Thursday, August 2, 2007

[TIPS] 16 Awesome Data Visualization Tools


I wasn’t going to send any more today, but this is just too cool! This is a list of 16 sites that do amazing things with visualizing data. What does that mean? Well, take Quintura, for example. Type in a search word and it brings up a tag cloud around your search word that lists various categories for your search word. If you think about it, it does what vivisimo does, but it does it graphically. And I think this would be a good way to show kids the relationships between the search word and the tags.


Take this one, as another example: Watch the Diggs become “live.”


What’s important is how people are exploring ways to categorize and visualize all the data that is being created (remember, 161 EXAbytes last year alone) on the web. And we’re still in our infancy. Project this out 25 or 50 years. Wow!



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