Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Tomorrow's Taxi

Yellow taxi cabs are as much a New York City icon as the Empire State Building. Yet Parsons the New School for Design is hosting an exhibit called "Designing the Taxi: Rethinking New York City's Movable Public Space," that attempts to envision the taxi system of the future.

The show includes improvements to cabs, such as more legible and intuitive rooftop lights, one-way windows for privacy, seats designed for better visibility, wireless Internet, monitors that display traffic conditions and note points of interest, electrical outlets for charging laptops and cell phones, and credit/debit card swipers. Designs for next-generation cabs are substantially smaller than the ubiquitous Crown Victorias, noting congestion, fuel economy, and the fact that most cabs carry only one or two passengers at a time.

If you go, the exhibit is at 2 West 13th Street through Jan. 15.

Source: New York Times


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