Wikipedia:Schools - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Welcome to Wikipedia! Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia which anyone can change, including you! There are Wikipedias in many languages, with lots of people working to make them better. This is the Simple English Wikipedia, where the articles are easier to understand than traditional English.
Photo Tampering Throughout History - Annotated
So you teach photoshop? Or maybe digital literacy and ethics? Check this out
Screenjelly - What's on your screen?
Screenjelly records your screen activity with your voice so you can spread it via Twitter or email.
Tinychat - Free Chat Rooms & audio video conference
A quick chat room, complete with mic and camera
- Picture a classroom where every student has their own tablet PC, with wireless internet access and videoconferencing equipment to give them access to academics, industry experts and other schools around the world. The teacher begins the lesson by drawing students’ attention to a new discussion thread that’s appeared overnight on an online forum about a text they’re studying.
- You no longer need to be fluent in HTML to benefit from the digital revolution. Web 2.0 tools are closing the divide between richer and poorer regions, and between the ‘digital natives’ and ‘digital immigrants’ of the online world. Cloud computing, where resources and software are stored online, means hardware is no longer necessary, and the growth of free programmes and services lets anyone create their own wiki, blog or podcast.
- The extent to which technology can transform the world, and education, is illustrated by the ‘flat classroom’ project, run by Julie Lindsay, head of information technology and e-learning at Qatar Academy in Doha, Qatar, and Vicki Davis of Westwood Schools in Camilla, Georgia, USA. The project began in 2006 as an online collaboration between the two schools, inspired by Thomas L. Friedman’s book The World is Flat. It has now sprouted two sister projects – ‘digiteen’ and ‘horizon’, which have so far involved more than 800 students and 200 educators from across the world.
- “Technology isn’t magic. It doesn’t provide instant solutions. It challenges teachers to improve their practice by being more flexible and creative, and it challenges students to reflect on the limitations of technology as well as its capabilities. The best way to learn is by practising together.”
YouTube - Podcasting in Plain English
Isn't this a good explanation of Podcasting?
A nice list of sites for teachers and students to share. Shelfari is even listed there. And Classroom 2.0.
Social networking has certainly made students’ lives easier. Students share homework, notes and test information before teachers and school administrators even know about it. Grade books and lesson plans have been digital for a while but teachers (much like older people in general) have been slower to visit social sites. These social sites for teachers are going to change some outdated thinking.
What about using a tool like this to stay in touch with parents?
Let Me Entertain You... by Bob Sprankle
This article points to two "must-see" presentations from NECC. I hope you'll watch both of them.
- Both presentations will help you get that tune that's stuck in your head out of there --- not "Let Me Entertain You" (there's no hope for that), but the "KIDS these days..." one. Hopefully, they'll help get that tune out of being stuck in your school as well. Because, let's face it: that tune is really just a flimsy excuse to not change.
Effective Internet-Using Educators
What do you think of this article?
- All effective teachers plan and plan well, creating different
scenarios to cover the ways that lessons might go.
50 Useful Mind-Mapping Tools for College Students | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
Don't let the 'college students' cause you to miss this list.
Did I hear that some of you are taking your kids on college campus tours? Check this out
Education 2.0 - Edmodo - Free Private Microblogging For Education
This may be something that you could do right away in your school Spend some time here
- Edmodo provides a way for teachers and students to share notes, links, and files.
Teachers have the ability to send alerts, events, and assignments to students.
Intelligent Video: The Top Cultural & Educational Video Sites | Open Culture
A nice list of sites that contain videos of all kinds, from documentaries to lectures and in between.
Panoramio - Photos of the World
Great tool to create Google map with lots of images. Very nice
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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