This one is for the more techie folks who read this. Until this morning I hadn't known how to embed an RSS feed in my wikispaces wiki. (My wife calls them, 'Drippies'. She only HALF listens when I talk. :-) ) Once I was shown how to do that (thanks, Kurt), I immediately rushed over to add one to my last wiki - It was fine, but then I decided I wanted to edit that code.
The embedded code that I had typed in now shows up as the grey embedded code box, but when you click on the embed code tool you can't see the code, as you can when you embed, say, a slideshare. If you should ever get into that predicament, click the Text Editor button up there by the Save button. You can then see and edit the code.
You may have already thought of that. This, then, becomes a tip for .. the rest of us. :-)
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