For many small business clients, your computer consulting services will be an important part of an insurance policy. Your service agreement will tell them what is covered as part of this policy and what is not and will give them boundaries. Each month, quarter or year you will collect a deposit from them that is like a premium payment.
Small business owners will be likely to pay you premiums on time because they want to ensure you will stand behind them when they need you. Your computer consulting services will be treated as security, and you should acknowledge clients see them this way by stressing the value of your services. You can even add security and data protection as part of your major selling points.
You should emphasize security and data protection measures into all computer consulting services sales presentations. A P2P network is definitely not as secure as the client/server network you are pushing. Therefore, a P2P network only allows for “share-level” access, meaning anyone that connects to it has the same username and password combination and there is no control over how much access users get and no way to end access once an individual leaves the company.
A dedicated server, as opposed to a P2P network offers more control over access and sharing. Every person can have a password and username, and pointing out this feature to prospects and clients will strengthen your case. Security with this type of network also offers greater flexibility; with P2P networks, security can be controlled only in the area of sharing, whereas with a dedicated service, control can be exerted down to the level of specific files.
As part of your computer consulting services presentation, ask the following hypothetical question of clients and prospects: would you rather give employees free access to an entire room full of filing cabinets or just some hanging folders in specific drawers that are important to their specific jobs?
Blogged By: Joshua Feinberg
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