When you are dealing with small business networking clients you will encounter some wary attitudes. Discontinued technical support is very powerful when you are dealing with industry-specific software such as niche applications for accountants, attorneys, doctors, realtors, auto body shops and food service establishments.
Eventually the independent software vendor that sells industry-specific software will put limitations on technical support, annual updates and patches for older product incantations. If your small business networking client is an accounting firm that requires new tax tables, often the client will have to upgrade the software and the server. This required upgrade involves a phone call to your firm and several incredibly expensive sales and service opportunities for your firm. Extra opportunities can be a direct result of ISV’s setting strict boundaries.
Along with the chance of unreliable systems and required upgrades, you can also overcome wary client attitudes towards small business networking by talking to a prospect’s or client’s competitors. If you work with a lot of small business within the same field and you are noticing a new software or technology trend that is changing the industry you should report this immediately to allay any fears of falling behind.
Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit
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