Wednesday, August 9, 2006

IT Marketing: Ways to Grow Awareness of Your Company

In order to sell your services, you need to build awareness that a problem exists. Once you remind prospects of the problem, then you can easily provide the solution. By creating awareness, you will also be creating awareness of your company.

Seminar Marketing is Very Effective

Seminar marketing is possibly the most effective way to build awareness of the problem and your company’s position as an expert. You can talk to a whole room of people at once and remind them of the issues.

No Pressure on Your Prospects

Plus, seminars don’t put so much pressure on your prospects. At the same time, you will need to conduct appropriate registration and follow-up activities to get significant returns, but making a lot of money from a seminar is common.

IT Marketing: White Papers

Let's say you're running a direct mail campaign. One of the best ways to get a response is to offer some kind of white paper that you can give out that has a high perceived value.

You can also write a white paper and publish it online to hook readers and then direct them to your site. You can leave the writing to a freelance writer or do it yourself, but be sure that it’s polished and professional.

Learn more about effective IT marketing in the full article (link above).

Submitted by Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit


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