An EXCELLENT video about money. It's perfect timing!
Open Source Cinema starts off with some video that they encourage you to remix and send back to them. In the process you'll learn about copyright - at least one organization's feelings about it.
Educational Leadership:Literacy 2.0:Plagiarism in the Internet Age
INteresting article about Plagiarism.
Annotate non-PDF images in Preview | Preview | Mac OS X Tips
How to get the Mac OS Preview App to allow you to annotate non-pdf files, like jogs, etc.
In Obama’s Election, a Textbook Case of History in the Making for Students This Fall -
An article about how textbook publishers are rushing to include Obama's election in their latest books
Google Gives Advice on Cloud Computing - News and Analysis by PC Magazine
Dated 3-20-09 - Description of Google's report/advice on benefits of "cloud computing" for FCC
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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