You shouldn’t have an ethical dilemma when you’re deciding on what to charge in terms of computer repair prices. If you’re working in the small business space, you can’t compete with large industry players like Best Buy and CompUSA that are offering service for a “steal.” You have to make a living!
What about Micro Small Businesses?
How do you deal with setting computer repair prices for micro small businesses? Many of them have more than 10 employees and even will go beyond P2P networking with a dedicated server. Especially when this is the case, you have to make sure to offer prices that are right for this type of sophistication.
If you really want to make it in the computer repair business – when you are not a large company like Best Buy, etc. – and still work with micro small businesses, you have to focus on those that can pay you higher computer repair prices for your outstanding service. You are going to have to choose customers based on their ability to pay.
The Client Should Decide
If you are charging the same computer repair prices to every small business with which you work, the process of choosing customers is simple; small businesses will decide whether or not they need you and can afford you. Those that really do want the impersonal, screwdriver technician can just go to Best Buy, and you can focus on those people that value you.
Sophisticated IT Needs Mean Higher Rates
When you’re dealing with real servers, sophisticated computer systems, complicated internet access and other elements, you are going to run into more complex repairs when something goes awry. This means customers have to be willing to pay premium computer repair prices.
You really should be charging everyone you encounter in small business computer consulting $100 or more per hour for services. Revisit your business model and decide what you think is best for you and your customers when it comes to computer repair prices. Your best bet is to get very profitable volume rather than a potentially unmanageable volume.
Submitted By: Joshua Feinberg
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