Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Solution Providers Note Dangers of Running Windows on Macs

Solution providers assert that Apple’s decision to ease Intel-based Mac users’ experience by allowing them to install and run Windows XP could cause some security problems. According to Apple advocates and partners, customers often decide to use Mac computers instead of PC’s because they want to avoid the security issues associated with Windows and other PC-based operating systems. Solution providers are advising that running Windows XP on Mac computers increases the risk of infecting a computer with malware.

Even though most Apple users are well aware of the problems with Windows security, and typically use Apple operating systems to avoid them, experts think that some customers choosing to run Windows on Macs will still have problems, even if they take all possible precautions. Solution providers cannot quite understand why those with Mac machines, that already provide easy file compatibility with PC’s would want to run Windows and advise against it.

Others in the computer industry are very curious about what might happen with the new Windows-based Macs and what the interaction between Windows and OS X will mean for the future of viruses and malware, specifically rootkits that have cropped up with OS X systems. A rootkit is malware that can install problem programs underneath the OS and can allow installation of hidden files and interception of a user’s online activity and network data.

Apple has issued a warning on its website for Intel Mac users prompted by expert advice of solution providers, stating that those using Windows will now be vulnerable to the same types of problems as those using Windows on PC’s.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting Kit


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