Take a look at the last postcard you sent out. When should prospects have contacted you? Was there a date by which they would lose the chance to get something for free? Did you only have a limited number of free analyses available? If your answer is "No," then your prospects had no reason to contact you now instead of ten months from now.
Urgency and scarcity are the keys to any great direct mail campaign. If there is only a limited opportunity for companies to contact you and get something for FREE, then they are much more likely to contact you quickly.
Finding Extra Help
If you want extra help writing the copy on your postcards, then you want to hire a direct response expert. Generally, this person will be a copywriter or a former employee at an advertising firm. An experienced writer will know what it takes to get people to respond, and they can take care of this area of business for you.
Postcards can be a vital part of your marketing plans but only if you do things the right way. Learn more about how to send postcards the right way for the best response in the complete article (link above).
Posted by Computer Consulting 101
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