After in February already the worm under the name Warezov and/or Stration numerous users of the VoIP software Skype infected this yearly, it makes the round now in a newer version again.
If the Trojaner eingenistet itself first times in the system, the damage routine tries to likewise infect all friends in the contact list. In addition a text message with a left is sent away, which one is to open and a file is to download.'
If one obeys these instructions, the Trojaner on the domestic computer installs itself and loads further small applications from the Internet down. With these the aggressor can take over control of the computer and send for example Spam messages away.
Meanwhile it should be possible all well-known anti-virus programs to recognize the parasit and strike alarm. Nevertheless one should always remember that one should not click ominöse on the left of in principle, before is really safe to 100 per cent that it concerns here no dangerous left.
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