Trusted business advisors can be a real asset to IT marketing campaigns. Since small businesses rely on these advisors for very important advice, their customers give their recommendations a great deal of weight. Therefore, as an IT specialist or firm, having their recommendation on your side can be worth a great deal.
Influencing a trusted business advisor can be as simple as finding your local lawyer, accountant or banker and assessing problems they might have to which you as an IT specialist have solutions. Appeal to an area accountant – he might even be your accountant – and see if he needs help with his technology. If he does, and you do a good job for him, this could be very helpful to your credibility and could provide a very influential testimonial to other businesses and clients that rely on the accountant for advice.
Even if you don’t end up fixing a problem for a local accountant, you should certainly have a discussion with him and other local professionals in respected positions in the community about they types of computer problems their clients typically have. Most accountants, lawyers and bankers will get questions from customers that revolve around financial, legal and computer needs. They will ask for advice on local small businesses that can provide them with specific services in these areas.
Accountants, lawyers and bankers are an excellent way for you to build your IT marketing efforts, and you should ask them questions that keep you in mind the next time they are dealing with clients that ask them “Who do you know?” and have problems you might be able to solve.
Added By: Joshua Feinberg
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