The Siemens company has the best internal baptizing ride under the 60 world-wide largest companies. This shows the “FT/Bowen Craggs index” of the daily paper “Financial Time” brought again into being and the British consulting firm Bowen Craggs. A goal of the new Rankings is it to supply a yardstick with whose assistance it can be judged whether a Website is effectively as arranged as possible and which Internet appearances are better than others. Siemens stands out not against the mass, because the Website enormously largely and is very well structured, but because also to the small detail one paid attention, the testers praise. With the search for a product the user pushes on an extremely logical structure, likewise on the contact side or with the press releases.Also the Internet appearance of Shell ranks among the best. A keyword list also left to to most clicked topics of the last time convinced the testers. Beyond that captivate BP by particularly imaginative individual components, for example statistic data over the world-wide energy consumption or a Tool, with which customers can provide individual energy consumption diagrams.
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