Monday, August 29, 2005

[TIPS] - Welcome back - and Celestia

I know what you're thinking -> "Where did that summer go?" If you find it, please see if mine is there, too, as it surely disappeared on me, as well.
Before I give today's tip I want to remind you of my tip blog where you can find past tips going back to May. Just go to: and you'll see them. Feel free to leave a comment, too, if you're inclined. More on blogs (and wikis and moodles and drupals) later. In fact, this year we have LOTS of new things in store. I have to fight to keep from spilling it all in one tip. :-)
Today's tip is about a piece of free software called Celestia. It's a space simulation software for Windows AND MAC!! that lets kids explore our universe in 3D. Read about it on this page:   Sourceforge is the open source place.
Oh!... and if you know of a new employee who would like to be included on this list, please have them send me an email to that effect and I'll be sure to add him/her to the list right away.


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