Wednesday, September 12, 2007

[TIPS] reminder that anti-bullying video?

Now that school is back in session, this is the perfect time to refresh your memory about this excellent video, “Hero in the Hallway.” The music is very good – kids will like it – and the message is so VERY important.


Here is the link to the original post:


Here is the link to the youtube video:


Can’t get to youtube at school? Remember, there are many ways to skin that cat. For one, go to and paste that address in that search field and choose YouTube from the dropdown next to it. Click Download to begin the process. Almost immediately, another link will appear under that row of ads which says, “Download link.” Click that and save the file to your desktop. Remember, it’ll be called “getvideo.flv.” You should rename it to something else, but keep the .flv extension. (Assuming you can see the extensions. If not, don’t worry about it) Finally, you’ll need a player like the VLC player or miro. Don’t worry, you can do it.


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