True to their word, Mindjet Inc, started shipping today-Mindjet MindManager 7 for Windows and Macintosh users. I participated in a webinar today to take a look at the new features for the Windows version, and was rather impressed with the new features. I think that the biggest factor will be ease of use. While power users will always drill down to find the features they need-new users to MindManager 7 will find the ribbon interface easier to navigate and find what they are looking for without having to go into the menus. From a useability standpoint many more users will be up and running much more quickly. Likewise, I would predict that even novices will be using more advanced features with the introduction of the ribbon interface. With the new Windows version it is now possible to save Styles for Topics and reuse them in your mind map which will make it easier for formatting your maps. I was really impressed with the ability to save Queries which should help individuals filter information out of large mind maps. Similarly, being able to Focus in on a topic will be a great feature for presentations-especially when you have large mind maps. But even better that that is the ability to save Views. This will allow you to filter your map and focus in and have MindManager 7 remember the settings. When you are ready to use the feature just select the name of the View that you saved and MindManager presents the information. Gone are the days of having to do it manually. I'm sure that I will find some other features to talk to you about but from my vantage point this upgrade will make it easier to access the features and make it even a more invaluable tool for planning, presenting, and brainstorming. Here is the link for the Press Release. Look for a review of MindManger 7 for Macintosh coming soon.
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