I have had the opportunity to use the PersonalBrain 4 for the past couple of weeks and have found it to be extremely useful for organizing my materials and ideas. I do want to thank Shelley, Harlan, and Matt at theBrain Technologies, LP for their help and giving me the opportunity to work with their fine product. In fact, I have been using the PersonalBrain 4 more and more to organize my ideas, for my blog and for my newsletter, Inclusion Times. One of the really neat features of the PersonalBrain which may be overlooked is the ability to
export your brain and publish it on the web. From the File menu you simply select Export-- and then select Site Brain HTML with XML Data. The PersonalBrain 4 opens a dialog box and prompts you to save the exported files. Once the files have been transferred to your hard drive you simply upload them to your server and they are ready to go. What is really exciting is that all of your notes, URL links and documents can be accessed from within your PersonalBrain on the web. Within minutes ,I had my PersonalBrain 4 on the web. If you want to see one of my PersonalBrain’s on the web click here. Remember that all of the information is hyperlinked so that clicking on an item allows you to jump to related information. If there is a link or note or a file attached to the item you can click on it in the bottom portions of the screen to access it. Give it a try and let me know what you think. The PersonalBrain 4 is a great tool to quickly put up a website for a presentation or even for a class complete with links, documents and attachments.
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