class_startersCATESOL.pdf (application/pdf Object)
50 interesting and fun ways to start your class - a pdf
Once upon a time there was just ONE printing press in the world. Now anyone can have one (printer) or more. Today we hae to go to a store to purchase items we want. In the not-too-distant future we may all be able to just make the item ourselves. What does that mean to Business? What does it mean for education?
10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About - Annotated
Some very interesting little tips for playing youtube videos
Nice site with videos on how to use Diigo
Youth Voices is a meeting place where students and their teachers share, distribute, and discuss their inquiries and digital work online. It's a space where teachers nurture student-to-student conversations, collaborations, and civic actions that result from publishing and commenting on each others texts, images, audio and video.
Online image / photo editor pixlr free
If you're not familiar with this, take a look. Bookmark it for when you need it.
- Governing Dynamo - Take a look at some Historic American Rhetoric
Underneath the image is a link that will step you through the word clouds for all the inaugural speeches. Each one is also printed so that you can read the full text. This is not only good for Social Studies, but also VERY good for English. My how our language has devolved over the years. Read Madison's speeches, for example.
A nice site for History Tours in Google Earth
Embed this Google Earth player on your webpage. Point it to a kmz tour file. This is great!
This is FUNNY! Social Media addiction. ROFL!
All Passage Middle School classes will blog this year --
Imagine! And they, too, are following the CIPA laws - the same laws that some of our schools are using as reasons to BLOCK all blogs!
- Passage teachers have been encouraged to create an account on Twitter, an online social networking site that limits each posting to 140 characters. Teachers will attend a morning screening of the movie "Julie & Julia" and "live blog" the experience with their Twitter accounts. Rogers chose the movie, based on the experiences of two real people, because one character uses a blog as an education and communication tool.
Wired Up: Tuned out | - Annotated
Interesting article.
- Recent reports from the Pew Internet and American Life Project show that 93 percent of youth ages 12 to 17 go online. Of those kids, 55 percent use social-networking sites (like Facebook and MySpace), and 64 percent are creating their own original content (such as blogs and wikis). Unlike watching television, using the Internet allows young people to take an active role; this move from consumption to participation affects the way they construct knowledge, develop their identity, and communicate with others. "Technology, from my perspective, has created an opportunity for students to use new digital-media resources to express themselves in ways that earlier generations could never have imagined,
- Students today "more quickly tune out a teacher or someone who doesn't relate," she adds.
- This is something Jim Gates hears a lot. As a coach for Pennsylvania's Classrooms for the Future project, he works to make technology available to students and teachers. He's also got a blog of his own called TipLine. "There's a growing disconnect between how kids embrace technology and where teachers' skill levels are," he says.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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