I'm really excited about the workshops that I'll be giving at the 3CsETC Conference in Erie on Tuesday, August 4th. I'll be giving the opening address, entitled, "This Changes Everything." I'll be posting that presentation on my website as soon as I stop tweaking it.
I'll also be doing two workshops. One is entitled, "PowerPoint Alternatives" in which we take a look at sites like Slideshare, ShowBeyond, Presi, etc, and talk about how to get accounts for students if they don't have email accounts. We'll also see how those presentations can be embedded into a wiki or other web page. Putting it on a wiki is nice, since then you can use the discussion threads to talk about them.
The second workshop is entitled, "Top Ten Tech Skills Every Teacher Should Possess." Great title, but it's tough narrowing it down to ten, isn't it? My ten would be different from your ten, I'm sure. I've got a handout on my website, too. I'll get them all up on the website soon.
In any case, I'm looking forward to this opportunity. What fun it is to meet teachers from around the state who are investigating new technologies.
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