Strategic marketing plans should be an essential pat of any new computer consulting business and can help you name a specific way to achieve a greater marketing goal. Successful businesses have strategic marketing plans in place from the get-go and refer back to them when completing all business activities.
The most important element of developing a strategic marketing plan is figuring out the different possible marketing activities. The following list provides some guidelines for creating a good strategic marketing plan:
1. You should spend half your time and money on marketing through organizations as well as referral marketing.
2. Spend 20% of your time and finances on speaking, teaching and seminar marketing and other related activities. This portion of a strategic marketing plan figures in not only solo seminars but also joint seminars with accountants and other tech providers.
3. Direct mail is the next part of your strategic marketing plan and will take about 20% of your time. You need to focus on targeting, as you would with any other element of the plan.
4. The smallest amount of time and money, 10% of it, should involve marketing activities that may or may not work for you. These can range from door hangers and telemarketing to going after specific industries. You might fail a lot when experimenting with these techniques, but testing them is critical.
If you build your strategic marketing plan from the beginning of your business it will keep you focused and on track and help you explore the many options available to you in the computer business.
Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101
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