Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Got Jing?

I had the opportunity to get a preview of new application called Jing, from the makers of Camtasia Studio and it is really awesome. Think about all of the times that you want to grab a picture of something on your screen and send it to someone that you may be IMing. Or say you want to quickly show someone how to use a feature in a software application and want to do a quick screencast. If you have ever been in this situation then you need to take a look at Jing. Jing is a software and sharing tool that is available for Mac and Windows which lets you share pictures and videos very quickly. The Jing application is always available and with a user defined hot key you can get it started. Once you have grabbed a screen image or recorded a video you are immediately given a URL that is copied to the clipboard to use. The images and videos are stored on your Screencast account that you will be prompted to create the first time you use Jing. This is a very handy utility and one that I know I will be using often in the work that I do. It is a great tool for Just in Time training. Here is an example of what you can do with Jing.


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