Friday, March 30, 2007

[TIPS] Did You Know - The Sequel?

I KNOW you've seen this so you know what I'm talking about. The "Did You Know" powerpoint. It's been shown, and edited, and re-mixed many times, and it's done more to make America aware of this global "Race" we're in than anything. I don't think anyone could argue that point.

Now, a company (XPlane)has approached Karl to put some more production value into this video. Read the brief quote from their letter to him. They want to help him make it into what they call term, "... a more visually-charged event."

But, to do that they want to know what action points folks should take away from viewing this. That's where Karl is asking for our help. He'd like you to help him formulate some questions. These are the action points that folks might consider after watching the presentation.

Now that you've watched this presentation, we would suggest the following:

  • Ask yourself this question: . . .
  • Ask your child(ren)'s (school's?) teacher(s) this question: . . .
  • Ask your child(ren)'s (school's?) principal this question: . . .
  • Ask your child(ren)'s (school's?) superintendent/school board this question: . . .
  • Ask your state representative/senator/governor this question: . . .
  • Ask your congressperson/senator this question: . . .
  • Ask your employer this question: . . .
Answer as many or as few as you like. And, if you think he's missed a good question, tell him that, too. And remember, this just may also be another case of, "Ask NOT what your country can do for YOU; ask what YOU can do for your country." Let's pitch in to help make this as powerful as it can be. For example, "Ask you child's principal, 'What can we, the parents, do to help you in your efforts keep our school in the race?"

This is yet another way that the Internet, and blogs (see? they're NOT always a bad thing!!) are helping to change the world.


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