Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hiring a Computer Consulting Firm: What You Need To Ask Before Signing Papers

Not asking questions guarantees that you won't know what you're getting. You are just asking for problems. Instead, make sure you ask, at minimum, the following questions to weed out the B.S.:

  1. Do you have a "day job"? Are you moonlighting?
  2. What do you mean by the "we"?
  3. Are there any other people who work at your company?
  4. Are they employees or contractors?
  5. What are their names, specialties and backgrounds?
  6. How long have they been with the company?
  7. Will they be involved with this account?
  8. What "size" is your typical consulting client, in terms of number of PCs, employees and annual revenue?
  9. What industries or vertical markets have you worked with?
  10. And in what particular aspects and software applications?
  11. What kinds of products, services, and platforms does your company shy away from?
  12. Do you work with any specialty hardware, software or services vendors?

Learn more about the right questions to ask before hiring a computer consulting company by reading the complete article (link above).

Submitted by Computer Consulting 101


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