Many of people enjoy watching Latest Hollywod or Warner Brothers and another Film Production in cinemas, but some people can download the high quality videos / film using Torrent Client such UTorrent or BitTorrent.
Some torrent that provide high Quality latest best film DVDRip are AXXO, FXG. etc. The torrent announcer by AXXO , FXG, etc use their name in the filename. Beside provide the film in AVI format, they ussualy include the subtitle in one solution download.
How you can do the download using torrent client such as UTorrent or BitTorrent..? There are simple way to do this.
First, you must have a torrent client. In example here I'm using UTorrent1.8
1. Search with keywords AXXO or FXG or DVDRIP in or mininova .org
2. Click One of the File Link
3. Click Download this Torrent
4. Open the torrent with Uttorent Client
5. Wait until the download Finish
Usually higher connection speed good for the download. Please be patient wait the film finish to download.
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