In the world of IT Marketing, the greatest prospects come from personal referrals. Clients that are referred personally are, for the most part, already pre-sold because they will immediately trust you. And in the IT services business, trust is paramount.
People in search of a good IT consultant look for one in the same way they would look for any other specialist, such as a doctor or a lawyer. While some might go to the yellow pages or another directory, most look first to their friends, family and colleagues for recommendations. When it comes to the important matter of personal health, well-being or business, personal word-of-mouth from those people trust will carry more weight than an ad on the back of a billboard.
As an IT consultant, the best way for you to reach the heads of companies that might need your services is to make yourself more personally and professionally visible within your local community, and specifically, within the target market you hope to serve. There are a few ways to do this, but all will take some time. One way to reach out is to network. This is a strategy that will be a true test for any solution provider because it is truly wrapped up in relationships. If you can do this successfully, you will prove your weight in the community. People will begin to trust you and believe in you, and you will establish relationships with potential clients and leaders in the community.
Knowing more people in the local community is really the only way to get more personal recommendations in IT marketing. As a consultant, you have to get active in your community by joining organizations and attending events that will get you noticed. You don’t necessarily have to go to absolutely everything offered in your community, but if you pick specific organizations and attend most of the events they offer, you will get to know a lot of people in a short amount of time. And after a little bit of practice, you will start to be able to identify the kinds of people that can lead you to knew opportunities.
Posted By: Computer Consulting Kit
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