After Hurricane Katrina, businesses actually began to worry about disaster plans, but do you really have plans for this hurricane season? Having a backup work environment, a good data backup service, and a comprehensive plan will help business owners in the Gulf rest area when a tropical depression forms.
James Moak, CEO of Gulf South Technology Solutions (GSTS), says, "After Katrina, we were inundated with calls. People needed a temporary work environment as much as they needed help in getting their information systems back up and running. We could only provide limited space last year, but we are prepared to help businesses this year. We have 100 dedicated workstations/cubicles setup in an environmentally secure data center for our customers."
He suggests the following ten steps to all his clients. Have you taken these steps yet? Have your clients?
Phase I – Information Gathering
1. Organize the Project
2. Conduct Business Impact Analysis
3. Conduct Risk Assessment
4. Develop Recovery Strategy
5. Review Onsite and Offsite Backup / Recovery Procedures
6. Select Alternate Facility
Phase II – Writing and Testing the Plan
7. Develop Recovery Plan
8. Test the Plan
Phase III – Maintaining and Auditing the Plan (Ongoing)
9. Maintain the Plan
10. Perform Periodic Audit
To learn more about each step and how to prepare your company and your clients' companies, read the entire article (link above).
Blogged by Joshua Feinberg
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