Do you use the PBwiki? That's the PeanutButter wiki at If you do then you probably also received this email from them. If not, then this may be a reason to create your wiki at pbwiki.
We have two free new goodies to announce for educational PBwikis.
Don't feel guilty if you have the urge to forward this email to 10 of your
friends. We won't mind.
1. PBwiki Presenter Packs
If you're giving a presentation about wikis, we'll ship you a free PBwiki
t-shirt, an easy-to-read PDF about wikis, a Powerpoint with pictures of
real PBwiki users, and 3 FREE Gold Premium wikis to give out to your
audience. We've already distributed over 100 Presenter Packs to educators
around the world, and we'd love to give you one, too.
Get your PBwiki Presenter Pack here:
2. The coolest videos in the world
We went out and filmed real educators who use PBwiki, asking them
questions about how they use PBwiki, what they like, what we can improve,
and common concerns that they had using PBwiki. Now we're thrilled to
unveil 7 gorgeous videos about using wikis in education:
* "How do you use PBwiki?"
* "Is PBwiki safe?"
* "How does collaboration work?"
..and more. Use these videos in your classroom, show them to friends who
are new to wikis, or just watch them endlessly over and over.
The PBwiki Educator Videos:
David, Ramit, Nathan, Emily, Brian, and Darren
Your PBwiki Team
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The only part of the videos that drives me UP A WALL is the one woman who makes statements with the inflection in her voice of a question. Drives me Up A WALL!!! ARGGGHHHHH!!!
::sigh:: Don't get me started. Or should I say, "Don't get me started?" :-)
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