Your virtual IT business is very dependent upon computer skills, but you may not be aware of which skills you really need to be successful. Knowing what computer skills your rivals have can help you determine what you should be developing.
Most of your rivals that have success with sweet spot clients know about the following platforms: Microsoft Small Business Server (SBS); Novell Small Business Suite or NetWare; Linux (usually RedHat) and Mac OS.
Some larger competitors in your market with several employees may gravitate towards the higher end. They will begin by addressing companies with 25 to 50 PCs and then move onto those with 50 to 100. They might also decide to take on some medium-sized companies with 100 to 500 systems. These larger companies will get involved in very complex solutions that are unnecessary for your business.
Larger rivals will typically have expertise in the following advanced systems: Network Attached Storage (NAS); Storage Attached Networks (SANs); complex security solutions; CheckPoint firewalls; Citrix Terminal Solutions; High-end Wi-Fi solutions; managed hardware. These advanced certifications are not necessary until you are ready to sell an IT manager at a larger small business.
For sweet spot small businesses having 10 to 50 PCs, you should look for virtual IT staff that has one or two entry-level certifications. Members of your staff should be working towards a certification such as an MCSE.
Typically clients are more interested in problem-solving computer skills than other types of skills. They want your company to know about their specific industry and for you to be able to apply your IT skills to solving their business problems.
Blogged By: Computer Consulting Kit
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