Your network consists of many business contacts, and these people are vital to your business. It is your responsibility to nurture relationships with business contacts to expand your business and reach out to more customers.
Business contacts come in two types: users and influencers/users. You need to be able to tell the different between these two categories of business contacts and establish the appropriate relationships. Those that fall into the influencers/users categories are your best bet for business contacts because they can both use your services and convince others to use them. While every client is a potential source for referrals, influencers/users are entrenched in the business of referrals.
The influencers/users among your business contacts fall into two distinct categories:
The following are business contacts are typically considered trusted specialists in the advice business:
1. Accountants
2. Bookkeepers
3. Attorneys
4. Business Managers
5. Consultants.
These business contacts are people businesses call when they need help with other types of services. If you maintain the network of a well-respected accountant, you will be most likely to be recommended by this person to his own clients.
This category is marked by those in the IT industry that don’t compete directly with you and include the following people:
1. Accounting Software Experts
2. Industry Niche Software Professionals
3. Phone System Sellers
4. Software Developers
5. Those that build Systems
6. Website Designers
These professionals within your business contacts typically work for businesses that will fall into your sweet spot, and will most likely recommend your expertise if you provide IT services for them and stay in good contact.
Business contacts are critical to your success, and you should focus on influencers/users in order to help with your referrals.
Added By: Computer Consulting 101
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