Just because you are an IT specialist doesn’t mean you should limit your pool of potential clients. Your marketing efforts should not be a process of elimination, rather an investigation of whether or not you have a large enough group of clients to woo. Rather than narrowing down the field of clients, as an IT specialist you can instead market to very specific niches and base the type of people to which to are marketing on an entire industry with which you’ve had great success in the past, such as small accounting offices or small medical practices. Then you can start your search by looking for all the accounting firms or medical practices within an hour of your location, or contact one of that industry’s trade groups or even a local mailing list broker.
Marketing to a niche, or a specific industry, is much simpler for you as an IT specialist because you know exactly where to advertise, whether in local trade publications or other journals geared towards the businesses you choose. You will not waste valuable time with very generic ads in newspapers, radio or your local phone book, and by working with clients in one niche you will develop expertise in both marketing for and working in an area that can bring you business for years to come, and your present and future clients will immediately trust and value your knowledge of the field. You will also have more time to create a marketing message geared towards each individual client, instead of one that tries to appeal to everyone, and each customer will immediately sense how valuable you can be do their specific company and will be more likely to truly value your specific involvement and services.
Once you find your niche as an IT specialist, make yourself visible! Take the time to find out if there is a special newsletter or magazine that attracts all potential clients in that particular field, and come up with a ad that clearly expresses your particular talents, or even write an article or become active in the organization by volunteering or presenting at an event. No matter what you do, make sure to reiterate how your company can provide excellent IT solutions for that exact industry. Most importantly, whatever you do as an IT specialist, above all else make sure before you even choose your niche that it is one you enjoy that will provide you with a large supply of future clients. The customers you work with will feel your enthusiasm and put their faith in you and perhaps even recommend you to other individuals and companies in their field.
Submitted By: Computer Consulting 101
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