Starting up a computer consulting company is a time-intensive process that involves meting a lot of people and getting to know them. As a computer consulting professional, you will have to make a lot of follow-up calls, take out display ads and do direct mail campaigns and other marketing activities in order to establish real connections with people. Be realistic when planning out your computer consulting business and know it will be a very labor-intensive endeavor.
Computer Consulting: Franchises are Not Easy
A franchiser will not be handing you a client so don’t buy one if this is your expectation. Instead buy a current business if this is really your need, and then expect you will need a lot of capital to keep it going. Buying a small computer consulting firm can cost somewhere between a few hundred thousand to a few million dollars.
Computer Consulting Start-Up Costs
You can start your own computer consulting firm for as little as just a few thousand dollars. You will need a business phone number and voicemail, a cell phone, business cards and legal licensing registrations. You will also need to meet with an attorney and an accountant and get some insurance. Start-up costs are much higher with a franchise than with an independent computer consulting firm.
Computer Consulting: You Can’t Own a Franchise as a Control Freak
Franchises give you less control than other types of computer consulting businesses. You will have to do things an established way and will not have much leeway to do otherwise. Your company might be paying the franchiser a percentage of your company’s revenue forever. If you want flexibility, you probably don’t want to buy a computer consulting franchise.
The Big Idea About Computer Consulting Practices
You have some options when it comes to starting a computer consulting business. You can start an independent business, buy a franchise or else buy a pre-established business. Decide whether you want to start from scratch or get a client list and then be prepared to do some serious work.
Added By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit
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