Thursday, March 29, 2007

[TIPS] wiki note of caution

Just a few moments ago I happened to be in my own wikispaces wiki. For about 15 seconds I was distracted by the conversation at hand and when I looked back down to my page there was some text there that had no place in my wiki. Granted, I didn't spend much time looking at it, and immediately I assumed that my wiki had been spammed. So, I did what any wiki owner would do - I deleted the content.

It turns out that I had been invited to attend that wiki, and for SOME reason I was taken right there. I hadn't even seen the email invitation yet. So, I had no way of knowing that I wasn't looking at my own wiki. Yes, I COULD have looked at the name in the corner, but why would I even think to do that? I had clicked a link in my own wiki, turned my head, and saw what I thought was spam.

The good news is that we were able to recover all that text, although the formatting was largely gone. The bad news is that I felt like a REAL schmuck for doing that. I'm supposed to be a techie kinda guy.

Bottom line - let's be careful out there. :-)


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