Sunday, April 27, 2008

[TIPS] Twenty five minutes on Twitter

Yes, I had a hard time seeing the value of twitter when I first got on it, and there was a period when I didn't even get on, thinking that it was just a complete waste of time. But then one day I was on and I got a couple good leads from it. Another time I was on and I was able to get some answers to a couple issues. So now, when I get the chance, I'll open it up. I'm using Twitbin  most of the time.

Just thought I'd share what I learned in just one 25 minute time period last week. - Someone posted this link to some GREAT Hubble images - someone else commented about using a different twitter client and I'm going to be trying that soon. - Someone pointed us to this cool "eye candy" search engine. Try it. It's lots of visual fun. - Someone else pointed us to the FAQ page on Animoto. Now GREAT for educators! - a Collaborative place for screenwriting. Looks very interesting
joined podcast - I was trying to join a podcast and didn't have the link. Saw one contributor in twitter and got the link!
And More - but I didn't start to record the links until well into it.

I just wish I could monitor it more often. I know now that I'm MISSING more than I'm GETTING.

Not on Twitter, yet? Sign up on and then get a nice twitter addon for your browser to make it easy to follow the conversations. Then start to follow some of your favorite bloggers or other friends and teachers to hear what they're sharing.


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