Here's a way to start your day. Last night before I went to bed I allowed my windows operating system to perform its updates that it wanted to install since earlier in the evening. I told it to install and shut down. Of course, when I got up this AM the screen was saying that something or other didn't quit nicely and did I want to End the Process now. Or.. what? How ELSE was it going to shut down?
But, fine, I ended the process and it shut down - which meant that I had to restart it and wait for it to boot. But... I went back into the room moments later to see a black screen that said that windows couldn't boot because of a corrupt or missing hal.dll file and it told me to replace it. Hmm... I'm thinking it's going to have to BOOT before I can repair or replace it, but what do I know.
I tried restarting - same message. I tried Safe Mode - same message. It will NOT boot. I'm NOT a happy camper.
I opened this Mac and did a search on that error and yes, I have to repair or replace that file. HOW IN THE.... ARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!
All Hail Microsoft!
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