Tracking and measuring results is a very large part of your IT marketing plan. Ideally, you should be tracking your response along with how many responses turn into sales. But minimally, you should be looking at the type of inquiries that result from different marketing techniques.
Four Ways to Measure Response
1. Send targets to a URL so you can track website visits.
2. Get leads and prospects to tell you how they heard of you when you get them on the phone.
3. Set up a specific phone number for prospects to call with requests.
4. Diversify your response types to correspond with you diverse IT marketing campaigns. EXAMPLE: With postcards, offer a reduced price IT audit and with the newspaper ad offer a free seminar.
IT Marketing and Real Numbers
As an example, if you are mailing 1,000 postcards to 1,000 law offices within your area and attaching a free seminar, report or free needs analysis, you need to track how many of these postcards turned into inquiries.
You may get almost a two percent response rate on an inquiry (a great number!). You might have had a 1.7 percent response rate on inquiries and out of those 17 inquiries, one turned into a great account and one turned into a one-shot deal. Therefore, you can calculate that for the 1,000 attorney postcards, you got 17 inquiries and two business opportunities that brought $19,500 within the first year.
This would be a great return, even if you spent money on list rental or professional graphic design and when you include postage, copywriting costs, etc. A $500 or $700 investment turned into a one-shot deal that covered the cost of your mailing and you also found a huge account that went above and beyond the investment cost.
The Main Idea about IT Marketing
You need to measure response rate when it comes to IT marketing activities to track where and how you spent money and your ROI.
Added By: Joshua Feinberg
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