Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Internet to get much needed cleaning

Many years ago, back in the 90's ('97, I think) I had a mailing list for folks who were interested in getting some Mac Tips. We had just installed a Mac lab and I was HOOKED on a computer with a mouse, baby!! Woohoo!!!


One March 31st I sent out (forwarded) a notice that the Internet was going to be shut down starting at midnight that night in order for "them" to flush out the bad links and to reset the servers. It would take 24 hours, so don't make plans for the next day. Disconnect everything! ("Step awayyy from the computer...") I THINK I put a smiley face at the bottom of that email, but I'm not sure. Regardless, I THOUGHT it was perfectly obvious what this was about.

However, the next morning I received an email from someone who thanked me sincerely for giving that heads up. He had quickly forwarded it on to his Superintendent so he could alert the rest of the staff of this outage.

I emailed back right away to tell him that it was an April Fool's joke. (for Pete's sake!) There IS NO "them" who go around cleaning out dead links nor resetting servers. It was a JOKE!

A few minutes later I received another email from this person (the last time I ever heard from him) saying that I had no idea the amount of trouble I had caused, and that the 'joke' was neither funny nor appreciated.

Well, here is the Snopes entry for this not-so-obvious hoax (for some, at least). http://www.snopes.com/holidays/aprilfools/cleaning.asp

It DOES sound official, doesn't it? If Snopes is blocked, here's the text:

*** Attention ***

It's that time again!

As many of you know, each year the Internet must be shut down for 24 hours in order to allow us to clean it. The cleaning process, which eliminates dead email, inactive ftp and www sites, and empty USENET groups, allows for a better working and faster Internet.

This year, the cleaning process will take place from 12:01 a.m. GMT on April 1 until 12:01 a.m. GMT on April 2 (the time least likely to interfere with ongoing work). During that 24-hour period, five powerful Internet search engines situated around the world will search the Internet and delete any data that they find.

In order to protect your valuable data from deletion we ask that you do the following:

1. Disconnect all terminals and local area networks from their Internet connections.

2. Shut down all Internet servers, or disconnect them from the Internet.

3. Disconnect all disks and hard drives from any connections to the Internet.

4. Refrain from connecting any computer to the Internet in any way.

We understand the inconvenience that this may cause some Internet users, and we apologize. However, we are certain that any inconveniences will be more than made up for by the increased speed and efficiency of the Internet, once it has been cleared of electronic flotsam and jetsam.

We thank you for your cooperation.

Kim Dereksen
Interconnected Network Maintenance staff,
Main branch,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sysops and others: Since the last Internet cleaning, the number of Internet users has grown dramatically. Please assist us in alerting the public of the upcoming Internet cleaning by posting this message where your users will be able to read it. Please pass this message on to other sysops and Internet users as well.

Thank you."

Students caught sexting. Now what?

Two girls got caught sending nude pictures of themselves to their friends. But, they did it while in school. The question now is, "Now what?" "How should the school react?"

Should they:
1) Stiffen the rules and penalties for having cell phones in school?
2) Hold an assembly to help to educate the kids on why this is inappropriate, etc

Geez, I hope you didn't pick #1 as one district is doing.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Interview with Patrick Koh of SimTech

Wallace Tait and I had the privilege of being able to interview Patrick Koh, the Managing Director of SimTechUSA Office located just outside of Dallas, Texas. Patrick is involved with developing business with customers and reseller partners worldwide for MindMapper 2009. SimTech recently released MindMapper 2009 with a host of new features which now includes use of the Ribbon Interface as well as built in project management features. MindMapper 2009 is a very formidable visual mapping tool which is both powerful and easy to use. During the interview we were able to ask Patrick to share with us his views on the visual mapping field. We hope you enjoy the interview, and look for Wallace and I to do more thought provoking interviews with thought leaders and developers in the visual mapping field. Enjoy.

I wish I could take this class -"Let's Get Serious - Games"

Yes, I do teach at Harrisburg University, so this will come off sounding like a University promotional post. But, I really DO wish I could take this class. If you live in the Harrisburg area and the notion of educational games interests you, you might want to take a long look at it.

"Central PA ASTD is offering a FREE broadcast of an eLearning Guild Online Forum - "Let's Get Serious...Games." The event will be broadcast at Harrisburg University and is sponsored by JPL.

Games are intriguing as a learning solution for many, but they question whether games really are effective, whether games can really be developed without a huge budget or complex tools, and whether stakeholder support can be found for implementing serious games as part of a learning strategy.

Take a look at different approaches for designing, developing and implementing gaming strategies as part of your organization's learning initiatives by attending a broadcast of the eLearning Guild's "Let's Get Serious . . . Games" Online Forum at Harrisburg University on Thursday, April 2 and Friday, April 3.

This is a two-afternoon event. You can register for only a single afternoon or register for both afternoons. If you want to attend both days you will need to register twice. The agenda for both days is from 10:30 am to 4:45 pm.

Learn more and register at http://www.centralpaastd.org/events.asp

This FREE event is a $495.00 value!

This central PA ASTD event is hosted by Harrisburg University of Science and Technology and sponsored by JPL."


Every time I turn around I see more and more VERY cool things that you can do with an iPhone. I WANT ONE!!! Come on, Apple. When will you let other carriers handle that phone, too? If we can't get a signal where we use that phone we can't use it!! Just IMAGINE how many of those phones you'd sell if you allowed other carriers to sell it!

Technology Assessments Sales Strategies

Do you offer technology assessments to your new IT consulting clients?

If not, you're really missing the boat. Why? Simply put, technology assessments are a very important part of a well thought-out, step-by-step sales process.

These small initial proving ground projects show prospects that you know your stuff. And they help start real, long-term relationships with steady, high-paying business owners that will sustain your business long term.

However, technology assessments can be a difficult sell if you don't know what you're doing.

In order to overcome resistance from prospects, approach the sale from a features and benefits perspective, and be prepared to answer the important question, “Why do I need a technology assessment?”

Answering this question involves making sure you are explaining the benefits and not just generic features.

The following 3 pieces of advice can help you stress the benefits of technology assessments to your prospective clients.

1. Know What Features Are. Features are great, but they don’t get to the heart of why prospects buy technology assessments. Features are often loaded with technical jargon, a big turn-off to non-technical business owners that want to hear things in business-focused terms. Features of technology assessments include the following examples: “I will review your existing network;” “I will look at your PC configurations;” “I will examine your telco circuits;” “I will critique your IT policy;” “I will analyze your existing data security and data protection measures;” “I will tell you about some of the more common data loss risks.” Features will often leave your prospects saying, “So what?” They don’t answer the important question, “Why do I need a technology assessment?” Benefits provide a definitive and irrefutable answer to, "And this matters to me because?"

2. Know How to Present the Benefits of Technology Assessments. Some of the benefits you can present to your prospects include: “You’ll be able to understand what it is that you already own;” “You’ll become aware of the inherent limitations of what you own;” “You’ll understand the weaknesses in your systems;” “You’ll learn about untapped potential that you could be using more efficiently;” “You’ll be able to get stronger bottom-line benefits out of your existing IT assets;” and “You’ll be able to take steps to prevent expensive disruptions and unplanned emergency downtime.”

3. Emphasize the Benefits of Technology Assessments in Your Marketing Materials. Once you are clear about the benefits, be sure to clearly articulate these benefits in all of your marketing materials that you use to convert qualified leads into new paying customers. A benefits list is an excellent addition to fliers, postcards, e-mails and any other marketing collateral you use with your prospects. But first, you need to know the difference between “features” and “benefits.”

In this article, we discussed 3 proven strategies for more effectively selling technology assessments to your prospective clients. Learn more about how you can use technology assessments to attract great, steady, high-paying clients now at the attached link.

Copyright (C), TechnologyAssessmentSecrets.com, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Horizon Report for K12 Education


We all know about the Horizon report, right?
"Each year, an Advisory Board considers the results of these dialogs and also looks at a wide range of articles, published and unpublished research, papers, and websites to generate a list of technologies, trends, challenges, and issues that knowledgeable people in technology industries, higher education, and museums are thinking about."

But I hadn't known about this version of it - the K12 Edition.
"Each edition of the Horizon Report introduces six emerging technologies or practices that are likely to enter mainstream use in the educational community within three adoption horizons over the next one to five years."

I think this is an important document. I think you should download this pdf version (once you've read the web version, maybe) and send it to your Principal, your Superintendent, and your Curriculum person - and you Tech Director. Then suggest that the five of you meet to discuss it. Far too many of our districts operate without proper context, focused solely on test data, or attendance data, etc.

Wouldn't this be an excellent conversation to have with those stakeholders? Wait - invite some parents, as well. And some students. And some other teachers. If they don't know about a particular trend, educate them about it. Talk about them. What do they enable? Why is that important?

This COULD be exactly what is needed to help spark real change in your district.

Post weekly (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

You Can Download My Name is Earl!

It’s possible to download My Name is Earl if you know some very basic things. Sometimes, it’s just not enough to watch the episodes of ‘My Name is Earl’ just once. It especially happens when you miss some particular scene and it you unable to catch up with the theme of the episode. And, sometimes we like an episode too much that heart says to watch it again and again. There may be hundreds of reasons which make people to make My Name is Earl downloads. Whatever may be the reason, it does not matter, as downloading would be done in the same manner!

Talking about My Name is Earl- it’s an American comedy drama which revolves around Earl Hickey. He wins a lottery ticket and gets hit by a car while jumping with joy. The accident lands him on to the hospital bed where he has an epiphany and starts understanding the concept of karma. Earl, then, decides to make amends of the every wrong he has done and begins his journey by making a list of all the wrongs he has committed and crossing off the items one by one after putting it right. Series is currently running with fourth successful season.

Although I’ve mentioned in the beginning of the article that it’s more than simple to download My Name is Earl episodes, but you still need to follow some basic steps. Whenever you decide to download any TV show, simply search with Google or any other search engine. After you finish searching, you’d get thousands of websites offering the same services. Innumerous would offer you the options to download complete TV shows, even without paying a single penny. Many people simply go ahead with such kinda websites, without caring about the consequences. Let them go!

And, the ones who care for their time and money please read the following. Never think about the free stuff as nothing comes free, we always need to give something if we want to take something. Not caring about those websites, instead go ahead with a membership website. Become the member of a genuine website and download My Name is Earl, or any other TV shows you like to watch. In order to join a website, a visitor just needs to register with the website. Registration means entering your very few basic details such as name, city name, contact no. and that’s all. You’re then asked to pick up the mode of the membership. Mainly there’re two types of memberships available- lifetime membership and limited membership. In case of lifetime membership, the visitor is given the authenticity to download as many TV shows as he wants throughout his life, with paying single time charges only. And, the limited membership gives access to download TV shows during a limited time period only.

Image Thresholding / Pengambangan Citra

Dua nilai tingkat keabuan yaitu hitam dan putih. Secara umum proses pengambangan citra grayscale untuk menghasilkan citra biner adalah sebagai berikut.

g(x,y) adalah citra biner dari citra grayscale
f(x,y), dan T menyatakan nilai ambang. Nilai T memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam proses pengambangan. Kualitas hasil citra biner sangat tergantung pada nilai T yang digunakan.

Metode Otsu
Metode Otsu menghitung nilai ambang T secara otomatis berdasarkan citra masukan. Pendekatan yang digunakan oleh metode Otsu adalah dengan melakukan analisis diskriminan yaitu menentukan suatu variabel yang dapat membedakan antara dua atau lebih kelompok yang muncul secara alami. Analisis Diskriminan akan memaksimumkan variabel tersebut agar dapat memisahkan objek dengan latar belakang.
Misalkan nilai ambang yang akan dicari dinyatakan dengan k. Nilai k berkisar antara 1 sampai dengan L, dengan L = 255. Probabilitas untuk piksel i dinyatakan dengan :

dengan ni menyatakan jumlah piksel dengan tingkat keabuan I, dan N menyatakan banyaknya piksel pada citra.
Nilai momen kumulatif ke-nol, momen kumulatif ke-satu, dan nilai rata-rata
berturut-turut dapat dinyatakan sebagai berikut :

Nilai ambang k dapat ditentukan dengan memaksimumkan persamaan:


Berikut Source Code Delphi Thresholding Otsu :

procedure TEnrollForm.Threshold(Image:TBitmap);
const level=255;
histogram: array[0..255] of integer;
PH: PByteArray;
TotalMean, Variance, maxVariance, zerothCumuMoment, firstCumuMoment : real;
i,j,k: integer;
p: PByteArray;
area: Word;

for i:=0 to level do
for i:=0 to Image.Height-1 do
for j:= 0 to Image.Width-1 do

//compute otsu method
totalMean := 0;
maxVariance := 0;
firstCumuMoment := 0;
zerothCumuMoment := 0;
area := Image.Height * Image.Width;

for k:= 0 to level do
TotalMean := TotalMean + (k * histogram[k] / area);

for k:= 0 to level do
zerothCumuMoment := zerothCumuMoment + histogram[k] / area;
firstCumuMoment := firstCumuMoment + (k * histogram[k] / area);
variance := totalMean * zerothCumuMoment - firstCumuMoment;
variance := variance * variance;

if ((zerothCumuMoment <> 0) and (zerothCumuMoment <> 1)) then
variance := variance /(zerothCumuMoment * (1 - zerothCumuMoment));

if (maxVariance < variance) then
maxVariance := variance;
threshold := k;

for i:=0 to Image.Height-1 do begin
p:= Image.ScanLine[i];
for j:=0 to Image.Width-1 do begin
for k:=0 to 2 do
if (p[3*j])and (p[3*j+1]) and (p[3*j+2])>threshold then
p[3*j+k]:= 255
p[3*j+k]:= 0;

Friday, March 27, 2009

On the Road with the Acer Aspire One

I'm on the road today and stopped into a Panera's to have some coffee and use their free wifi on my recently purchased Acer Aspire One. Many of the schools and students that I am working with have been asking me about these netbooks and I thought that it was time to invest in one so that I could try it out and use it with some of the students that I'm presently working with. When I saw the Acer Aspire One on sale at Staples for $299 dollars I knew it was time to jump in. The 2.2 pound Acer Aspire One has worked famously and while the keyboard is a little smaller than the typical laptop keyboard it is fine for some light typing. In fact I'm blogging from my Acer Aspire One right now without any difficulty. I typically have the screen zoomed in so that it is easier for me to see te text. By putting two fingers on the trackpad and gesturing towards the side of the computer you can easily zoom in which makes it a lot easier for me to see the text. For younger students with smaller hands and better eyesight the screen and keyboard should not be an obstacle.

I have installed some of my favorite applications on the Acer Aspire One, which has a a 160 Gb hard disk drive running the Intel Atom processor with 1 GB of RAM. The Acer Aspire One runs surprising well and is very responsive even running larger applications like Microsoft Office 2007 and MindManager 8. Having used the Acer Aspire One for the past couple of weeks I has lead me to believe that this could be an ideal assistive technology tool for students with writing disabilities. I have used the Acer Aspire One with a couple of students who have used Inspriation 8 in the writing process and it worked like a charm complete with text to speech. Transferring the student's work to Microsoft Word from Inspiration was very fast. I was also able to install NaturalReader the free text to speech application which worked well right within Microsoft Word. All told I have been really happy with the Acer Aspire One and look forward to seeing how other will benefit from this technology. At just 2.2 pounds and a battery life of around 2.5 hours this could be a great assistive technology tool.

The 15th Carnival of Computer Help and Advice

Welcome to the fifteenth monthly Carnival of Computer Help and Advice - a digest of recent blog articles providing top tips for PC users. Because so many blog authors submitted high quality posts for inclusion this month, this carnival is a little longer than usual. Nevertheless, there is not enough space to include every submission, so apologies to those bloggers whose articles do not appear.

We start with two posts that stress the importance of security of personal data whether it is stored on your hard-drive or, in the first case, being broadcast wirelessly. The author of Fine-Tuned Finances shares good advice about How to Safely Access Online Banking Sites from Public Wi-Fi Hot Spots. Barbara Brabec of Handmade for Profit - Cashing in on Your Creativity! says "If you've never had a total computer system crash, count yourself lucky, because it's not IF your computer is going to crash, but WHEN. How well you prepare for this inevitability will determine how painful and costly the crash experience will be." Thankfully, she helps us plan for this event in How to Prepare for a Computer Crash.

Viruses also pose a significant threat to the integrity of our computers. Thoughtfully Vikram author, VikramKir, presents Where can I Find Free Antivirus Software to Download? Review Free Anti-Virus Software Applications. Vikram also offers advice on Ways to speed up computer. Increase Performance of Windows Machine.

"Registry cleaner key clean up is the process that fixes most of the problems in the your Windows registry. What are the registry keys? Registry keys are the ones most often left behind when a program is installed. Those stray keys are some of information that the computer no longer needs, and finally they become clutter. Registry cleaner key clean up programs attempt to clear those out and make your computer running faster." So says the author of myprofit's Blog on Flixya.com. Their article Registry Cleaner Key Removal not only highlights the importance of cleaning the Windows Registry but also provides a good explanation of exactly what it is.

We have a few more Windows tips now, the first of which should be filed under 'Not for the faint-hearted': Lando presents Delete the Recycle Bin posted at Lando411 - Technology Articles, Tech Tips, Computer Tips, and more. For Vista users, The Egotistical Admin, Jason Beebe, shares his Tech Tip #1: Apply Folder Views to All Folders. For the computer novice, Kathryn explains How to Delete Browser Cookies from Internet Explorer on KathrynVercillo on eHow.

More freeware now, starting with two articles from Marco DSouza's Technology at work and play blog: Hard disk defragmentation: The easy, free way, and his review of a free backup application in Snappy, effective backups. AshPresent of ashPresentom gives us a chance to pimp our Windows desktop by telling us How to get Apple OS X Leopard Stack dock for Windows, and other docks

Finally this month, the author of gadget-cafe, switch2life, presents sensible advice for those who are Selecting a Laptop to buy.

If you are interested in hosting a future carnival please leave a comment on this post or use the contact form over at our Blog Carnival page where you can also submit your blog posts for inclusion. Don't worry, if you don't want to write the Carnival post I can do it for you.

See you all in April. Keep up the good work.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

XMind v3.0.2 Released

XMind v3.0.2 Released

Thank you for your long time support. XMind, a leader in mind mapping, visual thinking and collaboration software, today announced XMind 3.0.2, the most feature rich, easy to use visual thinking tool to date.

This version designs some new useful features, such as "Security" to let users set the password for XMind files, instead of worrying about losing data.

For the corporate environment, XMind v3.0.2 includes some new templates, such as Meeting Template letting your meeting efficient, Personal Management Template letting you manage your life and work clearly, Project Management Template letting you work easily.

Please visit the download page and select the proper package for your computer:
XMind 3: http://www.xmind.net/downloads
XMind Pro 3: http://www.xmind.net/pro/downloads

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I admit it: I was wrong about twitter

OK, Kristin. I'll admit it. Yes, I was VERY wrong about twitter. Kristin kindly reminded me of this post in which I said that I just didn't "Get" twitter. But there are two things to factor into account here. First, it was August of 2007. Second, I *did* point out that it might take me a while, saying it took a full six pack before I could stand the taste of Schlitz. :-)

Since then, however, I've learned to ignore the noise and embrace the learning that comes from it. Most recently I wrote about the experience with trying to find a teacher in Vietnam, or this post about images of the global recession, or this one that pointed me to the GE Smartgrid site, (Have you tried that yet?), or some of these posts about twittter.

So, I will gladly eat my words. I DO get it, now, and I LOVE it! I just wish I had THOUGHT of it first.

Annotating in Preview (Mac)

I kept seeing the Annotate menu options in Preview but they were always greyed out, so I figured their use was limited. Not so.

Read this post on the MacOSX Tips blog that tells you just what to do to greatly enhance the power of Preview. Well written article that tells you exactly what to do. Permanent improvement!

The Story of Money

A friend just pointed me to this excellent video about how money is made. It's called "Money as Debt." It's 42 minutes long, animated, but it could/should be broken into two or even three viewings in order to facilitate the conversations that are sure to arise from it.

I'll embed it here, but you'll still likely have to "work with it" at home since Google Video is probably blocked at your school.

Great stuff!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Posting Source Code In Blogger

I Actually new in blogger, so i'm confuse how to post my source code in blogger.
After i search in Google, I found it's quitely simple to Posting Source Code In Blogger.

Here is the way we can do that..


Your Source Code Here....


wanna example click here

Green: further thoughts

This is my second post about the green topic. If you're a frequent visitor you're probably used to more technical posts, or at least Informix oriented posts (that's what the blog is about!), but I couldn't avoid thinking about these issues and I'd like to share some thoughts with you.

In my last post I referenced an online radio show dedicated to the subject of how you can save money by implementing green initiatives. In other words, a green initiative can be described as any action we make to turn our companies and our presence in the planet more environment friendly. I couldn't stop noticing that lately we see a lot of activities in this field. A lot of companies are implementing green initiatives. I see this at a global and local level. Although I'm not a specialist on this issues, and I certainly haven't studied them, I think I won't be very far from the truth if I say that there are several reasons for this:

  1. Companies can really save money by going green
  2. It "looks good" to be green. Most of us are worried about the future of our planet. We probably feel better if we use green products. It's very difficult to change our daily routines, but it's very easy to buy products or use services from companies that show some care to the environment. So it makes us feel comfortable with our conscious
  3. Government regulations or actions favor companies with a green attitude
  4. Some of the reasons above make the green thing a market opportunity, specially in the current times of economic recession

A few examples of green initiatives from several companies:
  • IBM's smarter planet campaign (and blog)
    IBM is pushing not only the green initiatives, but also moving one step forward, and speaking of smarter resource usage. I'll pick this again below...
  • A local energy company launched a website promoting car pooling
    This company is the biggest Oil and Gas company on the Portuguese market
  • The biggest Portuguese bank launched a project called "Carbon zero"
    This initiative according to their words involves the bank staff, the customers and the society in general. The proposed idea is to reduce the environmental impacts of the bank's activities
  • The more than 4M results on Google when searching for "carbon capture" (see Wikipedia)
I could fill a large web page with examples, but I'm sure you know a lot of them. This has become a bit more than a buzz word. It's a trend. And it's probably a need for us as a society.
When I was in school, during my childhood, the idea of green was something like "don't throw papers on the street", "keep the beaches clean" etc. Currently kids are thought on how to separate and recycle garbage wastes etc. In the future, hopefully all this will be taken as granted and we'll be teaching our kids that everything we do has an impact on the environment. So all the projects, all the designs, all the plans will take this into careful consideration. As IBM put it, we must be smarter on our natural resource usage.
To give you a personal perspective on this issues I can tell you about two situations I've faced:
  • Last year I had the opportunity to spend a few days working in Toronto, Canada. For someone from a small country, Toronto is really big. I was impressed by the number of lanes in the highways. And the number of highways... and the length of highways, most of them apparently converging to the city center... Most of the highways had a lane reserved for cars with at least 2 (or more?) people in it... And most of these lanes were more or less empty...
  • A few days ago I took around 1H to get from my workplace to home. This may not look to bad for many of us, but in a normal day I would take about 15m. That's why I use a car and not public transportation... usually it's so much quicker... But on that specific day I passed by 3 accidents (small car crashes...). I felt really desperate to be stuck in the traffic, just a few kilometers from home...
These two situations definitely didn't feel "smart". How can we waste so many time and resources? There are better ways to move around. And we have so much technology that we could use to avoid situations like this... Cars could be smarter in order to avoid some crashes. We could be smarter and have detailed information about the road conditions. We could plan our itineraries in order to avoid traffic. We could use other means of transportation. We could use local systems in our companies in order to use car pooling etc.

This obviously isn't directly related to Informix... But we really need to use the technology we have available today in order to make better usage of the environment. And we will save money by doing so. This applies to companies and to individuals. And we, IT professionals, will probably have a word on this. We have to make our hardware run better and with less resources. Our software systems should be optimized so that we don't consume so much resources (hardware). We have to design and implement systems that make our daily live "smarter" and easier. And this will require information, and as such databases....

I'll end this post with a brief overview of some Informix characteristics that make it a good choice for green systems. This is my best attempt to give some sense to this post ;) :
  • Informix is very light. It's thread based architecture and efficient code makes it run fast with little resources
  • Informix thread based architecture makes it a very good choice for current multi-threaded processors.
  • Informix is very easy to setup. You can save time and use it elsewhere like in application design and tuning
  • Informix is embeddable. It has a very small footprint. It makes it a good choice for applications that need a local database
  • Informix is extensible. It allows anybody with the right skills to extend the base functionality. We can create new functions, new datatypes, new aggregate functions, new index mechanisms etc. As an example, the Spatial datablade can be used in a lot of modern applications that require geo-spatial information
  • Informix works well in virtualized environments. Virtualization is one of the most used technologies to save resources and make better usage of the hardware resources.
And this ends this non technical post. Next one should be about virtualization. How does Informix fits into this environments? And what has IBM done to help you with it...

Downloading High Quality Movie (DVDRip) Using Torrent Client

Many of people enjoy watching Latest Hollywod or Warner Brothers and another Film Production in cinemas, but some people can download the high quality videos / film using Torrent Client such UTorrent or BitTorrent.

Some torrent that provide high Quality latest best film DVDRip are AXXO, FXG. etc. The torrent announcer by AXXO , FXG, etc use their name in the filename. Beside provide the film in AVI format, they ussualy include the subtitle in one solution download.

How you can do the download using torrent client such as
UTorrent or BitTorrent..? There are simple way to do this.

First, you must have a torrent client. In example here I'm using
1. Search with keywords AXXO or FXG or DVDRIP in thepiratebay.org or
mininova .org
2. Click One of the File Link
3. Click Download this Torrent
4. Open the torrent with Uttorent Client
5. Wait until the download Finish

Usually higher connection speed good for the download. Please be patient wait the film finish to download.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Grayscale Image / Gambar Keabuan

Tujuan teknik grayscale adalah untuk mendapatkan citra keabuan. Untuk mendapatkan citra keabuan tersebut digunakan rumus:

I(x,y) adalah level keabuan pada suatu koordinat yang diperoleh dengan mengatur komposisi warna R (merah), G (hijau), B (biru) yang ditunjukkan oleh nilai parameter dan. Secara umum nilai dan adalah 0.33. Nilai yang lain juga dapat diberikan untuk ketiga parameter tersebut asalkan total keseluruhan nilainya adalah 1.

Berikut contoh Source code Grayscale Image di Delphi. Input adalah image dalam format TBitmap

procedure TFrm.Grayscale(Image:TBitmap);
i,j,k: Word;
p: PByteArray;

Image.PixelFormat:= pf24Bit;
for i:=0 to Image.Height-1 do begin
p:= Image.ScanLine[i];
for j:=0 to Image.Width-1 do begin
p[3*j]:= (p[3*j]+p[3*j+1]+p[3*j+2])div 3;
for k:=0 to 2 do
p[3*j+k]:= p[3*j];

Citra1.Picture.Bitmap := Image; // membuat Citra 1 menjadi grayscale.

Semoga Membantu..

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Do your face like a celebrity..?

Find out who is the celebrity that have face like you have at http://celebrity.myheritage.com/celebrity-face-recognition

1. just click http://celebrity.myheritage.com/celebrity-face-recognition
upload image

2. by uploading a picture of you, and do a little cropping, you can know who is the celebrity that have face like you have.
(Ooop.. looklike it's need to register, the fist time i try (September 2008) it wasn't need to register). but it's not a trouble. Just register for it.

sign up http://celebrity.myheritage.com/celebrity-face-recognition
finish sign up http://celebrity.myheritage.com/celebrity-face-recognition
78 % like shimon peres

3. Why i like Shimon Peres..(78 % like shimon peres) , some lower percentage will produce another celebrity...

How about you..?
It is interesting, Isn't it..?

Opening a Computer Repair Shop Made Simple, Step-by-Step

Are you opening a computer repair shop, but aren’t sure exactly what you’re getting yourself into?

Many technology professionals that decide to start a new business don’t know what to expect and don’t plan their company’s model or build real relationships. Thus, they end up without an organized business plan or a strategic method for finding high-quality, long-term clients and partners. And as you can probably imagine, going into any business venture blindly is a recipe for failure.

The following 7 best practices for opening a computer repair shop can help you understand what to expect as you start your business so you can build relationships with crucial clients, partners and subcontractors.

1. Small Business Clients Expect Your Firm to Be Knowledgeable. When you are opening a computer repair shop, your clients will often unrealistically expect you to be knowledgeable on every conceivable technology problem under the sun. To deliver on this want and need, focus on providing the complete solution to your clients. This way you can build long-term relationships that produce predictable recurring revenue, great reference accounts and ideal clients that are not as price sensitive as others looking for just a one-time purchase. To fill in gaps in your skills, you'll want to build-up your team with non-competing technology provider partners and subcontractors. (More on that in a moment ...)

2. When You Partner, You Retain Account Control and Appear Bigger Than You Really Are. When you partner with other technology providers as you are opening a computer repair shop, you give yourself access to varied skill sets and are able to pool resources. Thus, your firm will appear to have many specialties, as well as a deep ability to solve big IT business problems and engage in major projects.

3. Partnering with Technology Professionals Helps You Manage Clients’ Needs that Are Beyond Your Immediate Reach. You will help yourself succeed at opening a computer repair shop when you partner with non-competing technology providers in your area that fill in your skills gaps. For example, your potential partner might be intimately familiar with a specific client/server or industry-specific software application. Regardless of your specialty, look to find professionals that can help you manage major IT projects and better fulfill your clients’ needs, while you still remain each client's main contact and project manager.

4. Find Partners You Can Comfortably Work With and Trust. Make sure you consult an attorney as you are building relationships with potential partners. But remember that even the most thorough attorney can’t possibly cover every single contingency and scenario in an official partnership agreement. Gut feel and trust are important elements as you are opening a computer repair shop and building relationships with partners. Many that own repair shops like to start partnerships with smaller projects and gradually progress to larger projects.

5. Find a Hook. To stand out from the crowd, look to find a hook, or something special that differentiates you from the pack. You need to also know the hooks of your partners so you can go to clients with a full set of real skills and not just a load of marketing hype. Understanding these hooks will also help you know which partnerships are long-term viable and which potential partners are your direct competitors. As an additional tip, you can print up a second set of business cards geared towards potential partners, with your hook clearly described.

6. Understand the Difference Between Subcontractors and Partners. When you work with partners, you can potentially spend a lot of time trying to reach a common ground on whose billing and administrative procedures you will adopt. But with a master contractor/subcontractor relationship, you will handle most, if not all administrative and management tasks. This can be beneficial, because it saves time and lets you call all the shots.

7. Be Sure to Set Up Mutually-Beneficial Relationships. No matter what, as you are opening a computer repair shop, and throughout the life of your business, you need to set up relationships with clients, partners and subcontractors that are mutually beneficial. Set up relationships with long-term interests in mind. For clients, this means providing ample benefits that make them hesitant to switch computer repair professionals because of the huge potential for disruption and loss of continuity. For subcontractors and partners, this means showing them that working with them for just a single, one-time client project is too expensive for both of you when you figure in the screening, hiring and managing duties.

In this brief article we discussed 7 best practices to think about as you are opening a computer repair shop. Learn more about how you can attract great, steady, high-paying clients as you're opening a computer repair shop now at the attached link.

Copyright (C), OpeningAComputerRepairShop.com, All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 20, 2009

FULBRIGHT Scolarship

The American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF), established in 1992, is a bi-national non-profit foundation that administers the Fulbright Program in Indonesia. The Fulbright Program through AMINEF annually awards more than 120 scholarships to Americans and Indonesians to study, teach, or conduct original research in a variety of disciplines. Grants are competitive, comprehensive, and generally cover tuition and fees, textbook allowance, monthly maintenance, international airfare, and health insurance.

AMINEF annually presented a presentation at univercities in indonesia. This presentation will give opportunity to the qualified students to get FULBRIGHT scolarship program. The upcoming presentation will be at GDLN Udayana Univercity 2nd floor, March 30 2009 start at 9.00 AM at local time (Bali).

Increase our blogger Total Page Visited (TPV)

One of the manner that we can do to Increase Total Page Visited (TPV) in our blogger is one of the blogger.com advice to increase blog loading.

I think we just decrease number of post in index page. The little number of post cause the visitor do more browsing in our blog. The little number of post also affect good blog loading.

But do you know what the advantages of increase Total Page Visited (TPV) in SEO for...? I still don't get it.

Free and Cheap Web Hosting

well developed web sites sugested by prchecker.info :

1. Cheap Hosts Reviews : http://www.cheap-web-hosting-plans.com

2. Free Domains Service : http://www.freedomain.co.nr

3. Best Free Webhosts : http://www.best-free-web-hosting.info

4. Free Hosts Directory : http://www.free-hosting.com.ru/

5. Cheap Hosting Directory : http://www.cheap-hosting.com.ru

6. Free Image Hosts : http://www.free-image-hosting.info

7. Free URLs Guide : http://www.free-url-redirection.com.ru

8. Free Hosting Service : http://www.biz.ly

9. Free EU Hosting : http://www.hosting.eu.pn

more link can be view here :

Hosting cPanel WHM plans
The list of chosen cPanel web hosting providers, the low cost web hosts that offer reliable website hosting services with cPanel hosting control panel.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

One tool for learning - pick one

Kurt Paccio over there at Tech Ruminations has asked a good question.

"Imagine for a moment that your son or daughter will be going off to college shortly. The college sends you a letter that due to circumstances students may only be provided with ONE learning tool. ONE.

You may choose a textbook or you may choose a pen, calculator, or whatever. One tool.
What would that tool be?"

I would also have you say WHY you chose that tool. You'd say something like, "With that one tool I can do everything." Right?

Kurt then suggests that we ask that simple question of our school leaders and post back to him with the responses you hear. That would be interesting wouldn't it? I think especially if you ask them to support their choice. How much is spent each year for textbooks and calculators? Is it THAT big of a reach to go 1-to-1?

Of course, the hidden costs aren't factored in here. Costs like upgrading your network to support all those computers. And increasing your bandwidth. And the costs of maintianing all those computers. Still, it's an interesting quesiton. WHy not ask it and get back to Kurt with your responses.

IT Consultant Company Factors for Determining IT Audit Prices

If you are the owner of an IT consultant company, you may be unsure of what to charge for an initial IT audit with a new small business customer.

IT audits are incredibly important to the sales process and necessary to building strong relationships with new customers. Pricing can be intimidating to many IT professionals because it on the surface seems to be such an individualized decision. Often scouting around to see what the competition is charging can be helpful to figuring out your own prices. But you need to also consider your own expertise, your overhead expenses and who your clients are before you can come up with a structure that works for your company.

Consider the following 5 factors that can help you determine how your IT consultant company should price out its initial IT audits for new small business customers.

1. Geography. Typically, IT consultants within large cities can command higher billing rates than those in the suburbs or rural areas. Many of these geographic issues are due to monthly overhead or a general cost-of-doing-business that tends to be higher in densely-populated urban areas.

2. Scarcity of Skills. Does your IT consultant company focus on a specialty, or do you do general computer work? In the same way as a medical specialist like a cardio-thoracic surgeon charges more than a general practice physician for an office visit, a company that specializes in firewalls, virtual private networking (VPN) or some other type of service will be able to command higher billing rates than a generalist firm just installing basic PCs and LANs.

3. Local Demand. You need to know how busy your competition is in your area. When your IT consultant company starts approaching a 75% utilization rate (30 billable hours/week consistently for months at a time), prices start to firm up. When you are doing nothing on Monday morning but hoping the phones will ring, it’s time to get more aggressive about promoting yourself. In this kind of scenario, perhaps your IT audit prices should be lower for new small business customers.

4. Overhead. Think about how much it costs for you to get trained annually, the cost of lab/test equipment, how much time and money you need to invest in marketing to keep your calendar full, insurance, taxes, professional services (accountants, attorneys, etc.), cell phones, electricity and auto-related expenses. Basically, think about the additional costs that will keep you up and running.

5. Client Size. A home-based micro-sized small business will almost always have a smaller IT budget than a 10-person downtown law office. And of course, a 10-person law office will have a much lower budget than a 100-employee or 50-PC manufacturer. Keep in mind how big the clients of your IT consultant company are when determining IT audit prices. While supporting more workstations almost always means more work, larger clients typically demand more highly skilled support and are willing to pay a premium for the highly skilled support.

In this article we discussed 5 factors that can determine how much your IT consultant company charges for IT audits. Learn more about how you can attract great, steady, high-paying clients to your IT consultant company now at the attached link.

Copyright (C), ITConsultantCompany.com, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Yahoo Messenger Status (Online, Offline or Invisible)

One of website that provide us about someone Yahoo MessengerID status is http://www.invisible-scanner.com/. From this website we know the status someone Yahoo Messenger ID. They can hide from being Invisible of course.

Why I reccomended this site to check..? Because it's more accurate than another (http://www.yahooscan.net/, http://ymdetector.net/). The two website cannot show my status Invisible when I'm Invisible. They Show Offline.

Wanna try..? just visit
http://www.invisible-scanner.com/ then insert Yahoo Messenger ID that you want to check.

You can get the result after click the CHECK button.


I've got this Viral Linking TAG from Ang1n, he says that this is some kind of virus... he mean it's spreading fast like a virus! Wow.... and he says that her friends got PR 2 in less than 3 months! Hmm very interesting... so i decided to join this Viral Link TAG and i will pass this along too.
Maksudnya? Sebarkan tag link ini jika kamu ingin meningkatkan pagerank dan ranking site mu mu secara drastis dalam waktu yang lebih cepat

{Start Copy Here}

blog opa

1. Copy paste from {Start Copy Here} to {End Copy Here}
2. Please link back to the person who tagged you and PASS this tag to many of your friends
3. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs, the more the merrier.
4. The use of NO FOLLOW on links is not allowed, Let's all be fair!
5. Remember to come back here at Jenny Talks (pls don't change this link) and leave the exact post url so I can add you to the master list to help increase our rankings and improve our Technorati Authority.
6. Spread the virus.. oooopps I mean the VIRAL LINKING and happy blogging!
#1. Scraps & Shots #2. Simply Jen 3. This and That 4. Fab & Chic Finds 5.A Slice of Life 6. Jenny Talks 7.Tech Stuff Plus 8. Food on the Table 9. Aussie Talks 10. When Mom Talks 11. Moments of My Life 12. My Crossroads 13. A Life in Bloom 14. Because Life is a Blessing 15. Digiscraptology 16. BLOGSILOG 14.Cherry's Comfort Zone 15. DigiScrapz: Captured Memories 16. Buzzy Me 17. Fab Finds, Etc. 18. Thinking Out Loud 19. Wishing and Hoping 20. PRC Board Exam Results 21. Jobs Abroad 22. My Blog Portfolio17.Race Corner 18. Mommy Talks. 19. Home and Health 20. All Kinds of Me Stuff 21. Ink Baby Studios 22.The Salad Caper 23. Winding Creek Circle 24. Aggie Scraps 25. Momma Stuff 26. We Are Family 27.Gandacious 28. Busynessworld 29. Folcreative 30. Swanportraits 31. Rumination Under The Clouds 32.Consciously Think 33. Sprawt 34. Healthy Skinny 35. Geekyology 36. When Mom Speaks 37. Rumination38. Amiable Amy 39. Captured on Time 40. Pit of Gadgetry 41. Me and Mine 42. Little Peanut 43. Creative in Me 44. Around the world 45. Pea in a Pod 46. For the LOVE of Food 47. Music of My Heart 48. It’s Where the Heart Is 49. Blog in to Space 50. A Mothers Horizon 51. Simply me 52. Whats Up 53. Comedy Plus 54.Lovin' Life 55.Ozzy's Mom 56. Apple and Candie 57. I was once lost in love 58. Pinay in Love 59. Pau's Big Thoughts 60. Twisted Angel 61. Hailey's Beat and Bits 62. Living A' La Mode 63. Bits and Pieces 64. Honey and Daisy 65. Pinay Ads 66. Great Kingkay 66. It's Naptime 67. Lisgold 68. Signe Says 69. Thomas Web Links 70. Thomas Travel Tales 71. Nita's Corner 72. Great Finds and Deals 73. Nita's Ramblings 74.Batuananons 75. Filipino Online Community 76. Healthy Living and Lifestyle 77. CompTechGadgets 78.Nita's Random Thoughts 79. Make Money Online 80. Erlinda's Wandering Thoughts 81. Kitty's haven 82.This and That 83. Shoppaholic girly 84. My Life in this Wonderful World 85. My Online World 86. Joys in Life 87. Journey in Life 88. Tere's World 89. Jean's Live it Up 90. Muzikistah 91. Maharot 92. SUPASTAH!93.Life is a constant journey 94.Amazingly Me 70. Treeennndddzzz 96. otwarteInfo’s 98. AdventureSage 99. in-Tech Revolution 100. LovingMore 101. From Melissa's Desk 102. denz Recreational 103. Network of Combined Ideas 104. Sheltered Not Shattered 105. Mommying on the Fly 106. Me, Myself and Darly 107. Stay at Home Mom 108. Harmony in Motion 109. My Happy Thoughts 110. Mommyhood is Thankless 111. Life is Random. SO.I.AM 112.Life's sweet and spices 113. Rainbow Colored Me 114. My Oweini Life 115. All About Mye Life 116. Is it Bedtime Yet 117. Super Coupon Girl 118. My Life.... My Journey 119. Project Wicked Blogs and Reviews 120. Life According To Me 121. WilStop 122. I Love Pixels 123. Cellulitic Bliss 124.Underneath It All 125. Momstart 126. Pinaymama's Diary 127. My Heart 4 Him 128. 1StopMom 129.Random Chronicles 130. Maeyonnaise 131.Blessings in Life 132. Survivor Mom 133. Sharing my Thoughts134. Beautiful Language 135. Medical Updates 136. Living in One Income 137. Mommy Elvz 138.elymac&frendz 139. BeinG mYselF 140. Love's Haven 141. Mi Mundo Del Amor 142. Budiawan Hutasoit. 143. BlogGendeng 144. Kejadian Yang Aneh 145. Ridwan 146. T1to English Version 147.dadank22 148. TarfiqLou 149. Ang1n 150.Blog opa 152. picaswrite 153. your blog here

{END Copy Here}

Earth Hour 2009

Global Campaign to decrease global warming effect will be a movement in turning of the lamp and all kind of electronics device in one hour. This Campaign named Earth Hour 2009, Saturday, March 28.

All people in the world asking to turning off the lights at home. No need 1 day, it's just one hour from 20.30 t0 31.30 at local time. Be sure all electronic device in power off condition, not stand by.

"Our objectives reach 1 billion people, more than 1000 city, together show that the effort we are able to take any action to global warming", said official site of Earth Hour motored by WWF (World Wildlife Fund). Jakarta is one of the city that has been participated. 680 city in 77 Country participated as far, and will be grow up.

WWF Indonesia predict this movement will rest the needs of 300 MW in electric power, Rp 200 million cost effective, and 284 tons carbon emmisions in Jakarta only.

This Initiatif has began in Sydney, 2007. Involve about 2.2 million people include Opera Building. All Global Corner like Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco), Colosseum (Roma) dan Coca Cola Advertisement Board (Times Square) in the dark condition.

Will you passed this chance, whenever every body try to give their attention to the Earth..?
Moreover, the things that we do is so little.. Why not..?

The reality of the global recession


Enough said?

Yes, I suppose it is - for US. But what about your students? What context do they have for this? What are their thoughts about it? Wouldn't a discussion forum or a blog be a great tool for them to talk about this right now? Who even asks them what they think? Shouldn't YOU?

(Thanks to @ryanbretag for this tweet tonight)

Smartgrid - This is VERY COOL!

Science teachers - do you have a camera attached to your laptop or desktop? If so, you MUST check this out: http://ge.ecomagination.com/smartgrid/#/augmented_reality

First, print the document that the page points to (on the right side of the page). Then, turn on your webcam, hold the paper to face the camera, and click one of the buttons on the bottom right corner of the page. Allow flash to use your camera.

You're going to LOVE showing this to your classes!

Many thanks to @kditzler for tweeting this tonight. What fun!

A nice back-channeling story

What is backchanneling? Imagine being able to talk and ask and answer questions that were arising from watching a video or listening to a speaker. Imagine it being done in a "chat room" of some kind and not orally. That is backchanneling.

This is one of the best descriptions of a class period in whcih the students tried their hands at this kind of learning. Chris Webb is the author. Give it a read.

Time Lapse photos of glaciers

I was lucky enough to hear a great episode on Fresh Air today. It features an interview with James Balog, a photographer who has been spending years documenting the disappearance of the glaciers. Yes, I KNOW that there is a debate, not about the warming of the planet, but about who is to blame for it. But regardless, I REALLY think you'll enjoy this interview. Click the Listen Now link near the top of the page. I loved his description of the huge lakes that simply vanish in seconds - right before your eyes when the ice beneath the water ruptures, and the water is sucked down into the enormous hole.

When you're done, go here to see the picture show and to see the movie. (It's a youtbue video, so... do what you have to do to see it.)

Nova will be airing an episode entitled, "Extreme Ice" on March 24th. A must-see for any science teacher, I'd think. Also, check out the website and the incredible photography and videos there.

Mark your calendars. March 24th. Watch it! This is the kind of documentary that is sure to be a life-changing experience for a student somewhere who will think, "*I* want to be a photographer like that!"

What to do when Windows hangs (revisited)

So, your PC isn't doing anything, the screen is a mess, the hard-drive is whirring away. Is there anything you can do, rather than just reach for the reset button?

Here are my top tips for dealing with those times when Windows hangs.

Don't keep clicking things

Windows buffers (meaning that it remembers) all these clicks and will implement them when it catches up, preventing you from continuing with what you want to do, and possibly causing havoc. Show a little bit of patience.

Check to see if your PC has crashed
Before you hit that reset button it is wise to check if your PC has actually crashed. To do this simply press the Caps Lock key, and check whether the 'Caps Lock' light goes on or off; if it does then your session may be recoverable. You may have to wait a few seconds to see a response.

Try to close any non-essential applications
You can try to close any programs that don't have any of your precious work open in. Try right-clicking on their button on the taskbar (the bar with the time and the Start menu on it) and clicking 'Close'. A little patience may be required here if the machine is running slowly.

If your mouse is really slowed down you may have more joy with the keyboard. Hold down the alt key and press tab to change between programs. When the non-essential application appears try to close it by holding down the alt key and pressing F4.

Use the Task Manager
All recent versions of Windows have a built in application called Task Manager. To run it simply hold down Ctrl and Alt, and press Delete (note: Windows 2000 users will then have to press the 'Task Manager' button on the dialog box that opens.)

As with all these tips, you will have to wait a while to see if it appears. When it does, check the 'Applications' tab to see if any of the programs you are running have a status of 'Not Responding.' If they are, click on one to highlight it then and click the 'End Task' button. Do this with any other programs that are not responding, then cross your fingers.

If Windows starts working again it is best to save all your work and restart the PC. A clean restart is always preferable to a nasty reset.

This is an updated and amended version of an article originally published on 19 September 2007.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Download Video Youtube as MP4 or FLV

keepvid.com is one of website that provide us to download videos from youtube in *.flv or *.mp4.

If you prefer to download in *.flv, the size and the quality is less than *.mp4. however the download can be faster.

below is step by step downloading youtube video using keepvid.com in flv or mp4 format from youtube
1. klik keepvid.com
2. in youtube, be sure you copy the video's link
3. paste in keepvid.com input form
4. now choose to download in flv or mp4 filetype
5. wait the download process and done.

Figure-Figure step by step above :
Figure step 2

Figure step 3

Figure Step 4

beside keepvid.com, this link also can be use, ---->techcrunch (but by the time i post this posting (2009/03/18), it was disable and say's it will be running soon)

Persiapan Wawancara Kerja

Wawancara adalah tahap lamaran kerja setelah kita lolos tahap terkait CV dan test tertulis pada suatu perusahaan. Ini berati perusahaan ingin menggali lebih jauh kebenaran / kesesuaian CV dengan kemampuan yang kita miliki.

Menurut Laporan wartawan C6-09 Nadia Felicia (Kompas.com) dan tips yang disajikan Jane Buckingham dari The Modern Girl’s Guide to Life untuk menghadapi wawancara kerja ada beberapa Hal yang perlu kita persiapkan dalam melakukan test wawancara.

Biasanya, sebelum wawancara kerja, calon karyawan akan dihubungi beberapa hari sebelumnya. Nah, saatnya Anda menyiapkan pakaian yang sekiranya cocok untuk wawancara kerja. Coba lakukan simulasi dengan orang terdekat Anda yang bisa memberikan masukan apa yang mesti diperbaiki. Coba lakukan tanya jawab dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan seputar diri Anda dan lainnya. Atau, untuk lebih baiknya lagi, rekam diri Anda saat sedang berlatih, lalu tonton lagi dan perbaiki sikap-sikap atau cara penyampaian yang kurang.

Pastikan pakaian yang Anda kenakan cukup sopan, nyaman, dan tidak berlebihan. Hindari pakaian berpotongan terlalu terbuka.

Ingat-ingat isi dari resume Anda. Apa yang menjadi kelebihan dan kekurangan diri dan apa yang cocok untuk perusahaan. Sebaiknya membawa salinan CV dan surat lamaran, jika ada, bawa juga portfolio hasil kerja Anda. Bawa pula alat tulis, jika diperlukan, Anda tidak merepotkan si pewawancara.

Latar Belakang
Pastikan Anda mengetahui latar belakang perusahaan yang dituju sebaik mungkin. Lakukan riset kecil-kecilan agar perusahaan yang Anda tuju tak perlu menjelaskan kembali dengan panjang lebar. Ini pun bisa menjadi nilai tambah untuk Anda.

Tenangkan Diri dan Istirahat Cukup
Malam sebelum wawancara kerja, pastikan Anda mendapat cukup istirahat. Pasang alarm supaya tidak kesiangan. Pastikan untuk bangun lebih awal, supaya cukup waktu untuk mempersiapkan diri sebelum berangkat. Paginya, jangan lupa untuk sarapan dan memastikan perut Anda tidak terlalu penuh untuk menghindari ingin ke toilet di menit-menit terakhir. Tenangkan diri dengan mengambil napas dari udara segar. Usahakan untuk datang sebelum waktu yang ditentukan. Dengan begini, Anda bisa menenangkan diri sambil duduk atau touch up di toilet. Pastikan make up Anda tidak berantakan, cukup sederhana, tidak berlebihan. Cek pula nafas dan aroma tubuh.

Saat Wawancara
Di saat ini, yang bisa Anda lakukan hanyalah menjadi diri sendiri. Perhatikan bahasa tubuh Anda. Coba pikirkan wawancara kerja ini seperti kencan pertama. Komunikasi harus dua arah, setelah diberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya, bertanyalah seputar perusahaan dan jabatan yang dituju.

Jangan takut jika tiba-tiba suasana menjadi hening. Salah satu teknik yang suka digunakan pewawancara adalah adanya suasana yang mendadak hening. Terkadang ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah Anda akan merasa kecil dan terpojok, lalu bicara ngalor ngidul. Cukup jawab setiap pertanyaan selengkap dan sepadat mungkin. Jika Anda merasa jawabannya sudah cukup, berhentilah, senyum, tunggu pertanyaan selanjutnya. Semoga berhasil!

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