Maksud dari tutorial ini adalah kita tidak perlu lagi membuat skript untuk nama nama kolom yang sering digunakan dalam pemrograman PHP MySQL..
Contoh :
//$query = "select field1, fieldn from table [where clause][group by clause][order by clause][limit clause]";
if (empty($_GET[action])){
$query = "select KecId as ID, KecCode, KecDesc, RegionID, RegionCode from m_kecamatan";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (($result)||(mysql_errno == 0))
echo "<table width='90%' border=1 align=center><tr>";
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
//loop thru the field names to print the correct headers
$i = 0;
while ($i < mysql_num_fields($result))
echo "<th>". mysql_field_name($result, $i) . "</th>";
echo "<td align='center'><strong>Keterangan</strong></td>"; //mypoints --> picas
echo "</tr>";
//display the data
$j = 0;
while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM))
echo "<tr>";
foreach ($rows as $data)
echo "<td align='left'>". $data . "</td>";
echo "<td align='left'><a href=fieldname.php?action=edit&id=".$rows[0].">Edit</a> | <a href=fieldname.php?action=delete&id=".$rows[0].">Delete</a> </td>"; //mypoints --> picas
echo "<tr><td colspan='" . ($i+1) . "'>No Results found!</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "Error in running query :". mysql_error();
Jangan lupa file koneksinya..
$server = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "picas";
$database = "db_combo";
// Koneksi dan memilih database di server
mysql_connect($server,$username,$password) or die("Koneksi gagal");
mysql_select_db($database) or die("Database tidak bisa dibuka");
dan contoh hasilnya...
Oh Ya..hampir lupa..
Nama Field bisa di Customize dengan Query semisal
----> Select nm_kec as Nama Kecamatan from ....
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