 per cent of the portions. The “New York Time” numbers the purchase sum on 680 million dollar. With the Deal Yahoo wants to offer competitor Google slogan, to which recently Doubleclick for 3.1 billion dollar in cash bought.

RightMedia operates the indicator market place RMX Direct. Publisher and indicator customers know there indicator places according to an auction principle en and ersteigern. Doubleclick had recently announced to want to develop a similar system.

MySpace increases internationality

On-line contact stock exchange aims with a new Spanish test version at potenzielle new user in Latin America off.

On-line contact stock exchange MySpace expands its offer internationally. The “Financial Time Germany” reports. A recently started test version in Spanish language is to address those approximately 150 million Internet user in Latin America. In Brazil MySpace wants besides a local version of the Website to start, said Peter Levinsohn, Chef of the digital business with the MySpace nut/mother news corporation, the FTD. Also in China MySpace started recently a test version, which is operated under license by a Chinese enterprise.

Universal goods baskets for Shopping market places are considered as future of the E-Commerce had itself patented its solution now.

The E-Commerce-market place had itself patented its goods basket solution OneCart. The technology makes it for the customers possible to buy with different dealers with a only one virtual Warenkorb. In this way consumers must complete only once the order process, all the same like many dealers them products orders.

Universal goods baskets for on-line market places apply with many Branchenenxperten as future of the E-Commerce. Also large portals already recognized that: Yahoo and Amazon have themselves already portions of the so far still privately led enterprise secured.

eBay customer connection wants to strengthen

On-line auction house wants to worry about its best customers strengthened and to double the expenditures for customer connection in the next years.

Small gifts receive the friendship: In the future eBay Top customers can count and - Powerseller on still more gratitude on the part of on-line auction house. “eBay in the next years more than” eBay Marketingchef Harald Eisenächer opposite the technical periodical OnetoOne and quit special effort around Top customers by particularly aufwändige Mailings or Vorabinfos over new features will double, said its expenditures for the customer connection. A service Hotline particularly for the best customers was already furnished. Also the salesmen are to profit to Eisenächer according to of the action: Power Seller are recompenced in the future with smaller gifts instead of with a Einheitsmail.

A half million mobi Domains counted

Years after their introduction the Internet address for mobile telephones its 500.000ste Domain books one and a half.

On-line contents for user of mobile terminals grow: In October 2006 the Domain Provider introduced dotMobi an Internet address, which was particularly for the announcement by contents aligned on mobile telephones - now the consortium announces the registration of the Domain. Travel offerers took up the Domain for mobile telephones as first, meanwhile also many enterprises from the ranges messages and maintenance mobile content provided and with the special address provided. To date Domains is common in 104 countries.

[TIPS] mashup explores trends in your area

This one was posted on the Programmableweb site. This cool mashup lets you click on your hometown to find out the average cost of housing, the average rent, and the cost of living rate. Very interesting. Looking for a real life math example. There's got to be one in there, eh? And your economics class. Check it out.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

[TIPS] VERY cool browser trick

Now, when I say browser I mean Firefox. I don't know if this works in IE or not, but you can try it. This was posted here on the Make site: or

Want to have TWO sites open when you open firefox? As the article says, simple go into the Options and in the field where you have your start page listed, add the pipe symbol - | - the shifted BACKspace key (the REAL backspace, not the one in URL's that some folks mistakenly call the backslash*) and then your second URL.

Mine looks like this:|

They each open in their own tab. I think I'll see if I can add a third.. and a fourth... and... OK, I'm calm now. Check it out!

* Sometimes I'll gently inform the person that it's NOT a backslash it's a forward slash, or just a slash. Embarassed, they'll sometimes say, "Well, that's just what I call it." Depending on my relationship with the person I'll say (or think), "Why don't you call it a CHICKEN? It's not THAT, EITHER!" :-)

Oh, and BTW... save yourself the time and aggrevation. You NEVER have to type the http:// in your url. Your browser assumes that. I've seen folks who OWN a computer or software company carefully drag-select the www, etc part in a url to leave the http:// when they type a new url. Don't bother. Just type the url: and off it goes. And, while we're at it, got a url that begins with http://www. and ends with .com? Just type in the part in the middle and press CTRL-ENTER (command-enter on the macs) and the browser will put in all the other stuff. There are ways to get the computer to the w's and the .org, too, but that's not one I've bothered to remember.

Try it now. Click in your address field and select the url (if it's not already selected). Now just type: vivisimo and press CTRL-ENTER. If you don't want to type vivisimo, try another favorite .com site. Type google, or ebay, or something like that.

OK.. I'm done now. Try out that double url thing in your home page field in the Options.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

[TIPS] Google's latest improvement that you wont see

You can image the power demands that the google servers require. What do you DO when you consume SO MUCH electricity? You install solar panels. They amount to 1.6 MEGAWATTS of solar power and they not only cover some rooftops, but they also cover some parking spaces. Well, they're raised so that cars can park under them for some shade. Clever? I suppose they didn't get where they are by being stupid, eh?

That article points to some Google Earth files that will show you a 3D drawing of that facility. Check it out.

Cheetah spot by spot: Better update statistics

I think I will get many of you to agree with me if I say that the only thing we really know about statistics is that they're really important.

Everything else seems a bit unclear and remains more or less a mystery. This article won't clear your doubts about update statistics, since I'll focus only on Cheetah's new features.

If you want to learn more I advise you to check these resources:

I have to agree that something should be done about the documentation of the UPDATE STATISTICS command given its complexity and its importance for achieving maximum performance from the RDBMS.

The information gathered by the UPDATE STATISTICS is the fuel that drives the query optimizer. You can't expect good choices for query plans without having good and up to date statistics about your data.

I'll make a mental note for a future article about these issues. For now, and since this is an article in the Cheetah Spot by Spot series, let's just see what's new.

Most of you will certainly have some contact with your company or clients development teams, and if that's the case, you've probably found some situations where they are confident they've created the correct indexes, but nevertheless the query performance is poor.

Many times they simply don't know, or forgot, that they have to UPDATE STATISTICS before the optimizer picks up the index.

If you lived this situation you surely wondered why the engine doesn’t do this on index creation... Well that's a good question and it led the IBM Informix R&D team to change this behavior.

Statistical information is stored in systables, sysfragments, sysindices, sysdistrib and syscolumns. Cheetah brings improvements in the following situations:

  • More information about statistics (more columns in the above tables)
  • More automatic statistical data collected when manipulating Indexes and temporary tables
  • More options for the UPDATE STATISTICS MEDIUM to define the sampling size
  • More information when using the SET EXPLAIN instruction

Let's see these points in detail.

More information about statistics

Cheetah will have more columns for storing information about UPDATE STATISTICS. Namely;

  • systables.ustlowts : Time stamp (DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION(5)) when the last UPDATE STATISTICS LOW was run for this table
  • sysdistrib.constr_time : Time stamp (DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION(5)) when this distribution was collected
  • sysdistrib.smplsize : real sample size used for this distributions calculation
  • sysdistrib.rowssmpld : real number of rows sampled for this distribution
  • sysdistrib.ustnrows : number of rows in the table when the distribution was calculated

More automatic statistical data collected when manipulating Indexes and temporary tables

In Cheetah, the engine will make the equivalent of running UPDATE STATISTICS LOW when an index is created. It will also compute histograms for the first index column. The distributions will not be calculated (this does not affect the LOW MODE) if any of these verifies:

  • The header column is an UDT (either built-in or not)
  • It's a functional Index
  • It's a VII (Virtual Index Interface) index

The distributions calculated are equivalent to what UPDATE STATISTICS generates in MEDIUM mode, with a resolution of 1% for tables of fewer than a million rows, and 0.5% for larger tables.

This means that without having to do anything else, after the index creation, the optimizer will have information about it, so the index can and will be used (if it's good for the query plans)

  • The following improvements were made on temporary table statistics:
  • The number of rows and pages will be maintained automatically
  • The creation of indexes will generate distributions and statistics for the table and index

More options for the UPDATE STATISTICS MEDIUM to define the sampling size

Another new feature is a new clause for the UPDATE STATISTICS MEDIUM: SAMPLING SIZE . This clause can be used with the resolution and confidence clauses and allows the establishment of a minimum number of rows to be sampled. For more information about the sampling size in MEDIUM mode please consult the above reference for John Miller's article on UPDATE STATISTICS. Many people don't know that the sample size is pre-defined given the parameters of resolution and confidence. From now on, we can change this with this new SAMPLING SIZE option. The number given will have two meanings:

  • When it's less or equal to 1: It's a percentage of the table rows
  • When it's greater than 1: It's the real number of rows to be used for sampling
More information when using the SET EXPLAIN instruction

Although this is not specific for the UPDATE STATISTICS statement, the SET EXPLAIN statement was also improved. In Cheetah you can define the pathname for the SQEXPLAIN file. This is achieved by the statement

SET EXPLAIN FILE TO "/your/favorite/path/with/fs/permissions"

Another improvement refers to the already existing in v10, but undocumented statement


This will give you much more information about the engine behavior when solving your queries. You can turn off this feature with an ONCONFIG called EXPLAIN_STAT. If set to 0 it will disable the enhanced EXPLAIN ON. As more and more ONCONFIG parameters you can change it dynamically with

onmode -wm EXPLAIN_STAT=1

onmode -wf EXPLAIN_STAT=1

This has also implications in the onmode -Y command. You can now give 3 values:

  • onmode -Y 0 SESSION_ID
    disables EXPLAIN for session SESSION_ID
  • onmode -Y 1 SESSION_ID
    enables EXPLAIN with STATISTICS for session SESSION_ID
  • onmode -Y 2 SESSION_ID
    enables EXPLAIN without STATISTICS for session SESSION_ID

One final note: Although I've written above that the automatic statistics will be gathered for CREATE INDEX and temporary tables, in reality there are more instructions that will benefit from this:







As for now, it's all. But this is an area that will probably have new features in the future.

I'd like to end with two references for utilities for handling update statistics.
Art S. Kagel, a distinguished participant in the Informix community has developed an extremely useful utility called dostats. It will probably handle everything you want to do related to Informix statistics and works with versions 5 (Online), 6 (does it exist?!), 7, 9, 10 and 11. He recently updated it to handle the SAMPLING SIZE feature of IDS 11.10.

You can get it on IIUG's software archive in a package called utils2_ak. It's written in ESQL/C, so you'll have to compile it for your platform using CSDK or c4gl (7.20+).

I have also made two SHELL scripts (dbs_updstats and tbl_updstats) that will handle statistics for database and single tables. These scripts are based on older scripts that were made publicly available and modified by the Informix technical team in Portugal (namely António Lima, I and possibly others). The current versions are very different but I based my work on their efforts so a great "thanks!" is due.

These scripts don't have all the functionalities of Art Kagel's dostats, but being simple SHELL scripts make them easy to pass along and maintain. The current versions have a functionality you won't find in the current dostats. I called it a "quick low mode" and it allows the LOW mode to collect only systables data. This will prevent the cleaning of indexes that is done by LOW mode. This cleaning can take very long. Be aware that although this mode will make it run almost instantly, its speed is achieved by not doing the hardest part of the work.

If you're interested you can find this scripts at my homepage.

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