Most of the time you will need a computer consulting firm to take care of your computer problems, but some problems are simple enough for the most computer illiterate person to handle. At Computer Consulting 101, we've found there's one very simple piece of advice that often doesn't get communicated to non-technical small business end users: When in doubt, reboot first.
Although it sounds simple, most people overlook this when they're in a panic. Many times, though, all you need to do is reboot and your system will fix itself. Even your documents, or at least a portion of them, may still be there thanks to the autosave function.
If possible, exit out of everything you're working on and run your computer through the restart mode. If you suspect the problem is hardware-related (mouse, keyboard, etc.), then you should shut down the PC, leave it off for a minute or so, and then restart it.
If you still have problems after following these steps, give you computer consultant a call. To learn more about PC troubleshooting, read the complete article (link above).
Posted by Computer Consulting 101
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