I'm teaching online classes this summer and I'm lucky enough to have many dedicated and motivated teachers on board. One of those students (Kevin - http://notesfromtheridge.edublogs.org) spotted me an skype just a short while ago and wanted to share a video he had just seen. http://www.mrmeyer.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/presentation061022.mov It's a rather long video, but I thought it was excellent. It's all about differentiated testing. Sounds boring, perhaps, but I was captured by it the entire time.
Dan Meyer is a relatively young teacher who LOVES entering grades. Why? They are a constant reminder of the success he's having in class. How refreshing is that?
You should play this video - perhaps in the background while you're sending emails or something, and bring it front when he talks about his specific slides. Bookmark it.
I'd love to hear what you think of what he has to say.
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