Sunday, April 12, 2009

Project Management & Mind Mapping

For the past couple of years I have been following the mind mapping space and have watched it to evolve from a brainstorming tool to one that is becoming more closely aligned in the area of project planning and management. Over the years most of the mind mapping applications have either included project planning as an integral part of the application or have relied on third party developers to develop add-ins to the mind mapping software to bring project management features and functionality. Additionally, there are a number of software developers like AEC FastTrack 9 and Experience in Software-Project KickStart 5 who have made it very easy to move tasks and resources from mind mapping software to their standalone applications. I was interested in learning how you are using your mind mapping software for project planning and management and have put together this short poll. My colleague Wallace Tait and I are in the process of lining up some potential interviews for our podcasts and thought that your feedback would be helpful.

Click here to answer the Poll


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