Business organizations can really help you with your relationship marketing. When you join business organizations you expose yourself to important business owners in your community and get the opportunity to get active and fully use relationship marketing.
The Chamber of Commerce may be the most common business organization for many professionals, but there are many others that can help you immensely.
1. Look through the local newspaper and watch out for community announcements about business organizations
2. Regularly read and subscribe to an area business journal.
3. Go to local government offices, business assistance offices and economic development offices for referrals to different business organizations you can join.
4. Look at the Gal Group Encyclopedia Associations.
5. Go to a reference librarian and ask for the names of good area business organizations.
6. Inquire within your network about business organizations and what might be best for you.
7. Go to national organizations, then narrow down your search to state, county then city level.
8. Use Business Referral Networks to find leads about business organizations. and are some good examples.
9. Look at civic organizations, which are not business organizations but house a lot of local business owners. Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions are all this type of organization.
Specialty business organizations are also a viable option and include the following groups: minority business owners associations; IT industry business organizations; the ICCA (Independent Computer Consultants Association); International Association of Microsoft Certified Partners for Microsoft Certified Partners; the “F’ group.
Business organizations will help you meet prospects and other business owners, and you should explore the many options beyond the Chamber of Commerce to find the perfect ones for you.
Created By: Joshua Feinberg
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