Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I admit it: I was wrong about twitter

OK, Kristin. I'll admit it. Yes, I was VERY wrong about twitter. Kristin kindly reminded me of this post in which I said that I just didn't "Get" twitter. But there are two things to factor into account here. First, it was August of 2007. Second, I *did* point out that it might take me a while, saying it took a full six pack before I could stand the taste of Schlitz. :-)

Since then, however, I've learned to ignore the noise and embrace the learning that comes from it. Most recently I wrote about the experience with trying to find a teacher in Vietnam, or this post about images of the global recession, or this one that pointed me to the GE Smartgrid site, (Have you tried that yet?), or some of these posts about twittter.

So, I will gladly eat my words. I DO get it, now, and I LOVE it! I just wish I had THOUGHT of it first.


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