Monday, June 26, 2006

Three Final Steps to Consider in IT Consulting

If you intend to move from part-time moonlighting into a full-time IT consulting job, the following steps are the final you will need to take:


You should go to networking meetings as often as possible and continue to make your IT consulting prospect file larger even when you find yourself with very little spare time. You will always need to have new people on the horizon. Get to know a trade organization’s needs, what kind of speakers panels and programs for education they have and any other relevant information. You should volunteer to speak at a meeting on a topic affiliated with IT consulting. Speaking is an important way to reach prospects and clients, and speaking at a large event can help you gain future IT consulting customers and valuable business contacts.


You need to use a targeting method to carry out a good cold direct mail campaign. Pick a list of people within a certain field or industry so your ad copy will directly speak to them. Offer a free analysis with a deadline.
Your direct mail campaign should initially be a 1000 card postcard test to let you gauge the response you will get. If you get a fairly good response and feel you have control over the process, mail 1000-2000 postcards per month. Don’t spend more than $300-$700. You are looking for a one percent response rate, meaning you should be getting 10 to 20 inquiries to add to your IT consulting prospect list.


As you continue to go to networking events, get the contacts you meet their involved in a structured follow-up system that includes attending regular prospect meetings and mailing until you get a substantial list of leads. You should go to a networking event every other week and send postcards once a month. Within 90 days, the goal should be to get 3 to 5 steady clients to get yourself on the right path to a steady IT consulting income. The events you attend will help you understand what clients’ biggest computer problems are and how you can solve them.
You should keep good track of prospects so you are ready to run to them as soon as they tell you they need you.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting Kit


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