Determining the best time to leave a full-time job and become a full-time computer consultant can be challenging. The following tips can help you learn more about what schedule for launch will work best for you.
IT Consulting: You Need to Know Your Expenses
You have to know what your living expenses are before leaving your day job and embarking on a career as a full-time IT consulting professional. You also have to know what is in your IT consulting sales funnel to make the best decision.
IT Consulting: Be Ready for Surprises
You should have a plan already in place to handle bumps during the process of planning your IT consulting business. What happens if your launch date has to be sooner or later than expected? You might lose your day job suddenly and find yourself needing to start your IT consulting business today.
IT Consulting: You Need to Find Steady Clients
In order to be prepared to give you a steady paycheck ad benefits, vacation time and other perks and still have a livable life, you need to get steady clients and steady income. Your IT consulting business needs to have regular and committed clients to support you.
IT Consulting: Charge the Best Rates
You can’t undercharge clients or you will not be able to sustain your IT consulting business for the long haul. You need to charge top rates for your services to get the most serious clients and help your business succeed. Don’t cheat yourself or prevent yourself from having a successful IT consulting career by charging too little.
IT Consulting: Moonlighting and Next Steps
Moonlighting is a good option for many IT consulting professionals starting out. The Computer Consulting Kit offers a 21-step checklist for those looking to get through the first 90 days of start-up that includes adapting to sudden loss of job, etc. But while you wait for IT consulting start-up you can take moonlighting opportunities that will help build relationships.
Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit
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