Before you make an initial IT sales call, you have to prepare yourself appropriately. Preparation begins well before you pick up the phone or meet with a client; you have to do your homework. Properly qualify the potential customer by asking questions regarding the mission of his company, the company size and his specific industry.
If you determine your client is worth driving a half an hour to see in person for a one- or two-hour meeting, then he’s certainly worth 10-15 minutes of more detailed Internet research, if not more.
If you do appropriate background research on your client before the initial meeting, you will be able to anticipate all expectations and respond to them immediately. Make sure the client knows right off the bat that you’re there to sell your expertise and solutions instead of simply a piece of machinery. Your services and qualifications should be your first priority when building a relationship and building a profitable and successful business.
If your plan is to also sell products, make that a peripheral item when talking to your client for the first time. Make sure the prospect knows you are embedded in the service industry and therefore want to work with his particular company and its specific problems. If the client feels you are simply selling goods, he will be tempted to shop around for better prices rather for specific problem solving skills and expertise.
If you make it clear to your potential clients that you’re a service provider from the very beginning, there will be no doubt as to your intentions and the quality of your business. In IT sales, you are interviewing clients as much as they are interviewing you, so you should ask questions that determine whether they have potential for a long-term, enjoyable business relationship with you.
Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101
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